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Name of Game:Zenonia 5: Wheel Of Destiny


Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamevil.zenonia5.global&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5nYW1ldmlsLnplbm9uaWE1Lmdsb2JhbCJd 


Version if you know it:1.0.0 What cheat? XP, Gold, Zen:


 Comments: srry for my english, and help me to hack this game!! greetings from Colombia


Hi there do you need any help to unban your zenonia 5 account?


1st: You will need to have a Titanium Backup PRO

2nd: Open Titanium Backup PRO

3rd: Press menu button

4th: Scroll down until you see "Manage Android ID"

5th: Press "Manage Android ID"

6th: Press Create New. After that, it will ask to reboot phone and press accept. And you're done!

Note* Please Clear all data from zenonia 5 before proceeding! :)

Note2* after you are done doing all this, when you need to use titanium Backup again, it will ask you to restore the previous Android ID. Press "Ask me later" Don't press anything else.. Hope it helps you! :)


Hey guys, seems that we all can't hack zens but, I know how to hack zen items. Do you guys want me to share? You can get e.g: Avatar, Bag slot for free.. :D


  On 12/3/2012 at 5:31 PM, RayySP said:

1st: You will need to have a Titanium Backup PRO

2nd: Open Titanium Backup PRO

3rd: Press menu button

4th: Scroll down until you see "Manage Android ID"

5th: Press "Manage Android ID"

6th: Press Create New. After that, it will ask to reboot phone and press accept. And you're done!

Note* Please Clear all data from zenonia 5 before proceeding! :)

Note2* after you are done doing all this, when you need to use titanium Backup again, it will ask you to restore the previous Android ID. Press "Ask me later" Don't press anything else.. Hope it helps you! :)

perfect!! thank you very much!!!

  On 12/3/2012 at 5:39 PM, RayySP said:

Hey guys, seems that we all can't hack zens but, I know how to hack zen items. Do you guys want me to share? You can get e.g: Avatar, Bag slot for free.. :D

yes please ^_^

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