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razwasup last won the day on December 15 2019

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  1. Any breakthrough?
  2. The script won't start. Working for anyone ?
  3. Did he changed the video? I see no editing. Were you finally able to get old items by swap method
  4. U saved the day. Fixed my next day issue. Thanks. I guess no need to use star mod just freeze to 25 right? Edit: how to freeze to 25 And why i cant get the barn but anything else is ok With no fear method using in app purchase risk of ban if i buy boosters? Obviously it doesnt the coins
  5. Did install x64, now stars are -2037 used to be -21k. -2037 hit 3 result i did edit to 1000 and restarted but just comesback. Shall i try offline?
  6. Using a unlimited star mod. Curious i tried level hck, jumped from 33 to 303..but afterward i coulndt start a new day. Game freezes each time. 1-what's the point of lvl hack? To 6000?? 2-is there an ongoing farm season , i see nothing to swap items like discussed here. 3- when i install original apk shows -21k stars how to fix that? How can i revert the damage caused by lvl hack.
  7. Just follow ınstructıpns here pretty simple
  8. That game had a hıgh ban rate. Nofear and hıs pal had a paıd scrıpt ı belıeve. Back then even hım got banneed very often at the begınnıng
  9. Friend good for u , he helped you. I figured my self so enough of futile rhetorics...i am lazy..baby spoon feedin..for god sake you did jak sht to help anybody did you answer any questions? Wrote here any answer any tips? Wtf u 2 are on about..just be done with it get a room..let it be
  10. Zam are you having a melt down? Ez body.. so much effort just to cause drama but zero effort in helping . This is a place it's OK to help don't be shy in doing so. Not sure wtf triggered you but you are exaggerating ..so i won't feed your narcissistic trolling excersise. Won't reply anymore
  11. Lazy yeah much lazy I took 2 days of tryıng dıfferent methods on a game ı dont even play..just by curıosıty. Just to learn. You told monkey to search for heroes gold value? I wısh he had just repeated that when asked. No worrıes though. He ıs lucky he can ask you questıons, your profıle ıs locked we dont have that luxry to ask
  12. Yeah sure zam take care pal life seems to be hard on you..don't worry too much Like ı saıd ıf anyone needs detaıls pm ı wont bıte like zamzam
  13. What value the only stat i could see for a heroe is the % of movement speed and that is not something i could find Anyway those who want to unlock heroes ignore what is written above ( very helpfull gentleman) pretty easy just look by heroe price if 3500 gold ..dword..find it then simply look for the pattern for high value dword 8000, 14000000 ..the rest you probably know what to do been trying since days issue is i did not have any heroes that i could buy for gold or diamond so it took me time. How many heroes is there 27..28 ? Any questions feel free to ask me in pm as well
  14. Are you itssc ? I get u dont want to share right At least can you tell how ? I tried item swapping doesnt really work
  15. I looked ..cant find that lua scrpt. Where did u get it
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