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  1. So for those interested, I have reversed the formula to encode the STAGE variable: Excel formula to encode an offset: =((MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^1))*64+(MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^2)>=2)*-128+(MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^3)>=2^2)*256+(MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^4)>=2^3)*512+(MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^5)>=2^4)*-1024+(MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^6)>=2^5)*-2048)-MOD(<STAGE>,64)+ISODD(<STAGE>)*2 This offset is then added to a fixed number -1,908,683,586 Example Values: Stage 1 - Offset: +1 | Encoded: -1,908,683,585 Stage 2 - Offset: -2 | Encoded: -1,908,683,588 Stage 3 - Offset: -1 | Encoded: -1,908,683,587 Stage 4 - Offset: -4 | Encoded: -1,908,683,590 ... Stage 10 - Offset: -10 | Encoded: -1,908,683,593 Stage 100 - Offset: 28 | Encoded: -1,908,683,558 Stage 200 - Offset: -72 | Encoded: -1,908,683,658 Stage 400 - Offset: 112 | Encoded: -1,908,683,474 Stage 800 - Offset: 736 | Encoded: -1,908,682,850 Stage 1000 - Offset: 664 | Encoded: -1,908,682,922 Stage 1800 - Offset: -264 | Encoded: -1,908,683,850 Stage 2500 - Offset: -1860 | Encoded: -1,908,685,446 Stage 3000 - Offset: -1464 | Encoded: -1,908,685,050 Stage 3500 - Offset: -2988 | Encoded: -1,908,686,574 In theory, you can set yourself at Stage 3501 by using -1,908,686,573, but you will very likely get banned. Hope someone find this helpful.
  2. HP hack: 1. Open GameGuardian, until hovering logo is present 2. Open Exiled Kingdom, wait until you're in main screen 3. Open GG -> Preference (most left tab), Change Freeze interval from 33ms to 1ms, In 'search region' uncheck "Other (slow)", turn AutoPause to 'Yes', & if you have more than 1Gb of RAM you can change the 'Search Data/Value in RAM' to "First 640Mb" or more. This can speeds up the search a bit. 4. Either start new game / open saves -> whichever have the easiest enemy, to make it easier to hack HP. 5. When the game begins, hack money to buy life potion. When you think you have enough potion, then you can start to hack HP. 6. Open GG, and do fuzzy search. (It's the lup logo with question mark on it.) 7. Choose auto -> search -> wait till it done. 8. Find any monster (goblin recommended, cause it have the lowest attack) and DO NOT KILL IT YET. 9. The goblin will attack you in sight. Keep your finger ready to launch GG! Everytime you lose HP, open GG (it will autopause your game, so don't worry about dying) 10. GG will show several chooses. Pick 'changed' -> ok. 11. Remember! Everytime you click 'ok', after the search, the game will automatically start. So, you need to be aware. 12. Keep on repeating this step until your hp bar is half empty. Then kill the goblin -> fill your HP with potion untill full -> open GG choose 'changed' -> find another goblin and repeat from step 9 until you get 4 or 6 fixed address (meaning, it doesn't get any smaller after several search). And those are your codes for hp. Fill your HP to full -> then freeze those code. Voila! Invincible mode.. 13. The codes consist of: (1) Float data (red) with value 0.0 (1) Float data (red) with value 1.0 (1) Byte data (green) value 16,256 and one or more random address. I've tried 2x and the two game worked like a charm. ✌ Goodluck!
