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Everything posted by icepack

  1. did you try encrypted search?
  2. icepack

    Indentity V

    oh i see. the one you mentioned before. goodluck bro.
  3. icepack

    Indentity V

    i already put the wallhack code on our previous thread. but its only for the survivors.
  4. icepack

    Indentity V

    it becomes vip now haha. you didnt add the walk through walls
  5. well done great. to maximize walk thru wall you need to get the tool rugby ball. dash thru the wall. without it, its hard to walk thru the walls. 90% you get stuck on the wall and sometimes you cant get out if you dont have dash. hehe
  6. do you have any idea why these games (lineage 2 revolution, dragon revolt, crusaders of light, most netease games) can be modded but cant be hacked by GG?
  7. i tried charles/fiddler trying to cheat ninja saga via pc before. haha. that was around 6 years ago.
  8. dont know. but the code was made by other modders. i just test their codes. well goodluck cracking this game. i wanna see some cool hacking stuff out of this game again. best is god mode( cannot be pinned down by hunters) and walk thru walls with ease like in some youtube videos. dont know if currencies can be hacked ??
  9. i really dont understand the codes bro. i can do basic editing only.
  10. here you go guys. start from here. the walk through wall code. dont know if it still works today. 5;6;7;8:666 @double then search 8, edit all values to 999 Note: you will know it if the hack works still if your character when moving towards obstacle(wall, chair, table) tends to stick on it. ALSO the code is for the players only. NOT for the hunters(they have different code). BETTER to use dash skill from rugby ball or use the rugby player character. RUGBY BALL can be get on boxes found all around the map.
  11. dash skill is like that one on the video. the player who plays rugby has a rugby ball that can be used to dash.
  12. dont use speed hack. it detects by game and it will end in a BAN. the only thing i did not to get banned was walk thru walls. but its so hard to pass wall if you dont have dash skill.
  13. nah. it reads by the server as valid. ive been abusing it some time ago. but i get bored of repetetive gameplay. that hack only works on players. the monsters have different code for the hack but i cant make it out of it.
  14. i did used gg but only walk thru walls. the code was basic. but its around 1-10. example: search dword 6;7;8;9 then search 8 edit all address to 999999
  15. nope. just anonymous region and editing values to a bit higher than the script. too much high view gets the hero dislocated at the bottom screen and that is kinda annoying. a bit higher than the higher view gets your screen buggy
  16. yes there are hacks for this game like antenna, color change and wallhack. dont know if it still works today. havent played this game already for the past months. gets boring of continuous repeatitive gameplay.
  17. your crazy d*** no0b then. try it for yourself the whole map view and it mess your screen.
  18. *ALL values you can edit are in DWORD *Blue/ Purple Crystals are unhackable. The rest are hackable like level of hero/weapon/materials/platinum coins/etc. HERO ATK: 1. search current atk (example 34) @Dword 2. Level up hero/weapon, equip weapon or unequip weapon and search atk ( example 45) 3. search until you can find only 1 address, edit the address to 999999 and freeze.(note: you need to enable atk everytime you change scenario because the address of atk keeps changing. HERO LEVEL: 1. search current hero level(example 2) @Dword 2. level up the hero and search current level (example 3) 3. level up hero and search until 1 address left and edit to not more than 100( max level is 100) MATERIALS/PLATINUM COINS/ETC: 1. same procedure as hero level but search for your material/plat coins/etc stacks (example plat coins 3) Note: *Plat coins can be farm on online plat scenarios but bosses there are super strong without high dmg hack. *Enable GG pause game function so that you wont die while finding addresses. Enjoy ?
  19. icepack

    War Robot Hack

    they dont want to respect such efforts you made in making scripts bro. if only they understand how hard to make lua scripts for such games. and finding addresses in games to hack. d*** these noob kids.
  20. this game has very strong protection... UNHACKABLE ?
  21. please read what i posted. i said it was only VISUAL. no effect ?
  22. @NoFear i found the atk speed address in DOUBLE/ENCRYPTED/DEFAULT MEMORY SETTING. but it seems stats are server sided. only visual. first 2 address are for refinement atk and the last two addresses are for the atk speed. hope you can find some holes.
  23. icepack

    Dupe Items

    there are many hacks for toram out there. but with GG i think its just all visual.
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