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under_score last won the day on December 20 2022

under_score had the most liked content!

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    samsung galaxy a01 32 bit
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Community Answers

  1. maybe try to reinstall gameguardian. seems like a f1vm issue, try to tap reset the sandbox in f1vm
  2. open gameguardian inside of f1vm Or maybe f1vm is corrupt, try to uninstall f1vm and install it again
  3. use https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/2941-field-offset-finder/
  4. Sql injection **is** legal btw(By the way)
  5. actually Hacking online games is **not** illegal, its only illegal if ypu hack the server
  6. You have to open the game first, then tap on gameguardian
  7. how does it not load? send Logcat
  8. use f1vm, I think its the only one working on android 13
  9. the return value of a function is always stored in r0
  10. that is impossible, that menu will always appear if the script needs internet
  11. you can still select them if they are red
  12. this is because the architecture of the libraries. pcs use x86 and x86_64 phones use armeabi-v7a and armv8-64a i think you can delete the libs and make speedhack work in a emulator How to remove arm libs from apk - fix game work on x86 emulators - Solid Explorer, ZArchiver (#5vshvz7r)
  13. thats just how technology works. you cant expect a 7 year old phone to have the best performance. Edit: thats like going to a computer shop and complaining that your 7 year old computer cant run the latest AAA games at max graphics
  14. android 6.0 was released in 2015 (7 years ago) i think you need to buy a newer phone
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