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  1. okay let me get it straight, these item's modifier (100% and 25%) are different, in memory region, you cant do grouped search for them. so you gotta manually search them one by one, and do filtering, i havent see the source code yet also @cth mentioned, the description is hardcoded is simply false, it's just original value * 100 soo basically 1% is 0.01 and 100% is 1 (in Double) also the crafting recipe can be groupped search, but you can't have the value less than 0, the minimum is 1, as for the crafting recipe you provided you can do simple search 1;2;3;3;1;(orginal vial value) :200 and then filter by largest value, which is 3, and then modify them by increment of 1, and then find the address of the value you seek, lets say the value shown in the crafting recipe was 1;2;304;305;1;10 you can take 305 and offset them by 10(iirc) for each value so 305 address - 0x10 shoudl be 304, but i might wrong, you can check it on memory view, btw and this is called Crafting Hack/Dupe, why? cuz you can make the required recipe to 1 or nullify them, and then make the output 100000, (you can find output item value from the last recipe value by adding offset to it)
  2. 1000% is 10 in double and 25% is 0.25 in double you can change that by simple search
  3. cth

    Day R Survival

    @AngelWolf Reputation reward can be 10 or 20, depending on how you solve quests. Why can't it be 100 or 200? It seems like it's better to change reputation rewards than the crafting levels requirements. The problem with crafting levels is that there are certain items you can get with them that are impossible to get without reputation. It would be easy to find all players who have the mining permits or titanium alloys without having enough reputation to gain those.
  4. Here's how to find currency worth Search either one of these in DWORD -16 776 956 ( offset to ID is -8 ) -1 383 311 468 ( offset to ID is -C ) after that, you find the item ID, then pointer scan it, you'll get 20+, save it on the saved list, then select all do Change Address / Type, then pick type to DOUBLE and the offset is -10, then do Selected as search result, then filter 0.25 type DOUBLE, you should have 1 address and that address is Ration Card worth, and from that you do chain of offset of + 0x28 the structure looks like this Currencies | Offsets ( address + offset ) Ration Card = Pointer - 0x10 Emba Disk = Ration Card + 0x28 Halloween Coins = Emba Disk + 0x28 New Year Balls = Halloween Coins + 0x28 Black Rubles = New Year Balls + 0x28 Iron Nuts = Black Rubles + 0x28 Halloween Souls = Iron Nuts + 0x28 New Year Cookies = Halloween Souls + 0x28
  5. View File Bullet League Script || Dimaz GG How To Use? Expired 10 June 2023 Submitter ScripterIndonesia Submitted 05/28/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  6. Version 317


    How To Use? Expired 10 June 2023
  7. AnKino


    Thanks for your explanation mate ... You was right xD
  8. View File Soul Knight Arm v8 / 64 bit only Package : Playstore [ CHEAT MENU ] 1. GOD MODE 2. HIGH DAMAGE 3. SPEED ATTACK 4. NO SKILL COOLDOWN 5. MAX ENERGY 6. UNLIMITED GEM 7. UNLIMITED FISH 8. UNLIMITED COINS 9. UNLIMITED MATERIALS 10. NO COIN DECREASE 11. SEEDS NO DECREASE 12. UNLOCK HERO 13. UNLOCK HERO SKILL 14. UNLOCK GARDEN POT 15. BUFFS ALL IMMUNE *[ set gg to anonymous ]* support virtual my telegram: @kabutxhitam grup telegram: t.me/kabuthit my facebook: Kabut Hitamm Submitter KabutHitam Submitted 05/23/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  9. Version 5.3.2


