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  1. Group size depends from game and info what you search. If you do not know exactly - you can leave it empty. It is assumed as 512.
  2. Ok so here's a dupe guide for CE. If you dont know how to find character's addresses keep looking in this thread. probably around page 4/5. I started by finding out the values for my shell Odin before the i went to look for a fight. I also found the values for Marth even though i forgot to screenshot but you can see i found both values for Odin. Regular and in battle. I saved the one that i didnt have. Thats the one you want to change. I opened the calculator, set it to hex, searched for marth value, subtracted 118 and right click on the memory window "go to memory" and typed in the value. As you can see i have my window just the right size for the addresses i need to highlight and the extra row is the original value i start with. DONT HIGHLIGHT THAT ONE. MAKE SURE YOU'RE ON THE INFO SCREEN OF YOUR SHELL BEFORE YOU CONTINUE. Now just paste them onto the address you found for your shell. your unit should turn red as well. Now just win the battle and you should have your unit but you cant edit yet. Swap out weapons, close the game and reload. Edit: Forgot to mention this but plz dont put your OP heroes on your first party slot. thats your arena slot. People will be banned but we need to be discrete about how we go about our cheats.
  3. Another easy value to search for is mana, I find it by having your mana full, for example if I have 44/44 mana, simply search for 44f;44f:5 and there should be only 2 results, first one being the current mana, and the second one being the max mana. Locking the first one will give you unlimited mana. It doesn't work if mana is not full, since in memory the current mana keeps recovering, so even if you see 20/44 on screen, in memory it could be 20.23123 and the group search won't work. I saw someone posted that they can keep a skill active infinitely, can someone show me how that can be done?
  4. Hello I am new to this forum, but I would like to share my discoveries. I found the addresses to some of the values in the Stats page: Critical Chance - 7xxxxx94 (float - this is saved as a simple decimal, if you have 5% critical chance, just search for 0.05, changing this to 1 will gives you 100% critical chance) Min Critical Multiplier - 7xxxxx9C (encoded float) Max Critical Multiplier - 7xxxxxA4 (encoded float) These values are grouped together with the same offsets, so if you find one of the above addresses, you know the rest are just nearby. All Damage - 7xxxxx1C Hero Damage - 7xxxxx24 Melee Damage - 7xxxxx2C Ranged Damage - 7xxxxx34 Magic Damage - 7xxxxx3C Chesterson Gold Amount - 7xxxxx84 Chesterson Chance - 7xxxxx8C Gold Multiplier - 7xxxxxCC Titan HP - 7xxxx(x+1)7C Tap Damage Multiplier - 7xxxx(x+2)04 These values are all encoded float, I reversed engineered the encoding method, the formula below: To encode a value, take the following steps: 1. V1 = Floor(Log2(<value> / 2)) + 1 2. V2 = Floor(<V1> / 8) + 1 3. encoded = 2<V2> * ( 1 + ( MOD(<V1> - 1, 8) + <value> / 2<V1> - 1 ) / 8 ) To decode a memory value, take the following steps: 1. V1 = Floor(Log2(<value>)) 2. V2 = (<V1> - 1) * 8 + Floor((<value> - 2<V1>) / (2<V1> / 8)) + 1 3. decoded = 2<V2> * (1 + Mod( (<value> - 2<V1>) / (2<V1>/8), 1 ) ) The excel formula I use to enocde: =2^(FLOOR((FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)+1)/8)+1)*(1+(MOD(FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1),8)+<VALUE>/(2^(FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)+1))-1)/8) this above formula has a mistake, the one below gives me the correct encoded values: =2^(FLOOR((FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1))/8,1)+1)*(1+(MOD((FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)),8)+<VALUE>/(2^(FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)+1))-1)/8) just replace <VALUE> with the correct cell Sample values: Value -> Encoded 1 -> 1.875 1.1 -> 1.8875 (I just realized the float is not exact value, so it is actually stored as 1.88749992847) 0.5 -> 1.75 0.1 -> 1.45 2 -> 2 10 -> 2.5625 100 -> 3.390625 512 -> 4 So what I do is get some equipment or pets, say you have normally 1x All Damage Bonus, and have a Pet that give 1.1x All Damage Bonus, I would equip another Pet, then search for 1.875 (for 1x All Damage Bonus), then equip the 1.1x All Damage Pet, and the search for 1.8875 (for 1.1x All Damage Bonus), it should gives you a single address, that will be the address for All Damage Bonus, you can change its value to 1449.41, that will give you 1e23x bonus (it will show 1e25% in the Stats Page). Even if you change your equipment or pets, or prestige, it will only modify this value and not reset it, only if you quit the game and restart, it will then resets the value. I have tried multiple times and never got the teapot, given you prestige at reasonable stages (i.e. reaching stage 3500 within 5 prestiges is unreasonable, take your time to gain some equipments/pets/skill points/prestiges before pushing up stages). This will work for any of the values listed above. You could in theory change the Titan HP to 0.1x (1.45), and Gold Multiplier to 10x (2.5625), so you still get the same amount of Gold as before but Titans becomes much easier to kill. Hope someone find this helpful.
  5. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.18.0 Improved refine group search. Up to 20% faster. Improved search. Improved installer. Improved UI. Bug fixes. Updated translations.
  6. Earlier posts explain how to get a character's level back down to 1. Also guys, be aware there may be more than one address encrypted for one whatever in game. Also a lot of times games can revert the displayed amount by checking against encrypted value. Let's also remember this is Nintendo, it's not a small time group who made this game. Good luck!
  7. NoFear


