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  1. I had that issues if you want to pay money you need to uninstall freedom buy your stuff then reinstall it
  2. Galaxy s3 works on 1.2.42
  3. Cc has been updated to 1.2.4
  4. Yea I just got update to 1.2.4 and any value you search and it closes the program
  5. Just tried again and dungeon works fine but HBM I have to do level C with 4 level 100 heros
  6. I don't know but everything has worked till today now my might goes up and I change the 4th line above the blue to 328448 and now my heros do regular damage on HBM and my towers don't kill regular troops with one hit now they take 2 hits now I can't even beat level H wave 1 does anyone else have this issue
  7. Yea I would like to know also cause I can only get about 300 or 400 shards a day IF IM LUCKY
  8. How do we do that I would love to jump from guild to guild
  9. They need to be legendary heros go to hero alter click by with shards then go to legendary those are the heros you can mod
  10. For me I stay in on guild so I get the boss 1 time per day and I use 2 accounts right now.if u leave a guild it wont let you join anything for 1 day I have my other account in the guild and it pays for the guild boss so its free on my main account.the most I've had is 8 different accounts on each device.
  11. I ran into a small problem when I input number in gamehacker it give says valid value range 2147483648-4294967295 and will not let me search 10817110002 has anyone ran into this I've tried resetting and reinstalled both but still same issue
  12. Cant wait to see whats coming
  13. There has to be a way cause I got hit by 1 lightning spell and it took down 80 percent of my town before they put any troops on the ground I'm town hall 8 with a solid defence we just have to find it I've been messing with both coc and cc but I'm new to this I get suck decoding
  14. There is a mod for csv files to max out troops but every time I go online it says server out of sync need to reload game there is also mods for weapons to do max damage and town to look like its all max level which do stick
  15. Tutorials would help get more modders which would give a larger arsenal of games then they can post and help with mods and request if u put only mods up then people will just grab and go all stress will be on few modders around and limited games cause not many people know how to mod
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