I would be happy to assist, I have used gameplayer before coming to the game guardian side I still switch back and forth from time to time. Anywho I have been around the mobile developing and hacking for quite some time, was a member of xda-devs since 2006 (ah Winmo 5.0, cab files so easy to hack), was a mod at mobile-underground.info before the new owner purchased it, have been a member at sinfuliphone since 2010 and help out there all the time, I am a moderator/admin for blapkmarket, and have been with them since the beginning just ask Chris (anyone familiar will know to whom I am referring). I know this is for iosteam but I will help out wherever I am needed. I own devices with each os but my 4s is my primary.
Thanks for letting me ramble
RavenPhreak, Aestivalis, PhoenixRaven or call me just Chris