  3. Is everyone getting forced to update your app now? Could someone summarize the GG offset changes in 1.1.0? 1.0.2: Heart 100/101, 228/229 5* -74 Merge+10 -64 IV -100 Cloning -118 1.1.0: Heart 100/101 5* Merging IV -124 Cloning
  4. Anyone with a link to a guide for finding Heart Values? I'm not sure what this term even means TBH. Trying to edit IVs and I'm not sure if I'm finding the right stuff. Currently using these directions, but I edited the address for the unit (by turning on and off Favorite and searching for 100 and 101 until I only get one address) and I'm not sure if that's the Heart Value Also tried with different offsets of -124/-128 and different lines etc. but I've only randomly changed my units speed to over 1000 and nothing else. Step 0. Identify Unit with good ivs or ivs you wantStep 1: Find Heart Value. Copy the address. Go to addressStep 2: In hex calculator, Heart Value - 100Step 3: Find that new value in the Go To (Arrow) function in GGStep 4: Tick that line and the two lines below it. Save as dwordStep 5: Identify unit you want to modify ivs forStep 6: Follow steps 1-3Step 7: Copy saved line values as dword into new units lineStep 8: Change skills on characters you modified ivs forStep 9: Restart the gameStep 10: Your IVs should be reflected by your new stats
  5. As someone said over at alphagamer, we're all likely to be banned once they completely fix the issue. They're just waiting to fix it first. No matter what you do, as long as you have duped units or +1/+10, you will be flagged/ or already have been flagged by their system. As you know, new units have a flag that shows they've been summoned for the first time. Duped units do not have this flag. Whether you duped it from the story or the arena, it doesn't matter. All it takes is a simple database query to check if you have any units you didn't summon. They likely have this info already, but they're just waiting for the exploit to be fixed so they only have to do one database query instead of multiple (i.e. a single major ban wave). Right now, they're just banning the blatant arena hackers to assange the complaints of players. But rest assured, unless the only thing you've done was modify your own units, you will be banned. The only way to be safe to is to send home your duped units and wait for a summoning exploit to be released.
  6. You must be doing something wrong. My heart value doesnt end in x74 or xF4 and neither do my IV values. If you're using GG, following jeronimo's guide for finding heart value, it should be a 8 digit hex number Anyways, quick guide to IV modifying using GG Step 0. Identify Unit with good ivs or ivs you want Step 1: Find Heart Value. Copy the address. Go to address Step 2: In hex calculator, Heart Value - 100 Step 3: Find that new value in the Go To (Arrow) function in GG Step 4: Tick that line and the two lines below it. Save as dword Step 5: Identify unit you want to modify ivs for Step 6: Follow steps 1-3 Step 7: Copy saved line values as dword into new units line Step 8: Change skills on characters you modified ivs for Step 9: Restart the game Step 10: Your IVs should be reflected by your new stats Proof in pics all have +speed - res ivs
  7. I didnt get friend banned hacking Arena Score. Account also has stupid unattainables like Anna+10. I wonder what flagged some people to get friend banned.
  8. True that. Not sure who thought it was a good idea to put +10 Anna and Xander...wth man Also beware that Units like Lyn, Lucina, Marth etc all have Movies when you roll them, It doesn't show when you dupe them, neither the exclamation marks when you get a new unit. If they track this on our dupe units, we are all fked. ( that is what is keeping me from duping Lucina)
  9. PSA: Your first team slot is your pvp defense team. If you have +10 units in your first team slot, make sure to replace it with your weakest units. We are in danger of raising too much awareness. The community is onto us and I fear the worst may come.
  10. I guess you're right, but the +10s would be suspect and probably what they'll check for first if at all.
  11. All +10 except Anna. There are many legit 5* Annas out there, there's literally no realistic way they can find out how I got mine to 5*. The method by @lilb3ar10 is the fastest and also the one I use. You can't get any faster than that without custom scripts.
  12. Those aren't +10s I hope, lol. I'd also say a 5* Anna is too unrealistic right now, sounds like something they could nab you for.
  13. Can you explain what this means and how to do this? Are you getting a unit as an ally by modifying code in arena? Also you mention that there are no risk, wouldnt there be a big change in your data if your corrin was a 4* but now 5* but your feather didnt change, or if it was +1 and now +10? I remember in pokemongo, they used GPS coordinate calculation to ban all the hackers. I've been modifying units in my spare account but im uncertain about touching my main account.
  14. Reminder that you're only at risk of ban/punishment if you have something impossible like a +10 Anna, RobinF, etc. Otherwise there's absolutely no realistic way of them finding out if you cheated. Edit: Also take note that a fix is probably coming soon so do everything you want asap. Edit 2: Thinking about it, shards could also put you at risk of ban if you have like 999,999 but I'm not sure 'cause maybe you can get that much in game. Idk.
