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Posts posted by kiynox

  1. [ @BiNoops ]
    Alright, let's do some troubleshoot:


    Game is protected.

    Try to enable the following things:

    • 1. Hide Game Guardian from Game: Level 1-4
    • 2. Bypass for PTrace Protection: freeze / restore
    • 3. Prevent Unload: Level 1-4



    BUT when I do the same with a script, the game crashes

    Try execute this script and tell me the numbers.

    gg.searchNumber('1 688;1 374;11.99852752686', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    gg.refineNumber('1 688', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    gg.searchNumber('1 688;1 374;11.99852752686', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    gg.refineNumber('1 374', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    gg.searchNumber('1 688;1 374;11.99852752686', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    gg.refineNumber('11.99852752686', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)

    [ Solution ]

    • - If you want to apply the values, instead of saving it into "Saved Lists", try to use: "gg.setValues". 
    • - Dont do unnecessary loops, using "for" is enough

    Here, I have improve your script:

    gg.searchNumber('1 688;1 374;11.99852752686', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    gg.refineNumber('1 688', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    local xCoord = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())
    local xCotemp = {}
    gg.searchNumber('1 688;1 374;11.99852752686', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    gg.refineNumber('1 374', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    local yCoord = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())
    local yCotemp = {}
    gg.searchNumber('1 688;1 374;11.99852752686', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    gg.refineNumber('11.99852752686', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    local zCoord = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())
    local zCotemp = {}
    for i, v in ipairs(xCoord) do
    	if v.flags == gg.TYPE_FLOAT then
    		xCotemp[i].address = v.address
    		xCotemp[i].value = '1575'
    		xCotemp[i].flags = v.flags
    for i, v in ipairs(yCoord) do
    	if v.flags == gg.TYPE_FLOAT then
    		yCotemp[i].address = v.address
    		yCotemp[i].value = '1356'
    		yCotemp[i].flags = v.flags
    for i, v in ipairs(zCoord) do
    	if v.flags == gg.TYPE_FLOAT then
    		zCotemp[i].address = v.address
    		zCotemp[i].value = '13.44929885'
    		zCotemp[i].flags = v.flags

    [ Problems ]

    • - Since you're looking for floats, it is possible the results can be alot, causing unnecessary things to change and break your game
    • - You're looping 99 times ("for repeatC = 1, 99 do"), this is bad practice. Using ("for i, v ipairs()") is enough. This causing the script to add the same 60 results into saved list for 99 times. Just calculate it yourself: 60x99.
    • - You're changing coordinates (to teleport), it doesn't make sense to freeze the value ("v.freeze = true"). Coordinate is dynamic, it changes once the character is moving. Freezing the value can cause un-intended effects.
    • - Your forgot to close ("for repeatC = 1, 99 do") with ("end").

    So try the solution above.

  2. [ @ninjavour ]


    we want to modify players and background and even weapons

    You need to understand that doing this requires physical in-game file (you can get it through dumping) -> decrypt/extract the file -> edit the file -> encrypt/format them again somehow -> and put it inside the game somehow. This is hard, especially we're dealing with console games and old. And no, Game Guardian cannot replace any existing texture with another texture only from memory. To some extent, Game Guardian can only do basic shader changes (like colors, etc) because it exist on memory (only works with current rendered in-game object).


    for example Last Bronx

    I suggest you to use QuickBMS tool that allow to read these kind of files. Of course, you need to know the game formats, it's encryption, etc; to create your own QuickBMS script. Or, you can see if other people have done this in the past, it seems that no-one already done this:



    we have a console game(sega saturn)

    If you want to edit these kind of files, I think you should ask it on this forum: XentaxZenhax. As for now, the forum is dead. You can visit Xentax before the forum shutting-down at the end of 2023. So far, I don't know the alternative to this OG forum.


    how to decrypt .bin file using game gurdian

    (.bin) extension usually just pure - raw binary format, it could be anything to images, movies, etc. So there's no "Universal .bin extractor/reader" since it's depends on Games/that (.bin) file comes from. And yes, even Game Guardian can't help you with this.


