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  1. This didnt work, i found and edit the exp, but it doesnt change
  2. Here is how to maximize spell fusion with all 17 spells The max you can do is 8 spell fusion, and not all spell can compliment each other The last 2 fusion (the orange box), you can only choose one of those, tbh there is 1 more fusion, it is called poison gas (fireball + cyclone), but the visual is not cool so I only reccomend those 2 inside the orange box I attach the current "only combo" so you can use all 8 fusion, when leveling up just focus on spell not the buff, and I attach the video of 8 fusion spell used at the same time Screen_Recording_20210307-191318_Parallel Space 64Bit Support_360x760.mp4
  3. Ive found how to edit time, use second, and float as type And for maximizing your fun, use fusion usti only, its cool with all new effect
  4. I'm not pro in this kind of stuff, but atleast I will help instead of teasing like some "d*uche, thinking that he is already on dveloper level, yet all he did is cheating on offline game" This is to for MP MP is in Float, Search Range is set to Anonymous, how to search for it is 1. when your MP bar is full, you will get Skill Window open 2. open your game guardian, pick "normal search", choose ">=", fill the value to "0", set to float, then search 3. Open the game, instead of choosing skill, choose to get the "mana 25%", after you click on the mana, the game will start, so you must quickly tap the pause button after choosing "mana 25%". 4. Open GG, and use "fuzzy search", click "more", then fill the D number with "25", click on "N=O+D" 5. Open the game, fill the MP again, when the skill window open, choose "fuzzy search", click "less", and click "decreased" 6. Open the game again, choose to retrieve the 25%mana again, and repeat step 3 to step 6 until you find your value. 7. When you find it, edit it by "adding the value" instead of "changing the value". For LV and Kills, its easily found by using Dword normal search, the address is near to MP address I haven't found the way to edit the time, maybe some "kind and humble people" will help
  5. isn't I already said it :/? there's 2 way... if it's not work if you hit the next day and restart, then don't hit the next day and restart (the drawback is you just need to reenter the battle, that's it)
  6. so I've just found something, there's 2 ways... the value will change if you: restarting after "not continuing to the next day" (the value is changed on me using this step when I use my modded 1.4.3 apk, on my late progressed game) or... restarting after "continuing to the next day" (the value is changed on me using this step when I use my official 1.4.6 play store, on my new gameplay) so it means we have a certain factor when it will work...
  7. so I start a fresh new in my official app, but... looks like something is wrongs with this step? whenever I restart the game, it keep bringing me back to start of battle... so I improvise I still collect the gold as the last reward, and skip the reward screen so it brings me back to the next day.. restart the game, and voila 1.000.000 gold achievement lol so in conclusion you need to continue from reward screen I hope this works too in modded version @BadAtEveryGame, you've just asked when I'm typing this lol, tell me the result if you're using modded version
  8. First of all, thank you very much, I really appreciate your help ? I want to start new game in latest version (1.4.6), since the MOD 1.4.6 is bugged with "can't use skills" and "can't save the progress", so... Here is my current log>>> So I reset my game data (MOD 1.4.3). I open the game once again (MOD 1.4.3) and buy all the necessary stuff that needs Devil Stone (Packs 'n Clothes). I back it up using Titanium Backup. And then I buy the official one from Play Store (1.4.6). Test the game, and nothing wrongs with save file and skills since it's the official (paid) version, and then I exit the game. I restore my data from Modded Version hoping the item is back. Yes, all of the item is back to the game (packs and clothes), but the Devil Stones is minus 8k (who cares? I've got all the item). And I play a New Game, and following your instruction. but... When I restart the game, the game is resetting, doesn't save my progress... like when I use modded 1.4.6 is that the case with you @AspKom? or is it because I use the save data from modded apk? btw can you hack devil stones too so I don't need to use my save data from modded apk?
  9. I'm currently using version 1.4.3 (the old version) but I can only cheat it once
  10. hey @AspKom the first time i try it, it works, i follow this xor tutorial first (using Dword), and then I freeze the value, and exit the game, and whoa it works... but the next time I use it, bump! it failed (both continuing the current game or start the new game). Every time I exit and reenter the game, the value doesn't change. and i try to unfreeze it, and nothing change again, can you help me? I'm using Nox I already tried it 4-5 time in a single game, doent work, i wonder maybe the first time it works just a fluke ? @mapleshilc and sir how do you make it work the second time, in a new game
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