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Everything posted by icepack

  1. i cant find the address for the speed. even float value doesnt exist. tried all possible combinations but no success. even encrypted search cant find the address. or maybe i search the wrong value. for example the atk speed was 150.2%, i search float=150.2 but cant find address after further searches.
  2. only visual ? atk value at dword
  3. that explains everything.
  4. lol you can try posting it here so everybody could test your script.
  5. dont accept inviting you to pay for any script because its a scam. scripts are made for free to use and not for pay to use.
  6. as far as i watched in youtube. someone already posted a gameplay where the priest cast skills without cooldown
  7. nope. im also waiting for an exploit for this game.
  8. if that is real. the prices of items in the market should become cheap.
  9. the power of SCAM. haha.
  10. you can prevent crashing by hiding game in game guardian using option 1. the only problem is how to follow the instructions because the tut is somewhat incomplete. AB4 and C832 seems cannot be found in addresses. the one who shared the tut still havent responded yet. so i think the tut given is hoax.
  11. dont hope for any hack because this game is server sided.
  12. ok will try to wait and see. if ever it works good work for your hard work trying to defy the limits of the game.
  13. this game is unhackable. searching values will crash the game. if thevilish saying is right he should be posting some proof already. the code he posted seems fake because he didnt really explain it in details.
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