    Arm v8 / 64 bit only Package : Playstore [ CHEAT MENU ] 1. GOD MODE 2. HIGH DAMAGE 3. SPEED ATTACK 4. NO SKILL COOLDOWN 5. MAX ENERGY 6. UNLIMITED GEM 7. UNLIMITED FISH 8. UNLIMITED COINS 9. UNLIMITED MATERIALS 10. NO COIN DECREASE 11. SEEDS NO DECREASE 12. UNLOCK HERO 13. UNLOCK HERO SKILL 14. UNLOCK GARDEN POT 15. BUFFS ALL IMMUNE *[ set gg to anonymous ]* support virtual my telegram: @kabutxhitam grup telegram: t.me/kabuthit my facebook: Kabut Hitamm
  10. X32 True : ~A MOV R0, #0x1 ~A BX LR False : ~A MOV R0, #0x0 ~A BX LR Int : -------------------------------- -- 9999 ~A MOVW R0, #0x270F ~A BX LR -------------------------------- -- 99999999 ~A MOVW R0, #0xE0FF ~A MOVT R0, #0x05F5 ~A BX LR Float : --100 ~A MOVT R0, #0x42C8 ~A VMOV S15, R0 ~A VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A BX LR ------------------- --50 ~A MOVT R0, #0x4248 ~A VMOV S15, R0 ~A VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A BX LR ------------------- --10 ~A MOVT R0, #0x4120 ~A VMOV S15, R0 ~A VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A BX LR ------------------- --0.1 ~A MOVW R0, #0xCCCD ~A MOVT R0, #0x3DCC ~A VMOV S15, R0 ~A VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A BX LR ------------------- --0.01 ~A MOVW R0, #0xD70A ~A MOVT R0, #0x3C23 ~A VMOV S15, R0 ~A VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A BX LR ------------------- --999999999.999999999 ~A MOVW R0, #0x6B28 ~A MOVT R0, #0x4E6E ~A VMOV S15, R0 ~A VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A BX LR Double : --100 ~A MOV R0, #0x0 ~A MOVT R1, #0x4059 ~A VMOV D16, R1, R0 ~A VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A BX LR ------------------- --50 ~A MOV R0, #0x0 ~A MOVT R1, #0x4049 ~A VMOV D16, R1, R0 ~A VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A BX LR ------------------- --10 ~A MOV R0, #0x0 ~A MOVT R1, #0x4024 ~A VMOV D16, R1, R0 ~A VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A BX LR ------------------- --0.1 ~A MOVW R0, #0x999A ~A MOVT R0, #0x9999 ~A MOVW R1, #0x9999 ~A MOVT R1, #0x3FB9 ~A VMOV D16, R1, R0 ~A VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A BX LR ------------------- --0.01 ~A MOVW R0, #0x999A ~A MOVT R0, #0x9999 ~A MOVW R1, #0x9999 ~A MOVT R1, #0x3FB9 ~A VMOV D16, R1, R0 ~A VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A BX LR ------------------- --999999999.999999999 ~A MOV R0, #0x0 ~A MOVW R1, #0xCD65 ~A MOVT R1, #0x41CD ~A VMOV D16, R1, R0 ~A VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A BX LR X64 True : ~A8 MOV R0, #0x1 ~A8 RET False : ~A8 MOV R0, #0x0 ~A8 RET Int : -- 9999 ~A8 MOVK R0, #0x270F ~A8 RET --99999999 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0xE0FF, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x05F5, LSL #32 ~A8 RET Float : --100 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0000, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x42C8, LSL #32 ~A8 FMOV S15, W0 ~A8 VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A8 RET ----------------------------- --50 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0000, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x4248, LSL #32 ~A8 FMOV S15, W0 ~A8 VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A8 RET ----------------------------- --10 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0000, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x4120, LSL #32 ~A8 FMOV S15, W0 ~A8 VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A8 RET ----------------------------- --0.1 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0xCCCD, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x3DCC, LSL #32 ~A8 FMOV S15, W0 ~A8 VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A8 RET ----------------------------- --0.01 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0xD70A, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x3C23, LSL #32 ~A8 FMOV S15, W0 ~A8 VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A8 RET ----------------------------- --99999999.99999999 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0xBC20, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x4CBE, LSL #32 ~A8 FMOV S15, W0 ~A8 VMOV.F32 S0, S15 ~A8 RET Double : --100 ~A8 MOVZ X0, #0x0 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x0, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x0, LSL #32 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x4059, LSL #48 ~A8 FMOV D16, X0 ~A8 VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A8 RET ----------------------------- --50 ~A8 MOVZ X0, #0x0 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x0, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x0, LSL #32 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x4049, LSL #48 ~A8 FMOV D16, X0 ~A8 VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A8 RET ----------------------------- --10 ~A8 MOVZ X0, #0x0 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x0, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x0, LSL #32 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x4024, LSL #48 ~A8 FMOV D16, X0 ~A8 VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A8 RET ----------------------------- --0.1 ~A8 MOVZ X0, #0x999A ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x9999, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x9999, LSL #32 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x3FB9, LSL #48 ~A8 FMOV D16, X0 ~A8 VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A8 RET ----------------------------- --0.01 ~A8 MOVZ X0, #0x147B ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x47AE, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x7AE1, LSL #32 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x3F84, LSL #48 ~A8 FMOV D16, X0 ~A8 VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A8 RET ----------------------------- --99999999.99999999 ~A8 MOVZ X0, #0xFFFF ~A8 MOVK X0, #0xFFFF, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0xD783, LSL #32 ~A8 MOVK X0, #0x4197, LSL #48 ~A8 FMOV D16, X0 ~A8 VMOV.F64 D0, D16 ~A8 RET • You can find lua code to convert any value to ARM -> HERE ----> If you get an error comment it out
  11. What is the game you're trying to modify mate
  12. AnKino