    we want to GET players and background and even weapons

    Instead of *Modify*, you can instead *Get* in-game assets. Yes, this is possible. All in-game object is rendered using some kind of Graphics pipeline (Vulkan, OpenGL, DirectX). There's a lot of tool that allows you to GET in-game Textures/Models only from renderer. I suggest you to emulate your game using some kind of Sega Console Emulator: Sega Model 2 Emulator and then use: NinjaRipper3D Ripper DX. Note that: you can only obtain in-game assets, you can't change/replace them.
    In theory, since you can get in-game assets from renderer (Vulkan, OpenGL, DirectX), you can also change the assets directly on the renderer itself. There's a tool that allow this: SpecialK, might as well try it with Sega Emulator: SpecialK Demo. Otherwise, you need to do it manually by recomposite edited assets into renderer formats (hard).

  3. [ @ash_9 ]


    it works perfectly but when grant GG root access waydroid start to freezes clicks and holds clicks even though I just click. 

    Are you sure it only happens after granting access or when you open Game Guardian? I would heavily suspect this is the WayDroid/Hardware faults. Stuttering is commonly happen on Android Emulator, I guess that's normal. Perhaps attach some diagnostic from both WayDroid and your devices (how many used RAM, Processor, and renderers: Vulkan/OpenGL/DirectX)

  4. [ @Godlevel ]
    Try these command on Termux:

    cmd appops set <game_guardian-package-name> android:no_isolated_storage allow
    cmd appops set <game_guardian-package-name> android:legacy_storage allow



    it's not showing,it show files like(MP4,mov)

    Is (.txt) extension can be seen? Perhaps your script isn't (.lua) extension. Honestly, extension doesn't matter, as long it contains some lua script. On Game Guardian, (.lua) extension only intended for highlighting the files with green color but you can still execute any files.

  5. [ @L0CHENET ]


    due to virtual spaces not working and virtual machines being confusing

    What exact problem you face with virtual machines?


    due to virtual spaces not working and virtual machines being confusing

    As Android 10 users, I would recommend: VPhoneGaGa, it fits both world (performance and compatibility).


    where it's not too hard to use

    Virtual machine is easy once you get grasp for it and it is not too hard, just behave like android itself (it is android on top of android, basically). 


    still has good performance

    Using virtuals will have less performance in general, no matter what apps it is. Since you're using Android 10, why not try to root it? Welp, in my case, there's no root option because of OPPO Manufacturer being s**tty, that's why I end up using VPhoneGaGa as I mentioned earlier.

  6. [ @ABCDEabe ]
    Send the file here. We need it to iterate all of them from beginning, but you can just do this:


    for key, value in ipairs(your_table) do


  7. [ @ninjavour ]


    Evil Twin Procedures

    In theory, yes, you can. You can setup some proxy capable in intercepting "in-game requests", in meaning that it is understand the datas the game tried to send & receive. Setting this is hard and require in understanding game structs.


    so it is preferable to edit the apk+obb than using a gameguardian script.

    You can go this route. APK+OBB is editable using Game Guardian, you can just "DISABLE" in-game server check. It is the common way others create "offline games" but you see:

    • - If the games only require "a server" for login purposes, you can still return a fake credential, which altered through in-game files. (Ex: Red Dead Redemption 2, Far Cry, GTA V, etc)
    • - If the games only require "a server" for license check, you can just skip by disabling it. (Ex: Minecraft)

    You need to understand what this "server" is actually for and the game must have some kind of "Offline Game Modes" (Ex: Classic, Story, Solo Mode, etc) because if it's heavily depends on Multiplayer server, you can't do anything other than stuck at the lobby/menu screen.

  8. [ @gumigumi ]


    Search a unique value -> CE return one address but it is for sure different from 80AA0000h because it is physical address -> stuck there...

    So you're talking about "goto pointer". Well.. since you're doing it from outside (using CE), it cannot be done but there's a workaround. 

    • 1) On CE: Right click on the result -> Find out what accessing this address -> Do something in-game to change the value. Hopefully it would lead you to another physical address.
    • 2) Look for any possible pointer that points to the same location (1 address can have multiple pointer). Might want to find Static Pointer using these: ChainerPointer Scan (Find pointer that exist even after restarting the game). After getting static pointer, do number #1 from my earlier comment.


