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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2012 in all areas

  1. Name of Game: Jetpack Joyride Game Version if known: Name of Cheat: Steps: Open both Jetpack Joyride, and GameGuardian. Start a level, and earn some coins. Finish the level. Search your amount of coins on the screen after you finished. Start another level, gain coins, and finish. Search the new amount of coins on the menu after the game. Repeat this process until you find 8> values. Change all 4byte values to whatever you want Note: You MUST change the value on the menu screen, after finishing a level.
    2 points
  2. Name of Game: X-Runner Game Version if known: 1.0.1 Name of Cheat: Crystal Cheat Steps: Open both X-Runner, and GameGuardian. Start a level. Collect some crystals in that level, then finish ( you can lose if you want). Go into powerup, and search your amount of crystals. Start another game, collect more crystals, and finish. Go back into the powerup menu, and search your new amount of crystals. Repeat this process until you get 1 result. Change it to whatever you want. Purchase an item, for the cheat to go into effect. __________ Name of Cheat: Quantity of item Cheat Steps: Open both X-Runner, and GameGuardian. Go into powerup menu. Purchase 3 of an item, which uses quantity (1 time use items), and search 3. Purchase another, and search 4. Repeat this process until you get 1 result. Change it to whatever you want. Purchase the item again, for this cheat to go into effect.
    1 point
  3. Name of Game:Zenonia 3 Game Version: Lasted Name of Cheat:Gold cheat Steps: 1. Input your gold amount 2. Use some and input again 3. Repeat until you have 1 or 2 address change the value to 99999999 4. Use some again, your money have became 999999xx Open both Zenonia 3, and GameGuardian.
    1 point
  4. Hey guys, This is Ayush's sig. Enjoy Ayush!
    1 point
  5. Not sure if this is a bug, an error with my account, some sort of failsafe, or what have you. But whenever I attempt to download any file from the gameguardian server (including gameguardian itself) I am met with the following message: Oops! Something went wrong! [#10850.2] An internal error has occurred. Please contact an administrator. While I initially thought this might be a site failsafe to prevent new members from signing up and instantly downloading files until a certain amount of time and/or posts had been met, I've been having this problem since I created my account over a week ago. Similarly I also have a somewhat respectable post count for a "new member", considering how few topics seem to warrant an actual response or comment from me. This is not a childish screamfest, with me demanding someone to "fix" the problem. Merely this is a polite informational post, bringing the error to light, and requesting an explanation should one be required. Also, this problem happens when attempting to download any files from the site. New files, old files, game saves, modded apks, even attempting to download gameguardian itself (I had to download the app from a third party site that just happed to have a mediafire link to the app). Thank you for your time.
    1 point
  6. Boss d2, i noticed a couple of bugs. 1. If i edit others or my posts, the smiley thing "" gets edited to a long link(?) and after editing the post it goes to bug number 2 (below). 2. If i edit a title, for example adding [REQ](yeah, there is a control for that and i just noticed a couple of days ago:D) their posts gets wrecked. For example they posted 123 456 789 Then after i edited the title or post it turns to <br><br>123</br></br>456 Then the 789 and so on goes away. It all happens when using tapatalk or web view. I know br is break etc but i think those appearing when editing is a bug of some sort. I edited a thread which resulted to that and fortunately the thread starter saw my pm regarding it and edited his post. I hope it gets sorted out. Cheers! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  7. Boss, i failed to replicated the problem. Maybe it needs more words inside the thread rather than posting "Test post 1" and so on or maybe it was fixed or something? I'll post here if i'll come across that problem again. Cheers! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  8. Game Guardian, man... It's sort of the core app for this forum and site.
    1 point
  9. Go to your profile and press "edit profile" below "view content" on the top(ish) right side. From there you can edit your android version. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
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