    wew ... i dont see any bin file on my device after ran the scripts ... If anyone have that file too may comment to figure out what that bin file does . Im curious about that bin file too ... Can u delete it and re run the scripts mate ?
  13. AnKino

    Pool Stars

    Dm My Discord mate
  14. AnKino


    i dont know mate ... maybe some glitch happening
  15. View File RR3 v12.0.1 Reset bonus price (VP) Reset bonus price (VP) in all rounds, both architectures And open all expired rounds. This script uses pointer chains, so it may not work with another game version. Tested on NOX 7.1.2 (32bit) and tablet with Android 10 (x64) and VirtualXposed. reset-vp.mp4 Submitter Count_Nosferatu Submitted 04/29/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  16. Version 1.0.6


    Reset bonus price (VP) in all rounds, both architectures And open all expired rounds. This script uses pointer chains, so it may not work with another game version. Tested on NOX 7.1.2 (32bit) and tablet with Android 10 (x64) and VirtualXposed. reset-vp.mp4
  17. View File Dawnblade: Action RPG Game Name: Dawnblade: Action RPG Package: PLAY STORE Architecture: 64 Bit & 32 BIT Version: 1.1.9 FEATURES: 1- DUMB ENEMY 2- HIGH DAMAGE 3- NO COOLDOWN 4- UNLIMITED MANA 5- FREE FUSION 6- HIGH FUSION EXP 7- UNLIMITED SELL GOLD 8- FREE GEM MERGE 9- FREE FEATHER 10- OPEN CHEST GAIN GEMS 11- HIGH EXP FROM STAGE LVL 50 NEW CREDITS: LATOM Telegram: https://t.me/LATOM_HACKER Follow me for any update Enjoyed Submitter LatoM Submitted 04/28/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  18. 367 downloads