  15. How would I do the reverse of +10, I want to revert a hero that is +10 back to just 40 is that possible?
  16. Here's how to dupe To dupe enemies: In your team you need to have a hero that's going to be replaced with the dupe (your shell hero) Hold-click the enemy to display it's area of danger. Do a search for a byte value of 237 (it may display as -19). Hold-click the enemy again to deselect it. Refine your search for a byte value of 229 (it may display as -27). Repeat until there's only one address left. Hold-click that address and choose Go to Address. Mark that address because we will need to find it later. Open a Hexadecimal calculator. Paste that address into the calculator and subtract -118 from it (still in Hex mode). In GG click the little arrow on the top-right (Go To Address) and paste the result from the calculator to search for it. Mark that value and keep marking every single value below it until you reach that old value that you have previously marked like I told you above. Save (floppy disc at the top) all those values (as Dword) EXCEPT the one you started with (the bottom-most one, the initial one) Go back to the game and select the Hero you're using as a shell for the dupe. At the top-left of the screen, click the (+) icon on the Hero's portrait to bring up the Hero's page. Find the Heart value of that Hero (as I have described in a previous tutorial) but you'll notice that you can't get down to a single address this time; you'll always have 2. So what to do? After you've refined your search to two, write down what those Heart values are. Go back to the game and move your hero so that it ends it's turn and gets greyed out. Now you'll notice that one of those 2 Heart values has changed. The one that's changed is the one we'll use. Repeat steps 5 through 10. Important: Go back into the game and make sure you're in the Stats screen of the hero you're using as shell. You will crash if you're not and you'll crash later if you're in another Hero's Stats screen. Now comes the fun part: You'll have to copy ALL of the values (as Dword) that I told you to save above to these addresses that you just marked from top to bottom (to copy an address you have to click to edit and then copy that value and to past it's the same thing: click to edit and then paste). Yes, every single one (except the bottom-most one of the new addresses because you didn't save the bottom-most one from before, remember?). A macro is highly recommended if you plan on doing this more than once. After messing something up multiple times and having to redo it, testing the limits of your sanity you finish copying all the Dword values, if your shell Hero has turned red that's a good sign. Now finish the battle and FOR GOD'S SAKE SYNC YOUR DAMN HERO BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE. (you can sync by either leveling it up or changing your equipped Skills) Restart the game and pray to your favorite deity that everything worked perfectly and you won't ever have to copy a single memory value in GG again. I've noticed that memory addresses change after a while when you're in a battle so do not take your sweet time doing this as if you do the address values will change and you'll have to start from 0. Needless to say you can dupe any unit in the game like this, even arena enemies. (If anybody knows of a faster way to copy the addresses this community would greatly appreciate if you could share it) Edit: Do this at your own risk, I'm not responsible if you copied all the addresses 100 times and it still doesn't work. Edit 2: HEADS UP! I have just confirmed that there is an IV difference between units on Normal and Lunatic. So when you go dupe a unit, do it on Lunatic as it will have better stats. Edit 3: If you're crashing while copying the values try first going into the Detailed Hero Stats screen and only exiting after you're done editing. Edit: added this step to the tutorial. Edit 4: Don't dupe Veronica. You'll lose her/your hero after a restart. Learned that the hard way. Edit 5: I discovered it's possible to dupe without needing to have your shell unit in the team at the battle. Instead of finding out the enemy addresses first and saving them just find the shell unit's addresses first and save them, out of battle, and then when you're in battle copy the enemy's addresses to the saved ones.
  17. So you're saying we have to manually input the stat values to match up with the Level+10? EDIT: Nevermind. Once again, I'm an idiot. +10 does change the stats. Sorry lol
  18. Nice! I am not subtracting, just changing the value :3 it worked. Thanks Some questions... 1. why are your stats highlighted in green? my units are +10 but does not have the highlight. 2.Where you able to find out how to get lvl 40 5 star units back to lvl 1? (Maybe I should just change their Stars back to 3 from 5? mmm wonder if that could work) 3.Some units are not playing well with the 100 and 101 favorite and unfavoriting. Is there no other way for this? ʕ◉.◉ʔ ?
