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  1. your bin files should be in the folder /data/data/jp.gungho.padEN
  2. sorry fixed the pad bin editor link
  3. What are the names of the ios programs that mess with the packets? I would be interested in looking into the android side.
  4. SBGH works on it and I have been able to change some visual stuff as far as I can tell but nothing solid yet.
  5. no problem glad it helped
  6. using sbgamehacker and deencryption I was able to modify scrap to 88888 same using sbgamehacker but no deencryption i was able to modify the crystals to 88888 i did have the game crash when i changed it to 99999 thats why i chose to try 88888
  7. some use detection software some just cant handle the memory being jacked with. im at work if I get some time during a break or after work Ill try it and see if I can find anything.
  8. have you tried anything?
  9. good luck with gems.... if you want to hack it you can use a memory editor for troop amount in single player.
  10. I have modified this game using basic memory editors. Try modifying numbers that you can change easily and you will see they are easy to change
  11. Now, when any patches happen you'll want to pull your original data021.bin and data036.bin files and put them in the same folder as padbinEditor.exe. Once you open the program up it will default to data021.bin, with everything blank. You'll have four buttons (data021, data024, data036, data056). Now, with data021 selected, directly above the click buttons there are the three file menu selections. Not sure how it'll look if you're using Windows with anything other than English as default, but after several japanese characters you'll see a letter in parenthesize. ######(F), ###(E), ####(O) Like that. Under the (F) menu the only option we really need to worry about is the very last one with (S) at the end. It's used to save your changes. Okay, with data021 selected click the (E) menu, and click the fourth option down from the top. It'll be the only option that has a ( ) in it. That will bring up a menu that has 12 boxes in it, all with 1.0. The only ones we really need are the top six, 3x3. The 1.0 represents the base stat value. So if you want to change Hp, Atk, Rcv to 10x, change the 1.0 to 10.0 for those top six boxes. Once you've got your values changed to the X percentage you want, click the bottom right button to apply the changes. You can click the drop down menu after the data0## selectors and select one of the monsters to see the new values. With that done, click the (F) menu, and then at the bottom the (S) option to save your changes to data021. Now click data036. Same basic premise, click the (E) menu, and select the option all the way at the bottom that has lvl max listed within it. That will max out the skill level for all skills. If you want to edit turns for individual skills, just select them from the drop down menu. The first number on the right side, under a drop down menu, is how many turns before a skill is active. Once again, click the (F) menu, and click the (S) option to save. Just copy the files back like you would when installing the mod and you're good to go whenever a new patch appears.
  12. did h and i today no problems
  13. You do not have permission to view this attachment.
  14. after each update you need to allow write permissions on the data files again so the game can update them. Take them out and use the bin editor that I linked to to modify the new one and put it back in and make it read only. The bin editor menus are in japanese tho. I can see If i can find the tutorial on using it and post it here. edit: at work cant access tutorial
  15. When i open CC in bluestacks then sbgamehacker closes and i cant access it. Any help on why?
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