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Everything posted by nok1a

  1. I will try, but is there anything you get out of those games? You get money from this?
  2. Your gold and gems is a normal dword search. gold;gem::5 and for level you can follow these steps: Word city Please help with cheating levels, I cannot change them (#2239t6n2)
  3. For change level in Word City (64 bit): You do a group search with your current amount of gold and gem: gold;gem::5 Then go to the address of the gold. Edit the value at offset - 0x10 and -0x8 to 0 in data type DWORD and freeze them. Then change your LV value which is at offset - 0x4 of your gold value to whatever you want. Enter game.
  4. If unity game try the script: https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/2918-auto-speedhack-finder/
  5. Check out Katyscode for info about obfuscated global-metadata https://katyscode.wordpress.com/2021/02/23/il2cpp-finding-obfuscated-global-metadata/
  6. Level is protected, Are you using 32 or 64 bit of the game?
  7. nok1a


    Is it a Unity gama? With before, do you mean it worked on a older version?
  8. Can you show screenshots of those pure zeros?
  9. If your using 64 Bit download this script, should work: function class_Pointer() local range = gg.getRangesList("global-metadata.dat") -- get dll pointer UserProfile gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER) gg.searchNumber("h00 55 73 65 72 50 72 6F 66 69 6C 65 2E 49 6E 66 72 61 73 74 72 75 63 74 75 72 65 2E 64 6C 6C 00", gg.TYPE_BYTE, nil, nil, range[1].start, range[1]["end"]) -- UserProfile.Infrastructure.dll local char_UserProfile = gg.getResults(2) gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(char_UserProfile[2].address, gg.TYPE_QWORD) local pointerCheck = gg.getResults(1) gg.clearResults() -- get class pointer JourneyProgress gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER) gg.searchNumber("h00 4A 6F 75 72 6E 65 79 50 72 6F 67 72 65 73 73 00", gg.TYPE_BYTE, nil, nil, range[1].start, range[1]["end"]) -- JourneyProgress local char_Journey = gg.getResults(2) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber(char_Journey[2].address, gg.TYPE_QWORD) local t = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for i, v in ipairs(t) do v.address = v.address - 0x10 end t = gg.getValues(t) local class_Pointer_JourneyProcess = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do if v.value == pointerCheck[1].address then class_Pointer_JourneyProcess[i] = v.address end end gg.clearResults() return class_Pointer_JourneyProcess end local class_Pointer_JourneyProcess = class_Pointer() function field_numberOfCompletedJourney(input) local Level = input gg.searchNumber(class_Pointer_JourneyProcess[1], gg.TYPE_QWORD) local t = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for i, v in ipairs(t) do v.address = v.address + 0x18 v.flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD end t = gg.getValues(t) local numberOfCompletedJourney = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do if v.value == (tonumber(Level[1]) - 1) then numberOfCompletedJourney[#numberOfCompletedJourney + 1] = t[i] end end if #numberOfCompletedJourney == 0 then gg.toast("Level not found, did you input correct level?") gg.sleep(100) else local LevelSet = gg.prompt( {'Input desired Level to edit to'}, {[1]=''}, {[1]='number'} ) for i, v in ipairs(numberOfCompletedJourney) do v.value = tonumber(LevelSet[1]) - 1 end gg.setValues(numberOfCompletedJourney) gg.toast("Level set, go in game and back to lobby for apply the change visually") end gg.clearResults() end function start() local Level = gg.prompt( {'Input your current Level'}, {[1]=''}, {[1]='number'} ) if Level == nil then gg.toast("No input") else local nonNumb = 0 for i in string.gmatch(Level[1], "%U") do local char = string.byte(i) if char < 0x30 or char > 0x39 then nonNumb = nonNumb + 1 end if nonNumb ~= 0 then gg.toast("This is not a number") else field_numberOfCompletedJourney(Level) break end end end end while (true) do if gg.isVisible() then gg.setVisible(false) start() end gg.sleep(100) end
  10. RVA is the offset from start of a file and RA is the offset from start of where the file was located in the process virtual memory. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2170843/va-virtual-address-rva-relative-virtual-address You can make sense of VA clearly when you dump the libraries with GG. When searching for fields like Walkspeed at offset 0x64 you can use field offset searcher: Field Offset Finder (#yyzay1k) put name of the class the field belongs to and it's offset and data type and it will usually give you the value.
  11. Do you have the link to the game? If this game is Unity you could install the game in a new virtual with a new in game account and try to find the values using the xor feature as you did at the start and see which class/field it belongs to(If not Unity you figure out a group search with some offsets to target address) which you then use for search in your current game in which you could not find the encrypted values directly.
  12. Yeah, not sure why there is an error. Tried it manually and then it works. Do you have 64 or 32bit?
  13. Welcome! (Just make sure you have done some testing before uploading: https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/category/8-virtual-spaces-no-root/)
  14. I would prefer if you send me video on how you did it.
  15. My phone is not rooted, it's just crashing
  16. Ok, i can't run the game. It insta crashes. Did you take a look at these tutorials in case the game applied some protection methods on the lib or metadata. Also watch the tutorials: Trying to correctly dump Imaginary Fest (#1vi9kopg) Also when sharing game. Better to give direct apk link or play store link. I won't install that QooApp.
  17. I believe it's server sided but could be wrong. I dunno if possible. But in the late future perhaps will have a look. Can't promise.
  18. Oke, but your not using gameguardian to dump the lib and metadata at runtime. I can't open the game on my emulator. Dump at runtime. You can use the script: libil2cpp.so and metadata.dat dumping script (#rpaaz4p)
  19. I don't understand the question. I don't know anything about IDA but you need the codeRegistration and metaRegistration, why? Your using Il2CppDumper.GUI.2.1.0 ? What you mean with offsets being 0 ?
  20. Good tutorial. Advising you to post it in the video tutorial section next time. Aside from that i think the group search is ok but you could perhaps have it more accurate. I believe how less irrelevant results how less chance on unintended effects after freezing values and overall a more clean way of using GG when it comes to the simple search and edit(personal opinion). I just tried it on a other gun but it wouldn't work. So it's specifically for that gun. I did same as you but then for a handgun got some other values. So since the values where you came up with the group search will be different for each gun it could perhaps be better to make tutorial about how you found the group search of a gun. Then one can applies the same approach to every other gun (just a suggestion).
  21. nok1a

    speed hack issue

    Try Auto speedhack finder (#57uzsb98)
  22. nok1a

    pointer problem

    Why are you searching in float and editing in double? Although you gave the data type of each value. It's makes more sense i think to put the flags of search and edit on type double. I also wonder why you first have 598 results and then 50 results, this is related with you not using a ordered group search with a given distance. Your not doing a ordered search. Use "::" for ordered search. And define the range of the ordered search by giving the max range value in which the values can be distanced from each other. Like that you already narrow the amount results you will have. Not sure if coincidental or not but is the search not the other way around: 0.1E;1.44999992847F ?
  23. nok1a

    Mod Menu to Lua Script

    The script doesn't convert the features in the mod menu to a Lua file as you requested but it does get you the offsets that the modmenu uses which is pretty much enough. It is payed, you will have to contact Lover1500: Contact info: https://t.me/Hater1500 And if you don't want to pay you do it manually.
  24. I dunno if that makes sense. 2 processes but there is only one actual game. Double check which symbol is before the process name :https://gameguardian.net/help/faq.html#q14 Aside from that. Try using 2 gameguardian's, you will have to install 2 different versions. I dunno if it will work since i haven't test it but will look like this.
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