Not sure if this is a bug, an error with my account, some sort of failsafe, or what have you. But whenever I attempt to download any file from the gameguardian server (including gameguardian itself) I am met with the following message:
Oops! Something went wrong!
[#10850.2] An internal error has occurred. Please contact an administrator.
While I initially thought this might be a site failsafe to prevent new members from signing up and instantly downloading files until a certain amount of time and/or posts had been met, I've been having this problem since I created my account over a week ago. Similarly I also have a somewhat respectable post count for a "new member", considering how few topics seem to warrant an actual response or comment from me.
This is not a childish screamfest, with me demanding someone to "fix" the problem. Merely this is a polite informational post, bringing the error to light, and requesting an explanation should one be required.
Also, this problem happens when attempting to download any files from the site. New files, old files, game saves, modded apks, even attempting to download gameguardian itself (I had to download the app from a third party site that just happed to have a mediafire link to the app).
Thank you for your time.