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Proejder last won the day on January 9 2023

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Community Answers

  1. Yes, don't mind the version.
  2. View File Apk Update Version Checker (Apkcombo- Apkpure) This Script checks if the version of Apkcombo and apkpure games and applications stored in a table called "games" is up to date. Copy and paste the link of your Apkcombo or apkpure app or game for the game you want to the link stored in the "link" field of the game's entry in the "games" table. searches the content of the request for the version and date of the game's latest update. So how do you know if the game is updated or not? If the version is not the same as the version stored in the "version" field of the game entry in the "games" table, [️] appears next to the version. And it always shows the latest version. If there is no update or When same as version = "the version you wrote", it shows [] next to the version. At the same time, by using this in your scripts, you can give a warning for the new version or do version control when the game is updated. Example I want to control a PK XD Game, add it. ["PK XD"] = { version = "1.44", --I set the version. If it is not the same as this version, it will appear as [️]. link = "https://apkcombo.com/pk-xd/com.movile.playkids.pkxd/", --I searched the game from Apkcombo site and copied the http link and pasted it in quotes. }, --2 ["Roblox"] = { version = "2.561.359 ", link = "https://apkcombo.com/roblox/com.roblox.client/", }, If you are not crazy, you can feel a slowness of up to 200 games. If you just want to check version, you can remove Date Functions and speed up queries. Submitter Proejder Submitted 02/08/2023 Category Tools  
  3. Version 2.0.0


    This Script checks if the version of Apkcombo and apkpure games and applications stored in a table called "games" is up to date. Copy and paste the link of your Apkcombo or apkpure app or game for the game you want to the link stored in the "link" field of the game's entry in the "games" table. searches the content of the request for the version and date of the game's latest update. So how do you know if the game is updated or not? If the version is not the same as the version stored in the "version" field of the game entry in the "games" table, [️] appears next to the version. And it always shows the latest version. If there is no update or When same as version = "the version you wrote", it shows [] next to the version. At the same time, by using this in your scripts, you can give a warning for the new version or do version control when the game is updated. Example I want to control a PK XD Game, add it. ["PK XD"] = { version = "1.44", --I set the version. If it is not the same as this version, it will appear as [️]. link = "https://apkcombo.com/pk-xd/com.movile.playkids.pkxd/", --I searched the game from Apkcombo site and copied the http link and pasted it in quotes. }, --2 ["Roblox"] = { version = "2.561.359 ", link = "https://apkcombo.com/roblox/com.roblox.client/", }, If you are not crazy, you can feel a slowness of up to 200 games. If you just want to check version, you can remove Date Functions and speed up queries.
  4. almost of the forum is script related. Just tap here to learn the script https://gameguardian.net/help/
  5. View File Grand Criminal Online (Reward Speed Level, Gold) Valid for 32x. Activate while in game Submitter Proejder Submitted 01/05/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  6. Version 0.8.3


    Valid for 32x. Activate while in game
    5 stars for me Works great without any issues. I modified it a bit to get the update offsets output but I didn't quite understand the "mscorlib.dll" search. I removed it from the function to speed it up a bit. It still works great. What exactly is its function? Or is it tactical one
  7. For one hit arm64, use god mode if you are using 32x
  8. View File Dragon City Script -One Hit Kill ( Opposite ) -God Mode (Unlimited Health) Submitter Proejder Submitted 12/27/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  9. Version 22.10.5


    -One Hit Kill ( Opposite ) -God Mode (Unlimited Health)
  10. Proejder

    Help field offset

    i made it for myself as i am modding the script. I can send it to you.
  11. Proejder

    Help field offset

    Try Check Comment
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