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    Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Hyperdrive
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  1. Also interested in this game cheat.
  2. Been using this for 2 weeks but then i got ban. after owning so many people.
  3. I tried this but it still din't work. On game monster blade. I mean it showed the freecardxxx but when i tried to make a purchase it would say error occurred.
  4. Well.. i just went online and lost everything. Gems chars all of it. Guess they fixed it.
  5. I send you a pm.
  6. Ive been looking everywhere for an app like 3g unrestrictor but for android. Does anyone know of an app that can do this?
  7. where is he at? would be cool if someone would figure it out. Something fun that I used to do was I would use tier 99 armor and a low tier weapon and just mess with people. Can't do it anymore because of the ppl having unlimited health and 1 hit kills.
  8. Dam so its impossible to do it with our apk's? I saw some programs online but of course they where survey protected. we all know when surveys are involved there's a 97% chance is a fake.
  9. You Guys know how to do the unlimited health and energy/1hit kills cheat? keep seeing more archers online with unlimited health and their killing me in one hit while i have tier 99 armor and im doing 1 mill dmg to them and they don't die.
  10. ok i got it to work .... i swear i tried like 5 times and nothing... what i did now was i installed the game first, i ran it and it asked me to look for the data folder but instead i closed the game. i put the data folder in the Android/obb/ and ran the game again then it did the installation process then this time it skipped the verification screen and went right into the game.
  11. right... i did all that but it doesn't say what to do after installation is completed. i downloaded the multiplayer and offline and still cant get past the verification. right now im trying it and its on the installation in progress screen.
  12. apkmania
  13. I tried to but it dint work the game would crash on the verification screen... can u maybe tell me what option on lucky patcher do i need to choose? I've tried them all and nothing is working.
  14. I downloaded wild blood 1.1.1 and the sd data but i can't get passed the license verification. How can i bypass it?
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