    @Enyby This might be very picky of me... But when I am going to do a group search and push ';' The built in keyboard moves. I understand keeping justified center vertically, maybe with group search, the top part expands up only so the keys don't move while typing. Here is video sample.
  8. Guest


    I did a grouped search and then did a fuzzy unchanged value and it does changed instead and changed does unchanged only the first time then it goes back to normal. Sometimes when I remove a single address (trashcan beside the value type and memory region) after I did a search it takes a longer than usual to remove In the memory editor when I tap on an address it takes longer than usual and then shows me -1 instead of the value that it really is. Tapping on it around 2 times then shows me the right value. I had these problems in the latest version and 8.16.0. Device is a Nexus 6, using a custom rom (Chroma 6.0.1)
  9. i want to change value for food and gold , but i can only for that portal stones. i try group search and exact value but nothing . screen 1 : portal stone change to 1 screen 2 : gold/food cant be change how can i search and change value for food and gold refill ?.
  10. Hi , can you help me with an answer here ? i can change the value of gems for the portal stones, but for the last i cant . i used group search for first. tnx in advance.
  11. Enyby


    Range search inside group search can be used started from version 8.15.0. Your request already done. Try read messages above. We even have video with examples on our gallery.
  12. planterfascist


    Hey guys, just want to say I really appreciate all your work and have made a small donation. If it's not too much to ask, I'd also like to request a feature to combine range search and group search, thanks.
  13. Sysadmin


    GameGuardian updated to 8.16.0 Changelog: Improved and optimized group search. Improved search. Improved memory regions detection. Improved UI. Fixed freezes in the saved list. Bugs fixes. Updated translations.
  14. Here is a method for increasing HP. https://youtu.be/OhJWNmsF1Fo The base HP value for all heroes is 250. In ram it is sequenced with other numbers in this order so you can find it by ordered group search. 1;1;0;250;0;250;0;0::36
  15. Sysadmin


    GameGuardian updated to 8.15.0. Changelog: Display memory regions for items in lists. Improved UI. Added range support for group search. Improved search on x86. Fixed memory leak. Fixed bug in ordered group search. Bugs fixes. Updated translations.
  16. You can subscribe to our new videos. Watch on YouTube: Example of usage range in group search - GameGuardian
  17. Enyby


    No. It can be only less apk size. Approximately on 2 MB maximum. No changes in smooth will be happen. It is not dependent things.
  18. Requirements to the UI. If you decide to offer a new UI for GG, you should understand the following: 1. UI must support different screen resolutions. From the minimum to the maximum sizes. Different sizes you can view in manuals from google: https://material.io/devices/ https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html small screens are at least 426dp x 320dp 2. UI must support both portrait and landscape orientation. 3. UI must support the entire set of versions of Android, from 2.3.3 (API 10). 4. You need to understand what it means to each element of the interface, how it is used, under what conditions and how often. 5. The interface must not be beautiful, it's not a picture. It should be comfortable and functional. 6. There is some agreement in Material Design. You must be aware of them at the UI design. For example the size of touchable item must be at least 48dp. https://material.io/guidelines/ 7. GG is not SBGH or any other tool. We have our own way, own features and own interface. So no need to blindly copy someone else's interface. Such ideas will not be considered. You are only wasting yours and our time. 8. Although it is possible to make different layout for different screen sizes, orientations and even the Android version, the UI should look the same everywhere, so as not to confuse users.
  19. Sometimes that's what it takes though. I have gone through 30k results before editing a few hundred at a time. It gets the job done Usually with rewards there is a nearby value that can be long and unique to rewards only. Then doing like a dword ordered group search could've helped. Narrow your results (maybe not too much). glad you got it
  20. https://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/image/126-asphalt-8-airborne-hack-max-pro-upgrades-search-group-gameguardian/?do=findComment&comment=414
  21. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.13.0 Improved ordered group search. Improved group search. Improved speedhack. Improved UI. Fixed keyboard for old Android versions. Updated translations. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later Now ordered search is fully worked.
  22. NoFear


    I guess from creating a guide standpoint, then saying which memory range might be a problem. I could always offer an initial search option to find a value, then see what memory range it falls in, providing user with exact memory range on 1 search. Again, thank you for the ordered group search. That has been one of the most useful features and I use now more frequently than anything.
  23. Enyby


    1. I know. Write to @d2dyno 2. We have plans about that. Now I worked for refine ordered group search. But you must understand regions can be different marked on different firmwares and kernels. For example in video you can say - use only Anonymous regions but for some users need use Malloc region. It is happens not often but can be. You are welcome.
  24. You can subscribe to our new videos. Watch on YouTube: How to use ordered group search - GameGuardian
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