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  1. I was offline the whole day, sorry. I'll try soon Ok
  2. Alright. I'll try it
  3. what's a share folder? and do you mean i can select any folder with dump file as path folder?
  4. You mean it can be any folder that has the dump file on it? Except for the game's data file I think
  5. I can't edit the topic to add the video, but I can link the video here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/65a8o3ry6rjrwxi/mobizen_20221015_135535.mp4/file?dkey=d6ddaq6o90o&r=110
  6. Alright I'll give it a shot
  7. Hello I need help using a script named Il2CppDumper Toolbox made by BadCase. Everytime I try to open the script, I get error like the screenshots below. It doesn't matter how many times I dumped libil2cpp and metadata files. I still can't open the script. I tried to contact the creator of the script (BadCase) for the problem, but he didn't answer me. Please someone help me out
  8. Blocx said it's possible, all we need is someone who can reprocess the hack and explain how
  9. So anyone else? If you know how to unlock the robots, please feel free to reply
  10. I tried lucky patcher and I got the same message as blocx
  11. But I was searching for someone to help me for a long time... I need the values
  12. Please explain how you unlocked it. I'd really like to hear it
  13. Hey, uh... There's this game called "Real Steel Champions" and there's robots in the game that are only purchasable with real life money. In the screenshot is only one of the paid robots. There's also 4 or 5 more of them in the game. I was wondering if someone could hack the game to obtain them without paying money... with a lua script or something, I think that would be cool. Link to the game in case needed: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.reliancegames.rschampions The game is offline btw.
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