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Found 10 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Free Codes For Free Fire GAME To make own script BY PRO XD
  2. Hey, I want to learn and complete a project (homework). Thank you in beforehand I am confused on what am I doing wrong, I am new on learning the GG, but trying hard to learn it. Here are the helps I need: 1. I found the value and as you can see the ss, I came to the real value, now I don't know which are the Encrypted value and Key, some say its 4,6,8,10... Bytes up and some say downwards?! Is there any easy way to know/determine the values type? I get too many hex colors here too. What they mean? And can/how I edit that yellow Read only value? Ps: I found the display value and am able to change it (but it keeps refreshing to old value) but it seems I need to change something else too to be able to use it. YouTube wasn't that helpful with this topic, so I hope to learn something here.
  3. Version v02


    This script can convert any value of any type to ARM Hex x32 and x64. Option to copy to clipboard. Also logs all entry into print. (the bit of process does not need to match the bit of the ARM you want converted. Requires gameguardian v 101.1
  4. View File Value to ARM Hex Converter This script can convert any value of any type to ARM Hex x32 and x64. Option to copy to clipboard. Also logs all entry into print. (the bit of process does not need to match the bit of the ARM you want converted. Requires gameguardian v 101.1 Submitter APEXggV2 Submitted 03/24/2024 Category Tools  
  5. Attached is a pdf file that clearly explains how to make op codes for any value and type. The methods are specifically for GameGuardian, explaining common errors and how to fix. Any Value, Any Type. (Bool, Float, Double, Long/Qword, Int/Dword) GameGuardian-ARM-OPCodes--APEX[GG]v2.pdf
  6. View File Free Fire Codes values By PRO XD Free Codes For Free Fire GAME To make own script BY PRO XD Submitter PRO128XD Submitted 06/26/2022 Category Free Fire  
  7. Noobhoch12

    Reset all changes

    Hi I'm trying to make a simple script for a game and its working : ) but I want to add a button to reset all the changes I've done but I dont know the code for it so can someone help me Thanks
  8. App: Disney Magic Kingdom Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftDYHM&pcampaignid=web_share There's an event they have going on and well I'm trying to edit the currency value (scanning the value through encrypted search, refine, etc) left with 6 values, try editing some of them / all of them at once and triggers a memory intrusion detected which wipes any event currency that you had. I do this in airplane mode as to not have it save and I can restart with airplane mode off to get my tokens back. To get tokens there's a few ways, but the quickest way is to click on the ravens that spawn around the map (shown at the side bar for finding them easier) If anyone could try it out or suggest other possible solutions to avoid the memory intrusion while successfully modifying the event currency value, that would be very much appreciated.
  9. Hi, I am not sure if this is doable and I couldn't find any info about it. After freezing a value, could I remove it from the "saved" area of the screen but keep it frozen? In other words I want it to remain frozen but not showing on the screen. I don't think it's possible but if it is, I would certainly love to know how to do it. Thank you
  10. so any other way to get 0 value got select in script? bcus i cant exactly find the value what i want if i search only 0 number, the value around cannot helping much bcus the code keep changing when im about to hack the game, "the value always at same position" but at the sametime the value code 0, i just wanna know how selecting value in address while the code is zero"0" with script (and the address also changing, not always same). i just wonder to get fastest way to direct (value) code what i want with the script without anytrouble and i just hate do it manually. REGARDS
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