    • - Is this the right game?: Honor of Kings [Level Infinite]
    • - You can probably tell me what values you're searching on my DM, so I could help you finding it on CE.


  9. [ @Jonathan3 ]


    I used gg to dump dbd mobile and get a lot of .bin files around 3.93GB

    You need to dump the specific memory range to eliminate unnecessary part of the game. Goto Memory Viewer -> Goto Address (->) -> Select the dropdown menu (v: on the right of the address bar) -> Find any live memory with (.pak) on it and write down it's memory range (Ex: *****-*****: 12bcd-12ccd) -> The dump it using the memory range you wrote.


    how should i perform next to get a .pak file

    (.pak) files are usually encrypted, unlike (.unity3d) files. It involves md5 hashing and some "key". Even big games like PUBGM (also use (.pak) files) are rarely seen someone able to unlock their (.pak) files.


    wanna export some mobile cosmetics out

    If you want to get their cosmetics or textures, you can just dump it from Android Renderer (OpenGL), some tools like Ninja Ripper should do it (but you need to use Android Emulator on PC).

  10. [ @gumigumi ]


    I can find the location where the pointer is saved, but the pointer is pointing to an address inside the emulator (virtual memory address I think), and from outside I don't know how to map it

    If you're using CheatEngine, I recommend to not use Pointer as it always changed whenever you start the Emulator. You might want to search using ArrayOfBytes/ Hex String. For example:

    • 1) Take the first 16 bytes of your lib > search it on Cheat Engine > now add your pointer / offset to the address founds.
    • 2) You can search the value directly: goto your pointer first on Game Guardian > Memory View -> Set the view as "Hex" -> Copy atleast 16 hex (up-to-down) from your pointer.

    Have you tried to search for values on the main menu? (the game is closed but still exist on "recent activity"), probably mention the games name.

  11. [ @TheEagleEye ]


    I can't/don't understand if you've already mentioned to Decrypt the values! But I'd like to hear decryption method or maybe a link to an available explanation.

    You can find something related to: XOR, Obscured, Encrypted or Obfuscated value. There's a lot of tutorial that covers it (on this forum or even YouTube): XOR. Sadly, the tutorial for Obscured value is taken down due to violating YouTube TOS, the closest thing I found is: Obscured


    I don't know what a function is!

    Function is a block of code that does something, I couldn't explain it even better. Function accept values that will be used by the function codes:

    this_is_value = 1
    def this_is_function(this_is_value):

    Something like that, you can find this by using dissasembler tools like IDA Pro or Ghidra or find it using Game Guardian, usually it starts with LDR/ADDR (Arm Instruction).


    Never heard of Components!

    Game uses alot of components, specifically we talking about Anti-Cheat related here. Component is just ingredients of game (again, I couldn't explain it even better). Look for function that related "Codestage" or "Anti-Cheat".
    Looks like you're new to this kind of stuff. I suggest to do some experiments with other game that we've cover on this forum, visits Requests section, there's a lot of useful material in there. And yes, "hard-hitting tricks" does exist as it is really depends on the game itself. With that, knowing the basics can help you a lot in "combining" tricks to hack your game.


  12. [ @TheEagleEye ]
    There's several workaround to this:

    • - As mentioned above, it could be fake values. Try other results (if there's more than one) or the value may be encrypted / xored, you need to decrypt them: after finding fake values -> check neighboured address on Memory Viewer (=) -> find subsequent address that has the same value -> change the first one to 0 -> the second one to your desired value
    • - Edit the function instead of the values. Games often passing values to a function, by editing the function, you don't need to worry if the values changed.
    • - You might edit the correct one but the game overrides it with updated values; you just need to freeze the value. Do note that server also exist on the client-side.
    • - Sometimes the game would move the value to another memory address once it's updated, you just need to disable in-game component that responsible for this. Usually it is related to Anti-Cheat or in-game self Crashing.

    Mention your game's name if possible.

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