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How to (or is it possible) to change/transform DWORD values into QWORD?


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I've been wondering this since I've seen injected max values from a 32 bits word into a 64 bits word (octet) with the max value. 


Check this out... Taner Sivar is known for being a pro hacker by getting dword max values (2,147,483,647 or 7FFFFFFF) into qword (9,223,372,036,854,775,807 or 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) at the most top (Usually at GPlay Games). (See this Wikipedia Article)

So how come the other hacked scores are at the top most values of 32 bits and he's got that in a 2^63-1 value? (in a 32 bits memory address??? O.o")

Also... In some cases of games, it's possible to get a max dword with plus one in the end without getting it back to negative. Becoming 2,147,483,648. Does that prove a 32 bit address is basically 64 bits addressable? I'm totally confused at this. Help! =(

Additionally... Would that be possible to do with GG or it depends on CheatEngine on PC with the device attached in order to inject that?



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Sounds to me like this is some form of server hacking/editing. Most likely packet editing. Because to my knowledge, 64 bit values aren't being used in apps/games on Android as things stand. Could be wrong though.

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Sounds to me like this is some form of server hacking/editing. Most likely packet editing. Because to my knowledge, 64 bit values aren't being used in apps/games on Android as things stand. Could be wrong though.

I believe that's the only possible way too. I just need some research to find a way to inject those packets then. It shouldn't be impossible.

Thanks for the answer, I really appreciate it. =)

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