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  1. Grizzly reaper is 80+ found mine at 83 and he was 1 star level 17 i think
  2. Sb Gamehack (bluestacks)
  3. you need the correct sb gamehacker for bluestacks.. http://www.apk4share.net/201312-2325/sbgamehacker-game-accelerator-2-6
  4. Here
  5. Okay so does anyone know how to create a customised patch for lucky patcher? Or Link me to somewhere that does. Thankyou
  6. Some help?!
  7. No, because if i was to search "coin" it would still show up as the word "coin" is in "getCoin". Everything is listed as Sub_xxxx So i searched in the strings submenu and still nothing is found. Anyone able to help?
  8. Some help with IDA please.. All functions show as Sub_xxxx

  9. Name of Game: So basically im trying to mod a game to learn.. So i decompiled it and it has a few libgame's So i opened the biggest one in IDA and i cant find what i want to mod "coins" i searched "coin" and nothing is found. it has no strings attached to it, all the functions are sub_xxxx What other options do i have? How can i mod it?
  10. More tutorials.. Especially IDA tutorials.. To teach us to mod and help contribute to the community
  11. Will you change me to VIP, have pm'd you the details
  12. ijokaa


  13. ijokaa

    OI OI

    Alright lads and ladies, im new here, recommended from someone on another site. Already enjoying this site. Just hope some more tutorials will be posted on this site
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