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geribaldi last won the day on June 11 2024

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  1. Lol nice script, already tested one minute ago Maybe i want to play it again
  2. Whoooohooooooo. ViP section updated..... VOTE FOR SELLING PREMIUM LUA SCRIPTS TO FILL THAT SECTION FAST ?
  3. Hello guys, We are very happy to see that our lua feature get some success. But we noticed that some guys leek and use functions whats not made by their self to sell other guys work here. We have no problem if you advertise selfmade vip scripts on our side, but if we find out that you use functions what made by others people (we will decrypt everything you upload here) without to post credits, your content will be deleted and you get banned. Leachers and copy paste guys are the shame in the hacking community, especially if they make money with other guys work. If you use other guys functions, you can upload it here for free, but you have everytime to post the credits in the mainpost of your upload. If you dont know who made because a functions is a copy of a copy of a copy of a stolen script....you can write "credits: to a unknown guy" At reversers and guys who made the real work: if you see your functions in other scripts without credits to you, pm me with a small prove that you are the creator and we will remove it from our site. Its very frightening to see that there are some script kiddies who make money with stolen scripts. You guys are not welcome here!!!! Geri
  4. Google for pubg mobile bypass. You need to edit few gamefiles, then you can use gg without to get banned
  5. This sounds a bit Like Ring0 on pc
  6. I noticed that gg freeze the game INSTEAD of ptrace error. Enyby you can use xposed to spoof your device brand of nox.then it will work. There are other gameprocesses what scan fora working mainactivity. But no matter. The question is: why it work with gg if you do a simple search 1-7 seconds after you start the game? The game start the first seconds without ptrace protection. Exactly at the time where the two videos with Developer logos play. If you are fast enough with choosing the game process and you do a search with gg, then you can make with gg whatever you want....for hours. If this work on other protected games too, you have the big solution to bypass ptrace without much work. The main Problem is to be fast enough to find the right game process between all the others running processes because its not one the first place of List like months ago
  7. This freeze the game enyby. You need to do any search with gg as fast as possible after you started the game, before ptrace is started by game. Can you Login after removing ptrace protection? Also the anticheat flag that. They did not banned any cheater yet to finetune their anticheat. The protection has a heartbeatcheck, if you disable it after it started game send a alarm to the server. I logged the Networkpackages to see that. Btw: the game works with gg but you must be fast after gamestart. Its annoying again that the active gameprocess isnt at the first place at tasklist. Sometimes i need need to restart the game 4-7 times because i loose to mich time with searching the pubg process between hundred of other processes. Why did you changed the order of tasks? It was perfect a while ago Log_2018-04-03_19-57-04.txt Log_2018-04-03_20-18-32.txt Log_2018-04-03_19-25-25.txt Log_2018-04-03_20-22-33.txt
  8. But not on mobile. They have ssrverside detections, doing random screenshots from players and so on. But battleeye doesnt exists in mobile _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later I had same issue until I changed selinux. No gg works with that games
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Im not the creator of that script. I only translated it. The Script contains a lot of Features, most of them work and it seems in the current english version is the Anti-Cheat disabled, but after logging Network packages i saw that they flag most features without to ban yet. 1. To use it start gg and game 2. Kill game gg akd restart it without protection 3. now you must be fast. If you see developer logo, fastly open gg and start autosearch. 4. The script is splittet into hacks you can use into lobby and on the batttlefield Have fun
  10. View File PUBG - ADVANCED script English Im not the creator of that script. I only translated it. The Script contains a lot of Features, most of them work and it seems in the current english version is the Anti-Cheat disabled, but after logging Network packages i saw that they flag most features without to ban yet. 1. To use it start gg and game 2. Kill game gg akd restart it without protection 3. now you must be fast. If you see developer logo, fastly open gg and start autosearch. 4. The script is splittet into hacks you can use into lobby and on the batttlefield Have fun Submitter geribaldi Submitted 03/19/18 Category LUA scripts
  11. Stupid question, what protection is meaned. The "hide gg 123"? Or is there any new protection whats automatically loads with gg?
  12. geribaldi


    Same Problem, phone restart after pressing the "restart without protection" button Log_2017-12-12_02-47-39.txt
  13. I will never understand why asia people ignore that most people on this planet speaking english. Everyone who make scripts, hacks, coding stuff etc...release his work in english...except people from asia. Annoying. Script is useless
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