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Remember it is trial and error, it nomal if you dont get it in the first try. the first thing you need to make sure is you are on the correct class representing the BUS/CAR. might be more easy with modding but with gg you can do like so. 1. Find the BUS instance 2. Find the transform offset and follow the pointer 3. On the transform follow the position Vector3 pointer 4. if position V3 found you can now edit the x,y,z coordinate
Unity objects have a transform component. to make something fly you can elevate the y axis on the position property https://docs.unity3d.com/6000.0/Documentation/ScriptReference/Transform.html
METHODE 1: You have inbuilt freeze value option just use it without any script METHODE 2: Do the research, then add the value into the save list. This can be done manually if it is really complex or involves increment/decrement features (User Interaction). Then we just pick up the value(s) from the save list and check if they changed. local VALUE_FREEZE = 4 local listItems = gg.getListItems() local listItemsSize = #listItems if listItemsSize == 0 then print("List Item is empty!") gg.alert("List Item is empty!") os.exit(1) end while true do local hasChanged = false for i = 1, listItemsSize do local v = listItems[i] if v.value ~= VALUE_FREEZE then v.value = VALUE_FREEZE hasChanged = true end end if hasChanged then gg.setValues(listItems) end gg.sleep(100) end Note: this code is not tested
- 1 reply
Provide the game url, i will give it a try
Simple XOR keys are easy to find
You need to determine what algorithm is being used to enc. value. if it is XOR it will be easy
It is a split apk, i think there are already topic about this here, just look around can start there Game lib (#6iy0jaei)
local gg = gg local FILE_PATH = "some_file.lua" -- Relative or absolute path local function fileExist(filename) local f, err = io.open(filename, "r") if (f) then f:close() return true else return false, err end end local isScriptDownloaded = fileExist(FILE_PATH) if (isScriptDownloaded) then print ("Script exist") else print ("Script does not exist") end -- Alt way of doing if (fileExist(FILE_PATH)) then dofile(FILE_PATH) else -- download here end
Sorry if my reply wasn’t what you were looking for. There’s no universal method since every game’s protections are different, but I hope the general direction I gave was somewhat helpful. I’ll leave it here—good luck!
Welcome among us Dan
- 1 reply
Reverse engineering game protections isn’t about pressing a magic “hack” button—it’s about understanding how the game detects tools like GameGuardian and systematically bypassing those checks. Internal protections often include memory obfuscation, integrity checks, and anti-tamper routines designed to detect suspicious behavior, like scanning or modifying values. To bypass these, you’ll need to hide GameGuardian using root-hiding tools, analyze the game’s binaries with tools like IDA Pro or Ghidra, and use dynamic instrumentation with Frida to hook or disable anti-cheat functions. It’s a process of patience, analysis, and experimentation—there’s no universal solution, only techniques tailored to each game’s protection mechanisms. GPT
try this adb shell pm set-installer PACKAGE INSTALLER for example adb shell pm set-installer com.tencent.ig com.android.vending This make your app look like it have been installed by playstore
Should be sleeping in between each edit else it wont work as expected for i=1, 20 do gg.setValue(targetValue) gg.sleep(100) end
Yeah this is also a good method. my idea was to find a function we know run every frame and add a BL call to another function inside this one kinda just like before: void Shoot() { printf("Shooting"); } void Tick() { printf("I run every frame !"); } After: void Shoot() { printf("Shooting"); } void Tick() { Shoot(); printf("I run every frame !"); }
To achieve this, you need to understand how the button works in the game. Understand Button Events. When you click a button in a game, it triggers an event. This event is linked to a specific action or function in the game's code. Find the Function: Each button in the game is programmed to run a specific function when clicked. For example, a "shoot" button in a shooting game runs a function that handles shooting. Locate the Memory Address, Games store information and functions in memory. To trigger a button's action without clicking it, you need to find the memory address where the button's function is stored. Better do the call or hooking trough modding, you will have a hard time trying this with game guardian cause the only way is to write raw assembly code. Using Auto Clickers (Alternative): If finding and changing memory addresses sounds too complex, you can use an auto-clicker app. Auto-clickers simulate clicks at specified intervals, so you can automate the button clicking without dealing with the game's code. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.truedevelopersstudio.automatictap.autoclicker&pcampaignid=web_share
Just checkout here. Learn a litle bit how pastebin api work: https://pastebin.com/doc_api Learn discord webhook: https://discordjs.guide/popular-topics/webhooks.html#creating-webhooks-through-server-settings Learn the webhook api: https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook It will be pretty straightforward if you have some background. I have made some working example you can test on here. This one only use discord: https://gist.github.com/devmaars/26e544083ae2cab8859581e6bf4f6148 This use discord and pastebin: https://gist.github.com/devmaars/7ccaffa1f4bd3b8d137bd16ed2d9df25 For the second one you will have to set your own pastebin dev key. Here is the dummy discord server you can live see the the crash log being pushed https://discord.gg/yDw349UGtW Note: this examples can be used for anything else not just crash log.
no need of a server. you can use pastebin + discord or just discord. you can even make it automatic so that when your script crash it automatically publish the crash log to pastebin then send the url of the paste to your discord server using discord webhook. for me the is the simplest and easy way
Try this https://youtu.be/Hwuc5-cWqT4 script.lua
Change both if you only change that one the level will change but In the home screen it will not
Can you show your error log ?
The script only add values into the saved list you have to manually edit them. if the edit did not work just try again (64 bit only) script.lua
Is the game fully offline ? if not i will not recommend doing this, that just a way to flag yourself as a cheater if the game actually keep player record which is mostly the case if your game is online/semi online
The index is not always the same so to avoid some runtime error you can make it dynamic local function getBaseAddr(lib) local rangeList = gg.getRangesList(lib) for _, v in ipairs(rangeList) do if v.state == "Xa" then return v.start end end end local libanogs = getBaseAddr("libanogs.so") gg.alert(tostring(libanogs + 0x129fc4)) -- "0x129fc4" is your function address -- The function will be located at libil2cpp.so + function address.
write this in QWORD 00 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1r
public class SaveGameManager : MonoBehaviour [Address(RVA = "0x129E248", Offset = "0x129D248", VA = "0x129E248")] public static int getTotalMoney() // return high ammount Unlimited money public class CarProperties : MonoBehaviour [Address(RVA = "0x12B34E4", Offset = "0x12B24E4", VA = "0x12B34E4", Slot = "47")] public virtual bool getIsPremium() // return false make paid cars available to buy with in game money instead of real money