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Everything posted by harryk

  1. I've made a separate request for a bot app here :
  2. Yup. Freedom won't work. When we fake/make a purchase, kabam waits till Google confirms it.
  3. Name of Game: Hobbit:Kingdoms Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDIQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fplay.google.com%2Fstore%2Fapps%2Fdetails%3Fid%3Dcom.kabam.fortress%26referrer%3Dutm_source%253Dgoogle%2526utm_medium%253Dorganic%2526utm_term%253Dhobbit%2Bkingdoms%2Bof%2Bmiddle%2Bearth&ei=fRpwUZH5B4jWrQexjoCYCQ&usg=AFQjCNF3usuZCXAUrNIWB1smwyKHmMKHmQ&sig2=8_rO3ZowC-019DfAWXjv5Q Version if you know it: 5.1.0 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: cheat requests have been posted before. Instead, It would be better to try to make a modded apk or a different app that automates game functions like construction, research, training and farming wilderness. Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: I'm not too good at Java. Comments: for inspiration, check out http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/118446 It is a browser userscript for another game by kabam called 'dragons of Atlantis'
  4. I guess I could make a save file for it, or look through the save files to figure out how to modify them.
  5. Instead of a hack, why not try making a bot? That would be a lot easier. If anyone would take the initiative, I'd gladly help
  6. Its completely server sided. There is very little player data stored locally. I still hope someone would come up with a hack. Gameplay is unfair, with paying players achieving in hours the same progress as non-payers do in months. Payers also get opportunities to win free in-game currency while others don't.
  7. Just a final post for the benefit of anyone else trying to cheat Ravensword 2, Gold, attribute points and talent points are 4 byte ints. You need to include 'more regions' in the search settings. These can be used to increase character speed and the weight he can carry. In app purchase hack works fine with the latest version of freedom on play store version 3.10.14 patched with play store patch v1.08 by Chelpus.
  8. Cracked play store? Of course. Last time I updated my CyanogenMod nightly and reinstalled gapps I completely forgot about installing the cracked play store. I'll give it a try. EDIT: The in app purchase worked after patching play store. Marking as solved now. Thanks, Provalid1
  9. EDIT Talent and attribute points were 4 byte ints. Found them by including more regions in the search. That also takes care of the weight carrying issue, since Max wt increases with strength. Now I guess only the IAP remains
  10. Ravensword 2 - shadowlands: Play Store Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crescentmoongames.ravensword2&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dravensword Apk and data: http://www.andro9.in/2013/03/ravensword-shadowlands-121-apk-sd-data.html?m=1 Version if you know it: Play store version is 1.22 Warez sites have 1.21 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: 1. Maximum carriable weight 2. In app purchase 3. Attribute points 4. Talent points Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Maximum carriable weight is a static value. I can't search for it. Current weight is floating point. I tried to hack IAP with freedom. Every time, either the game crashes or purchased items don't appear. It may be because the game is freedom-proof or android 4.2.2 or the play store update broke freedom. Attribute and talent points couldn't be found on scanning. I get a 1 byte var every time, but changing it didn't affect the game. Comments: Meh...
  11. I dont see any prifile_0 in the folder.
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