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Star legends problem


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Did you Set Search Range to More Regions?

I'd try that first.

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I reread your original post and I don't think I quite understood what you were saying. But, now I do and unfortunately, I don't think I can help you. Someone with a bit more knowledge of GG's internals will have to tackle this one.

But, like any normal, narcissistic, self-proclaimed know it all, I have a theory! Big shock there, right? My theory is as follows:

GG found the number and reported the result as a 4-byte value, but it also found the same result as 1 and 2-byte values. I'm thinking your search size was set to automatic, not set manually. The reason it reported three results was because they all (1, 2, and 4-byte results) are contained within the same address space as the 4-byte result. This would assume GG does multiple passes when it is searching with size set to automatic and reports the final results as the largest data size available (4 bytes).

Here's an example: Given the 4-byte value of 16 (0x00000010) is at address 0x1000FCD4 and you are searching for it:

With the search size set to automatic, on the first pass, GG finds the 1-byte 16 at address 0x1000FCD7 and increments the 'number of results found' counter and logs the address. On the second pass GG finds a 2-byte 16 at address 0x1000FCD6 then logs and increments again. Finally, on the third pass, GG finds 16 as a 4-byte value at 0x1000FCD4 again logging and incrementing.

Now, since the final 4-byte pass found an address result that includes the other addresses, it only displays the largest (byte-wise) result because you can edit the value, regardless. If you know the game and possible value range, it would be logical to assume you know enough not to overwrite the value's size maximum.

Please remember, this is only a guess - a thought exercise for me - because I do not know enough about GG's internals or, androids memory management and structure. For example, does android use Big-Endian or Little-Endian, and will that make a difference to GG?

I will learn this eventually as I learn more about android programming, but right now I'm just guessing. I'm probably also over-thinking this and there is a simpler, more logical answer.

You can actually test this theory, though! Manually set your search size to each available choice and compare the different results. If you do, please post the results as this would go a long way in helping me understand GG. This, in turn, will enable me to help more people.

Does anyone know the actual answer for this problem?

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