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Everything posted by matt5701

  1. The hack doesn't work anymore...any and all help appreciated!
  2. They just patched the GG hack, states it has 189 as the search # and when I typed it into the hack calculator the inputs don't add up so i cant mod it...
  3. Clear what memory exactly? Can you please be more specific?
  4. Is there any known way to lock in the values so when I start the GameHacker and CC the values automatically set? Also I've tried every method and I cannot seem to hack the attack of any of my hero's, even with switching the value to 1999999999, still leaves my attack the same. HP and thunder god proc hack work flawlessly but the low attack is annoying. This sucks because its harder when I have to do wave I with the spirit mage procing before my hero's are able to kill him, sometimes I lose because the damage of a 160 spirit mage wipes most of my buildings in 1-2 procs.. Also this hack is working in everything but dungeons, the normal attack of my hero's with thunder gods proc skill still isn't enough to even dent the mesa's hp, so I'm failing there as well. Anyone know why the attack hack is not working for me?
  5. Boss and expeditions work for me with the above method...running on a phone with jellybean.
  6. Can you use the hack on expeditions?
  7. I did that, changed all the lines and the damage stays the same "1393," I will try again to see if I missed anything, but so far inputting that doesn't do it. EDIT: Also, n ow all of a sudden when I win in dungeon it automatically kills my hero + all the other heros not even in battle and it's says "Failure" doesn't award shards, is this some sort of auto detect?
  8. Finally got it to work, but the damage is very low because of Paladins low attack and following the guide the attack wont change so I cannot kill anything quick enough...so I'm stumped.
  9. I know! Here's a screenshot to show you the values, it says hack number 5, is that line 5 on the main page? or 5 lined above/below the blue line?
  10. Yeah I'm trying to get the hang of it, I'm a smart guy and I'm still having trouble. When I type in the numbers I get 171 in the search results. What line would that be for paladin? I'm using a Samsung s4 with the jellybean 4.3. Thank you!
  11. Let's say I use my level 100 paladin (Maxed). What would the steps be for that? Tried line 5, when I type in 171 It tells me to check line 15, not 5. Then when I follow your steps with the 8 up and 8 down I still dont see any changes to might/attack. So again I'm stumped. Thank you so much for the help btw!
  12. Yeah of course after I typed in the legendary hero code my numbers matched the examples with the 161 results. After I clicked on line 5 and held it down it gave me the option to view source, but after that holding down any other code gives me the option to edit or copy, not view. So I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
  13. For some reason when I use this method on GH and i use line #5, then edit the blue line it doesn't give me the option to "View source code" or whatever its called, just Edit and copy. With that being said could that be the reason this hack wont work for me? Someone pm me and help me figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thank you.
  14. I tried to use the hack but for some reason after I follow your steps after clicking line 5 and opening the files within, it only gives me the option to edit or copy, not view source. If you have time please pm me so I can discuss it in detail! Thank you
  15. Well this sucks, I purchased VIP+ because Moderator's stated there are still working CC hacks. Clearly in the VIP+ section there are none working ATM. If I am wrong please correct me but so far I have found no links to be working. Any and all PM's would be appreciated!
  16. I am a VIP+ yet I see no page on this site for the hack.. Guess my VIP+ expired but before I re-buy I want to make sure there is an actual hack for CC.
  17. Yep, I know exactly whom...his email is James tanner right? He "Claims" he has a working one and was going to sell it for $6.99...unfortunately all people do is claim there's works but I have seen have seen no actual up to to date proof of any of their claims...who knows if I stumble onto something ill let you know, please do me that favor aswell
  18. I know! It's amazing how many ppl have hacked Castle Clash yet its impossible to findout how they did it...I paid for this because I thought people used these forums..
  19. Just curious if any exist anymore...I myself have tried to use GG and get nothing but visual effects...nothing more. If anyone has a real working hack for castle clash can you please post it? I bought VIP for some help and so far it seems it wasn't worth it. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks Matt
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