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Everything posted by YeetMeister

  1. YeetMeister

    Android 12?

    the only thing that works with Android 12 and above is rooting, we can't install 32-bit apps anymore. that is the only problem preventing us using these apps. with magisk you can re-enable the support for 32-bit apps with an module
  2. how do you even come up with this, i mean use GG to write programms out of the Game Hacking neiche. no front i like
  3. any custom rom works, you just need to root it. it also depends on the hardware of course
  4. good job, had the same in forward assault
  5. appreciate the good work, wil ltry to make something useful out of this
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  7. not to be rude, why dont you combine all the scripts together so you wouldnt have to download them all. but i also kinda see where you going with this. would you give me an example how you did your loader? a PM would be appreciated if you willing to share. good to have you back
  8. currently confused with the site update.

    where is my profile at ree

  9. YeetMeister

    freeze value

  10. I mean yeah, but he asked for what it is used [added 0 minutes later] Bruh
  11. Example: why has your phone a screen lock
  12. View File UI Button Menu Template No Credits, Download and view the code in a Text/Code Editor Submitter YeetMeister Submitted 07/09/2021 Category Templates  
  13. Version 420


    No Credits, Download and view the code in a Text/Code Editor
  14. I dunno, I don't use LD Player, since MeMu is working try going into your UEFI settings and enable virtualization optimization or sum
  15. Try LD Player, MeMu works the best for me but LD Player is my Second Option since it gets recognized by Android Studio better
  16. How do you find something like remove ads or something
    Well deserved rep, he's active on Discord helping everyone out getting started with GG, and he doesn't mind helping with scripting
  17. Jus store the value in a table you dont need to save em in a list
  18. What a child you are
  19. Thank you so much, I think I got it now sorry I'm not clear minded at the moment xD
  20. imagine ripping someones work off and then credit to someone that puts in his telegram group Pathetic
  21. lol, i dont care about the search stuff, the on off principal is straight ripped from him
  22. you dont see the similarities? dman you need glasses
  23. you sure about that Prefix buttons (ON and OFF) (#6pa40cnj) maybe compare yourself.
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