    Game Name: Dawnblade: Action RPG Package: PLAY STORE Architecture: 64 Bit & 32 BIT Version: 1.1.9 FEATURES: 1- DUMB ENEMY 2- HIGH DAMAGE 3- NO COOLDOWN 4- UNLIMITED MANA 5- FREE FUSION 6- HIGH FUSION EXP 7- UNLIMITED SELL GOLD 8- FREE GEM MERGE 9- FREE FEATHER 10- OPEN CHEST GAIN GEMS 11-HIGH EXP FROM STAGE(MAX LVL)NEW CREDITS: LATOM Telegram: https://t.me/LATOM_HACKER Follow me for any update Enjoyed
  19. Update: I have found the addresses of the upgrade level of the charm, the quality value of the charm, and the values of effects used on the charm. In the example it will be Attack Charm, which is a common quality charm (evident by the lack of suffix). Upgrade the charm once so it says "+1 Attack Charm", then search "1" in Dword. Once the search is done, upgrade it again, and search "2". Do it several times until there are 2-3 addresses left, with two of those addresses very close to each other (for example, if one is 12345678, the other should be 12345778) and one of three addresses that are left seem to be going nowhere, check by doing a goto and see if the address one above (with earlier example, the address would be 12345674) has 1-4 value (1 for our example). Here are the addresses you can find (that I have found so far) as well as what value goes into them. 1- Searched and found addresses = Determines the upgrade level of the charm. Can be anywhere between 0-15. Assigning it 16 or above glitches the sell value of the charm, and makes the main effect of the charm become +0% 2- Address above the found one (-4) = Determines the quality of the charm and can be anywhere between 1-4. 1 is common (grey background, only main effect and no suffix), 2 is uncommon (blue background, main effect and 1 bonus effect, has suffix), 3 is rare (purple background, main effect and 2 bonus effects, has suffix) and 4 is legendary (yellow background, main effect and 3 bonus effects, has suffix) 3- The following addresses below the found one (+4, +8, +12 and +16) = Determines what effects are on the charm, with a very specific exception (see 3.1). Value in the first address is the main effect of the charm, and following 3 addresses are the values for bonus effects. Values are below. 3.1- The second found address = One of the two addresses that have the Quality Value address above them, might have 1 as the value of the Main Effect address. I have no clue what this address does, but it might now be a good idea to edit this value. Incase of this, add an extra 4 to the address while looking for them. Effect Values: 1=Attack, 2=Fire Attack, 3=Ice Attack, 4=Lightning Attack, 5=Cosmic Attack, 6=Elemental Attack, 7=Critical Damage, 8=Attack Speed, 9=Critical Rate, 10=Skill Cooldown, 11=Attack Buff, 12=Stun Time, 13=Freeze Time, 14=Coin, 15=Power Stone, 16=loops back to Attack? So even with this, can someone else try it? I have found out that the charm does not change or get the extra added bonus effects until you fully close the game and then reopen it, and even then, the percentage increases of these bonus effects become broken (as the game remembers the previous bonus effect's percentage). As in, game will adjust the main effect's percentage (a +15 Stun Charm that gives +135% Stun Time will turn into +60% Cosmic Attack when edited into +15 Cosmic Charm) but not the bonus effects percentage (a charm with +15% Attack and +10% Elemental Attack bonuses, when edited to be Fire - Ice - Lightning, will turn into +15% Fire Attack, +10% Ice Attack and +0% Lightning Attack bonuses, even though all 3 are supposed to be 10%)
  20. View File Last Day on Earth: Survival 32 & 64 bit AUTO UPDATE SCRIPT Package: All Support ARM7 & ARM8 [ CHEAT MENU ] 1. Critical Damage 2. Fast Attack 3. Fast Player 4. High Ability Shoot 5. No Cooldown 6. Max Durability 7. Finalize no parts 8. Free Instant Craft 9. Fast Workbench 10. Remove All Tree & Rocks 11. Complete Mission 12. Stacks Amount 13. Duplicate Single Items 14. Map Teleport 15. Unlock Premium 16. Instant Level Up 17. Unlock All Skin 17. Freeze Enemy 18. Fast Unlock Chest 19. Unlimited Items 20. No Requirement (no level needed) 21. Shop Inbox (9999) Guide : 1. you must download file auto update click yes when you run script, and click no when you have to download them 2. put both files in folder If doesn't work, you just run script in games until that games collect the memory, select process in gg to collect memory *Remove All Tree and Rocks: enble before enter map can remove all tree and rocks, and when u enble in map can gether tree and rock 1 hit *Stacks Amount function: Duplicate lot items Items *Free Instant Craft function: this can give u can building, crafting, tickets, no bunker code, no build limit, and more *Instant Level Up function: this can give u upgrade level event collect, premium pass, not for leveling player but you can collect all skills *Unlimited Items function: this function give your items can't decrease and shop inbox i hope you like it Telegram : @zhylver Submitter KabutHitam Submitted 04/14/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  21. Version 1.22.0