  19. Hello I am new to this forum, but I would like to share my discoveries. I found the addresses to some of the values in the Stats page: Critical Chance - 7xxxxx94 (float - this is saved as a simple decimal, if you have 5% critical chance, just search for 0.05, changing this to 1 will gives you 100% critical chance) Min Critical Multiplier - 7xxxxx9C (encoded float) Max Critical Multiplier - 7xxxxxA4 (encoded float) These values are grouped together with the same offsets, so if you find one of the above addresses, you know the rest are just nearby. All Damage - 7xxxxx1C Hero Damage - 7xxxxx24 Melee Damage - 7xxxxx2C Ranged Damage - 7xxxxx34 Magic Damage - 7xxxxx3C Chesterson Gold Amount - 7xxxxx84 Chesterson Chance - 7xxxxx8C Gold Multiplier - 7xxxxxCC Titan HP - 7xxxx(x+1)7C Tap Damage Multiplier - 7xxxx(x+2)04 These values are all encoded float, I reversed engineered the encoding method, the formula below: To encode a value, take the following steps: 1. V1 = Floor(Log2(<value> / 2)) + 1 2. V2 = Floor(<V1> / 8) + 1 3. encoded = 2<V2> * ( 1 + ( MOD(<V1> - 1, 8) + <value> / 2<V1> - 1 ) / 8 ) To decode a memory value, take the following steps: 1. V1 = Floor(Log2(<value>)) 2. V2 = (<V1> - 1) * 8 + Floor((<value> - 2<V1>) / (2<V1> / 8)) + 1 3. decoded = 2<V2> * (1 + Mod( (<value> - 2<V1>) / (2<V1>/8), 1 ) ) The excel formula I use to enocde: =2^(FLOOR((FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)+1)/8)+1)*(1+(MOD(FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1),8)+<VALUE>/(2^(FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)+1))-1)/8) this above formula has a mistake, the one below gives me the correct encoded values: =2^(FLOOR((FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1))/8,1)+1)*(1+(MOD((FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)),8)+<VALUE>/(2^(FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)+1))-1)/8) just replace <VALUE> with the correct cell Sample values: Value -> Encoded 1 -> 1.875 1.1 -> 1.8875 (I just realized the float is not exact value, so it is actually stored as 1.88749992847) 0.5 -> 1.75 0.1 -> 1.45 2 -> 2 10 -> 2.5625 100 -> 3.390625 512 -> 4 So what I do is get some equipment or pets, say you have normally 1x All Damage Bonus, and have a Pet that give 1.1x All Damage Bonus, I would equip another Pet, then search for 1.875 (for 1x All Damage Bonus), then equip the 1.1x All Damage Pet, and the search for 1.8875 (for 1.1x All Damage Bonus), it should gives you a single address, that will be the address for All Damage Bonus, you can change its value to 1449.41, that will give you 1e23x bonus (it will show 1e25% in the Stats Page). Even if you change your equipment or pets, or prestige, it will only modify this value and not reset it, only if you quit the game and restart, it will then resets the value. I have tried multiple times and never got the teapot, given you prestige at reasonable stages (i.e. reaching stage 3500 within 5 prestiges is unreasonable, take your time to gain some equipments/pets/skill points/prestiges before pushing up stages). This will work for any of the values listed above. You could in theory change the Titan HP to 0.1x (1.45), and Gold Multiplier to 10x (2.5625), so you still get the same amount of Gold as before but Titans becomes much easier to kill. Hope someone find this helpful.
