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Day R Survival


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I was reviewing the previous messages on this forum but there is no longer a video showing how you can change an object from one profile to another profile by changing the object I mean if you wanted tank armor it was by searching and saving its value In the other profile with water you looked for it and changed the value of the water to that of the armor and it changed Does anyone know about that method???

If the previous method is no longer available, is there a way to play the previous events along with their previous versions?

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On 12/2/2022 at 10:51 PM, AngelWolf said:

Here's a way to unpack Day R if you interested using mobile or windows
The Requirements:
1. Resource.car ( Can be retrieve from the game )
2. Unluac.jar (  souceforge download | GitHub page )
3. Corona-archiver.py (Corona Archiver Github Page)
4. Java and Python
On mobile
Python = can be achieved by installing PyDroid3 (Android, idk bout iOS
Java = Using Termux and installing Jdk package iirc or something like JavaSdk
On windows
Just download Python and Java installer

now the steps
1. You'll need to create a folder called resources ( or anything you desire) and then another called raw inside resources, and another called decompiled inside raw.
2. Put unluac.jar and car.py and resource.car on resources folder after you download them
3. Next,
3.1 if you on mobile open PyDroid and then menu on top left then open terminal, and type and execute ls to see the list of your storage's folder, next see if the resources there, if not try to find it. but if it was there do cd resources and do another ls and there should be unluac.jar, car.py, resource.car, and raw folder.
3.2 if you on windows Just open resources folder (like normal using explorer) then runs Command Prompt on the folder.
4. Now type python corona-archiver.py -u resource.car raw (NOTE: corona-archiver.py is depends with your file name, i named mine car.py so my command will be python car.py -u resource.car raw) and if done correctly the terminal/prompt will inform you if it done with Extraction Done!
5. now exit PyDroid if you on mobile, on Windows exit Command Prompt.
6. copy unluac.jar and paste it inside raw folder, then
(android) open up Termux and install java (find how on youtube) then do lscd till you find the folder again, and go inside raw folder
(Windows) read step 7.2
7. Now this is a script used to decompile them all rather manually
just copy paste this code into your terminal and after it done open decomplied folder

for file in *.lu; do java -jar unluac.jar "$file" > decompiled/"${file/.lu/.lua}"; echo "Unpacking $file"; done

7.2 WINDOWS (Bat file), save this file as name.bat file inside raw folder and then run it

for /r %%i in (*.lu) do (
	echo Unpacking %%~ni
	java -jar 1.jar %%~ni%%~xi > decompiled/%%~ni.lua

explanation, this code will do for loops, basically for every file that ends with .lu runs java... command which basically decompile the .lu to be .lua and then put them inside decompiled folder, and also inform you on the terminal/cmd by saying what file is being decompiled.

8. After the script done just close either termux or cmd and open your decompile folder, it should be filled with .lua files. 
9. You're done now, now you can see how the game works and inner working of it. 
Additional Note:
- I still don't know how to recompile the game, probably something to do with license verification, idk
- The decompiled version is not clean, in fact it's quite dirty, can't be mad since it just basically decrypting game files that's basically protected from basic text editor, you can either clean it yourself, or you make script for it, it's up to you, for sake of it, im trying making a website for it, to basically do it for you, but as how it's on lua, i need find a way to make web javascript runs lua in backend. so be patient



Any update on how to recompile back the lua files to .lu?

Especially on android device? I was using termux to compile back from .lua to .lu and seems having bad handling (error).

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On 9/8/2024 at 10:26 AM, cvc said:


Any update on how to recompile back the lua files to .lu?

Especially on android device? I was using termux to compile back from .lua to .lu and seems having bad handling (error).

its because LUA bytecode are version specific, the game uses LUAC from windows, so you cant recompile it on termux/android or it'll resulting bad format or bad chunk error, on my github repo i uploaded the LUAC that uses by corona engine itself

On 8/28/2024 at 12:32 PM, EL-MAX-1997 said:

I was reviewing the previous messages on this forum but there is no longer a video showing how you can change an object from one profile to another profile by changing the object I mean if you wanted tank armor it was by searching and saving its value In the other profile with water you looked for it and changed the value of the water to that of the armor and it changed Does anyone know about that method???

If the previous method is no longer available, is there a way to play the previous events along with their previous versions?

no, because events are hard checked by either local time or server time, and it prefers the server time and cached it, and more so youre forced to boot the game with internet too iirc, so cant escape the check beside having mod the game itself


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