    Package: All Support ARM7 & ARM8 [ CHEAT MENU ] 1. Critical Damage 2. Fast Attack 3. Fast Player 4. High Ability Shoot 5. No Cooldown 6. Max Durability 7. Finalize no parts 8. Free Instant Craft 9. Fast Workbench 10. Remove All Tree & Rocks 11. Complete Mission 12. Stacks Amount 13. Duplicate Single Items 14. Map Teleport 15. Unlock Premium 16. Instant Level Up 17. Unlock All Skin 17. Freeze Enemy 18. Fast Unlock Chest 19. Unlimited Items 20. No Requirement (no level needed) 21. Shop Inbox (9999) Guide : *Remove All Tree and Rocks: enble before enter map can remove all tree and rocks, *Fast Gather Tree & Rocks 1 HIT, enable Remove All tree Rocks when you enter/in map and you can try to gather tree and rock 1 hit *Stacks Amount function: Duplicate lot items Items *Free Instant Craft function: this can give u can building, crafting, tickets, no bunker code, no build limit, and more *Instant Level Up function: this can give u upgrade level event collect, premium pass, not for leveling player but you can collect all skills *Unlimited Items function: this function give your items can't decrease and shop inbox i hope you like it Telegram : @zhylver
  22. AnKino


    View File Archero This Scripts Now Working On Both Arm7 and Arm8 ( Tested On LDPlayer ) Features : Boost Attack Boost HP Unlock Hero Skin Enemy Instantly Dead Shoot Through Wall Slightly Buff Skill Selection Story Mode Does Not Decrease Energy ( High Ban Risk ) Intruction : To Use Shoot Through Wall ... Dont Choose Bouncy Wall Skill ( It Will Mess Up Your Shoot ) Story Mode Does Not Decrease Energy : This Features Is Dangerous ... High Ban Risk ... So Using Or Not Is Your Choice I will not be responsible for your account Video Testing : Here Download Link In My Discord : Here Submitter AnKino Submitted 04/10/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  23. for obtaining unobtainable items, i suggest not, cuz its basically red flag for devs. tho you can do the item swap on obtainable items. and also you should try to modify an output of crafting, for resources, some is on crafting table while some is on disassemble tab, both can be modified, dont think its dangerous to be modify. let's use an example for hard to get resources. Steel you can craft steel on crafting menu/table, the recipe will be 5 Iron 1 Aluminum 20 Lead 5 coal and output 1 steel you can search this 5;1;20;5:200 the 200 is group size, it might differs from each devices, but it seems it's works on most ppl. Search type will be Double you might found only 4 address, but for sake of example, i'll use what i find i got 100+, so now filter it by the biggest number from the search group, which is 20 (20 coal) and editAll with increment of 1 (when you open Edit all, there's a button called More or whatever in your language, open it and there's a new prompt with increment, put 1 on it) now refresh the recipe tab, reopen it. now you should see coal requirement changed. find the address and save it, after you save it, revert all and delete (so game doesnt crash) now you open the saved address tab (in gg), open the address and then click goto now in these tab(memory tab) you'll see bunch of address, ignore it for now, and focus to top left corner of GG you'll find a pause button and a word (No Filter or something in your language), click the no filter, in it put .0$ after that the memory tab will updated, now go back to saved list and click the address again, then click goto. now we back to memory tab that filter any address that ends with 0, if you done correctly the highlighted address will have value of 20 in double (if you have double in your memory view setting, top right click the letter thingy beside refresh button, it'll open a tab of which value will be shown, enable Double or E+. [my setting will be, h,S,D,F,E]) select the highlighted address, then difference up/down about 3-5 address till you find other value for other requirement. in my case it'll be 5.0E; <== This will be the Iron (up by 4 address from aluminum) random (ignore) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 1.0E; <== This will be the Aluminum (up by 3 address from Lead) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 20.0E; <== This will be the Lead (HIGHLIGHTED ADDRESS) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 5.0E; <== This will be the Coal (down by 3 address from Lead) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 1.0E; <== This will be the Steel Output (down by 3 address from Coal) select all of these address that we need (you'll get 5 address), and then you can change the requirement to be 1 (minimum is 1, if negative or 0 it doesnt craft) and you can change the output to like 20k or something. Note: the more the crafting recipe needs, the more addresses you needs, for example, a car with 10 crafting resources needed, you'll find 10 requirement and 1 output, resulting 11. lmk if you had more question
  24. Hi @EusebiaGodwin, unfortunately newer Android version (Android 12-13) are mostly incompatible with GG. I recommend to downgrade your Android lower than 12 (Android <10). You can try @kimtan suggestion or use F1 Virtual Machine.
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