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  1. Enyby

    Lua script

    You can hack with group search with one run: https://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/image/300-motor-world-car-factory-hack-cash-exp-donut-group-search-gameguardian/ But you can use loop for ask user something again and again.
  2. Can somebody help me with hacking skill points? I managed to hack coins and exp but can't successfully hack skill points. What I did was to group search coins;skillpoints. I managed to edit its value but It won't save. I did the double to double edit and dword to dword. What should I do? I already read post from pages 13 to 19
  3. Enyby

    Lua script

    gg.searchNumber('1053;45;897;702;1053', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(100) gg.editAll('9999999', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) Run group search, get first 100 results, change it.
  4. LowKee

    Lua script

    Hi all. I'm trying to write a script to search for a group of numbers and edit them, I've spent most of the day looking at the commands and trying them out but I'm not having much luck. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber('1053;45;897;702;1053', gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) h = gg.getResultCount() if gg.getResultCount() then gg.getResults(1) gg.editAll('9999999', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) goto endall else gg.toast(h) gg.alert('Too many values found, go ingame and change the value, then tap on gameguardian icon again to continue') end I grabbed a few scripts from the site and have been changing them around to do what I need them to do. As I am working from someones elses script theres a few bits I'm not sure how to change, mainly the getResultCount. The orignal had ==1 which I beleive means, if theres 1 result then Getresults. As there was more than 1 result I took that part out but I'm not sure if thats stopped it from working.
  5. I dont know what you do so to make sure it success, you need restart game. I has posted the order to group, you can change the group but do not revert them. In my video, i group follow number is 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 and in your video, you has reverted them ( 10 - 9 - 8 - 7) So you should be group search 20;13;10;29::50
  6. Just make a small video and send to me. I need to know more what you do? In that video, i has said the order to group, you need to know to group them.
  7. I search 27;10;8;20::50 result 0 then 27;10;8;20::100 again result 0 What is this group bro ?
  8. Watch video carefully bro. i said you will see group value It about -1,xxx,xxx,xxx D 0D partvalueD And in your pic is -1,xxx,xxx,xxxD 0D 723D 27D _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Read this: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/17283-last-day-on-earth-survival/?do=findComment&comment=59745
  9. Thank you SO much! I was finally able to finish my chopper. Now trying to complete the ATV but I can't get it to work using that same method. Tried the grouped search but no results come up. Should I try increasing the group size?
  10. Just do the same level in video. That first group of coins is 53 total.
  11. Verify your chopper/ATV then restart game. i group search with this order. i will group 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 group size i set is 50 but when you group more you need to change group size. search above first value and see. see group value. It about -1,xxx,xxx,xxx D ; 0D ; partvalueD after edit them, you need leave your base then restart game.
  12. You can subscribe to our new videos.
  13. Max level 99 = 750700 EXP Group search -128B~255B;0D;750700E::6 Or group search -72B;0D;750700E::6 You will found your exp Edit it, maybe 50 or 100. Enter map you stay or leave the current map, then close and re-open game. Hope it can help you.
  14. NOT WORK WITH ver 1.5.4 Cheat Coin 1.5.3. Maybe it useless now but i think it will help someone who cant cheat. Enable CC to read guide. All you need is: Phone/Emulator with root GameGuardian Game Last day on earth Coin >0 First you need to do is decrease your coin below 25 ( if it below so not need to do), close and re-open game. Group search with -128B~255B;0D;coin E::6 ( ex: -128B~255B;0D;20E::6) (maybe can try this group: -72B;0D;coinE::6 Ex: -72B;0D;20E::6) Edit value. Enter the map you stay or leave the current map. Close game and re-open. If have something wrong, message me.
  15. I believe the trick is to unfreeze the condition values before leaving a map and freezing when entering. My biggest trouble is narrowing down this value. For that I need help, I need a way to find the Dword for weapon condition maybe connected to another value through a group search or through a specific offset.. I end up wasting more bullets trying to find this value than to make the hack work. Once you freeze, you're good. Refer to:
  16. NoFear


    If i want to search the hex of Crystals and I setup hex byte search, this is too many letters. And games will pad the text, so search either Needs double the range or search hex of C.r.y.s.t.a.l.s Which again, is way too many values for a hex ordered grouped byte search.
  17. Enyby


    This not understand. No. We use byte for store internal structures. Byte consist of 8 bits. This is enough for group search. We have plans make normal string search. Not via lua script.
  18. NoFear


    That actually would be perfect. Have a check box to Toggle "padding" and it put '.' been the letters. Will you eventually expand group search? Allowing more than 8 values? At least for Byte...
  19. Enyby


    Maybe I later write converter which allow input hex or string and get string for group search as byte array.
  20. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.30.0 Added search for strings (HEX, AoB) through the built-in Lua script. Greatly increased the speed of the first search on many firmware and emulators. Added option to hide one of the launch icons. Added information about the icons of launching into the FAQ. The list of memory regions added their volume. Changed the comparison signs in the search: more by more or equal, less by less or equal. Improved search for type Auto. Improved search by conditions more or less. Changed signs in the search results filter. Improved detection of empty memory. Improved work with empty memory. Improved floating icon. Improved changing the size of the floating icon and its panels. Improved removal of older versions. Fixed bug in the installer. Fixed bug when detecting root. Improved the process list. Added additional checks to eliminate bugs in API calls. Implemented the completion of the script when the game fell. Added support for localization in scripts. Renamed some constants in the API. Renamed some methods in the API. The API adds new functions: copyText, getTargetInfo, getFile, getLine. Added the ability to specify a header in choice and multiChoice. Implemented saving of the input history in scripts. Improved short description of API functions. Fixed errors in the work of scripts in different locales. Improved handling of errors in the API. Fixed bugs in the API. Bug fixes. Fixed crashes. Added link for downloading scripts. Added a reference to the video on XOR search to the Help. Added information about searching for strings to the Help. Updated translations. Built with support for ARMv5.
  21. There is a "View" section under "System", I ticked all I can tick under it but still the same, Toram force closes with pop up notification if GG is running, and yes I used Root Cloak also, I wonder what part they scanned over the phone in results that they detected GG, I grabbed a modded GG but it's useless because the group search feature isn't applied in the mod. I think i'll just wait for the next update _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later There is a "View" section under "System", I ticked all I can tick under it but still the same, Toram force closes with pop up notification if GG is running, and yes I used Root Cloak also, I wonder what part they scanned over the phone in results that they detected GG, I grabbed a modded GG but it's useless because the group search feature isn't applied in the mod. I think i'll just wait for the next update
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