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  1. u0_a81@shamu:/ $ setenforce 0 setenforce: Could not set enforcing status: Permision denied This is what i got when running it. I made it so i had root access and it allowed me to enforce This helped, and fixed it. Thanks a lot.
  2. I am currently downloading the newest nightly for today to see if the problem will fix.
  3. This seems odd. Have you gotten it to work on other CM devices before or has this problem never occured before?
  4. When i try the command in my terminal i get "kernel.yama.ptrace_scope is an unknown key" Shall i try to update my version of Cm to a new one to see if that fixes said issue?
  5. Do you mean this information?
  6. Hope this will help. logcat_and_device_info (2).zip GG_5.1.1_API_22.log
  7. Yes, The icon of the game im trying to hack shows up and yet it says "game dead" Even if i was on my launcher it shouldnt say "dead game"
  8. With all the programs or apps ive tried to hack ive gotten "Game Dead" even with "Hill Climb Racing" The App is working while i have GG running but when i stop GG the game or launcher of my device crashes.
  9. GG continues to run, it dosent crash. I see the icon on my screen i can go in and try to add values to it yet when i try search or reset it i get "game is dead" I have tried all regions when seraching, i have tried restarting the app and then tried agains. sometimes when i exit the game my home launcher crashes. can that have something to do with the problem? that it might interfer?
  10. I have. Thats one of the first things i got around to.
  11. Is this the information you need? 2015-07-07-01-36-15.txt device_info.txt GG_5.1.1_API_22.log
  12. Yes. I have, yet nothing will help. I have sey my app to have access to root and everything.
  13. Im on NEXUS 6 CM 12 nightly and when ever i try and use the app GG i get a sign "Dead game" i have set it to give it all root access and i use the latest 6.3.0 yet. i cannot use it. Is there any way to make it work for me or do i need to wait till you address this issue?
  14. Hello, i have a nexus 6 with newest cm nightly installed. i have done everything that this guide has told me to check and yet i cannot get the app to stop "game dead" sign. Is it that theres a problem with cm and gg or lolipop and cm?
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