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Everything posted by BStretton

  1. I am trying to buy a 1 year activation but after hitting Confirm Order the screen just blank and doesn't give me an option to pay or anything. Is there another way to do it??
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  3. I can only get the HBM to work. That's it. Anyone else?
  4. What I find very odd is that I can use the 7971 code on my android phone and find heroes. But on my Note tablet it only finds 10 results. Even before the update I could use the 1002 code to find heroes but they were totally different lines than my phone version of the game.
  5. Any idea what line changes their proc time?
  6. I can't seem to get any of the codes to work. What about others????
  7. It's working on my bluestacks, my husbands bluestacks, and our 3rd laptop bluestacks. But it's not working on my phone or our touchpad.
  8. My SBGH is still working on Bluestacks but not working on my phone.
  9. I would also be curious as to whether you can increase the skill level? Has anyone figured out how to increase things like MOV SPD?
  10. Has anyone created a list of what line each hero is on according to their star level?
  11. Mati3464 - When you talk about the 328448 memory change, do you mean that you only change that 1 line in the bound memory portion? The line that is 4 up from the blue line?
  12. Hi Everyone - Maybe I haven't had enough Mtn Dew yet this morning b/c my brain is just not working But what exactly does the 328448 change actually change? Maybe I'm just missing something. I totally get how to change the purple/blue/green might, but I don't know what the bound memory change to 328448 is supposed to do. Maybe someone could just point me in the right direction on this. I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I've read over the topic several times and I'm still unclear as to whether there is a HB/DMG/HP/Attack Rate/MOV SPD hack at all. Would appreciate a little more guidance on that. But the MIGHT hack is totally awesome and I appreciate all the hard work everyone has put into this and taken the time to share. This is a great community!
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