  20. Ahh, I just leveled him up so the +10 would show. He's 35 right now, I believe, so it'll be a while to level him up again lol Thank you for the specific walkthrough! It was very helpful
  21. That is perfect. Thank you! Edit: If you allow me I'd like to elaborate on your tutorial for the people with less knowledge. All credits to @RandomBot On the Hero page. Check that Hero's Heart (to favorite it). Open GG and do a byte search for 100 with the Heart checked. Uncheck the heart so its gray, then refine the GG search to 101. (if you have or ever had more than one of the same unit the values can be 228/229 instead of 100/101). Repeat until you're left with 1 address. If you get 2 the one ending in 0 should be the correct one. (some units can't be found, idk why). Write down that memory address (the letters/numbers code before the 100/101 in GG). Hold click that address/value and choose "Go to address: XXXXXXXX". You'll be taken to a page with a lot of addresses. We'll need to find the right one. You'll need a Hex calculator. Windows's build in calculator in programmer mode has that. Note the Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin modes it can be changed to and change it to Hex. Don't touch anything else yet. Paste or write that memory address value (the one I told you to write down) into the calculator. Subtract -64 from it (like you would a normal calculator) and write down that value. Now repeat this step but instead of -64 subtract -60 and also save that value. Edit the value that you found with -64 (the one on the top) as a Dword to: 10. Edit the value that you found with -60 (the one on the bottom) as a Dword to: 0. Everything is done! All you need to do now is to level up your character before closing the game so that your new +10 Hero will sync with the server and be saved forever. (Those two new values you've found are the values that hold the "+x level" of the hero. You can change one value to A and another to 0 in order to get +10 but i feel like that might be more risky, so instead we'll use the calculator to xor one of the values to A.) In GG, on the list of addresses that's open, find those 2 new values in there (they should be next to each other and also about one screen of space above the initial value). Of the 2 address we are going to edit the one on the top. Click the address on the top to edit it and choose Dword. Write down that Dword value but don't change anything yet. In the calculator change the mode from Hex to Dec and then paste that Dword value there. Now change the calculator back to Hex and the value should now be in Hex. In the calculator press the button "Xor" then the button "A" and then the button "=", it will give you a new value. Change the calculator to Dec again (that will convert the new value) and then write down that value. In GG paste that new value in the place of the old one. Click yes to modify it. All credits to @RandomBot edit: I've found the previous way of doing it (xor calculation) wasn't totally accurate so I'm explaining how to do it directly instead.
  22. WATCH N LEARN "kidding???✌✌" Code/ID • 0-Credit/Double credit • 1-Nitro starter • 2-Tuning kit • 3-Extra tank • 4-Token • 5-Champion kit box • 6-Strorage • 7-Sticker • 8-Fuel • 9-Licensi • 10-Sticker • 12-Ticket enduro • 13-Ticket VIP • 15-XP VIP level • 18-Tire Mclaren Step : • Change car • 7240 "Reward Renault Alpin-Challenge 11" - Dword - Search • Edit selected Value - 100 More to Less "increment - 100" • Find numbers would you hack "Example-198" unmark • Delete n revert selected • 198 - goto • You see 0 , 198 , 4 0 = credit 198 = reward 4 = noting - Hack VIP level 0 to 15 198 to 9999999 4 - Hack Extra tank 0 to 1 198 edit 9999999 4 to 1 - Hack Double credit 0 to 1 198 to 9999999 4 to 0 • And BooM ??? *not work for claim Online • Finale Share ???? _KEEP HACKING_ _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later I can't hack VIP level
  23. Update Database Code/ID for : • 0-knockdown • 1-knockdown without wreck • 2-barrel roll • 3-barrel roll one jump • 4-flat spin • 5-flat spin one jump • 6-drift distance • 7-perfect runs • 8-total air time • 9-beat a lap time • 10-beat a race time • 11-no wreck • 12-perfect nitro trigged • 13-first place finish with this car • 14-finish race • 15-finish position • 16-???? ???
  24. I don't know GG very well, but on cheat engine you can "save" different values of different type of values, and maybe is what you need to change a 2 star unit to a 40+10 5 star units. Maybe there's a binary/byte/string type of value that have to be edited at the same time of the usual dword type of value. (Sorry for the bad explaination)
  25. Hm, that playlist is interesting. So battle stat changes, featherless evolve, +10 fuse and unit injection are all possible. Gonna have to look into this.
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