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  1. View File OpenSource - CallOfDuty - BYPASS - season1 - (26-01-2022) enjoy this OpenSource Anti ban for Call of duty Mobile - Global varient. Works in garena? -> i donno. this was made in snapdragon 665 & cod apk was 64 bit. so, i cant assure that, this anti ban will works on any other chipset. but whats wrong with trying? be sure to check this bypass in guest acc first. Also a note, this bypass wasnt tested in high tier. so, no blaming me - after getting ban. ok? Execute place : works in logo / after sign in page / also lobby. my preference is : after signIn page lastly, if this AntiBan worked for ya, plz dont forget to share some codm global hacks to me me in telegram Got any question? Feel free to ask. if it works for you, plz comment it & if it doesnt work for you, also let me know Submitter nio04 Submitted 01/26/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  2. Version 1.1


    enjoy this OpenSource Anti ban for Call of duty Mobile - Global varient. Works in garena? -> i donno. this was made in snapdragon 665 & cod apk was 64 bit. so, i cant assure that, this anti ban will works on any other chipset. but whats wrong with trying? be sure to check this bypass in guest acc first. Also a note, this bypass wasnt tested in high tier. so, no blaming me - after getting ban. ok? Execute place : works in logo / after sign in page / also lobby. my preference is : after signIn page lastly, if this AntiBan worked for ya, plz dont forget to share some codm global hacks to me me in telegram Got any question? Feel free to ask. if it works for you, plz comment it & if it doesnt work for you, also let me know
  3. u hav to setup environment to prevent crash
  4. Bro, u might be noticed already, m super noob at coding... So, if you know how to turn that theory in coding. Plz help me with that
  5. How to 'os.exit' it, while someone peek at searching value values, when gg are searching values? Saw some script hav this weird feature... They can immediately terminate their script, while someone peeked when gg were searching Do anybody hav clue? Plz share it
  6. Disable hide gg from game '4' Then "bypass mode for ptrace protection : off" it Try these?
  7. metadata -start & end address will be diff as each launch, right? btw dont we use that gg dumb function, inCase 'libil2cpp' are encrypted (actually for my game - metadata is encrypted )
  8. so theres no way to mod 'field'?? i saw some interesting field hacks... but since they are like 0x98 or similar, i was thinking myb these cant patched
  9. ah ok understood thanks did u dig lib by ida or from textEditor (dump.cs) ?
  10. if u research big game libil2cpp, u will notice, u will find "aimassist" searched results for atleast 50 times, in this case, we hav to look for proper method, right? this is where i m stuck btw ue4 & unity engine libs (main lib) are pretty much same? did u load pubg libue4.so in ida? i tried to load codm main lib in ida, all i see encrypted string
  11. do u know how to find aimbot/headshot offset from lib hacks? m interested to know those hacks func name...
  12. u mean, give the offset (taken from lib) to script & it will mod the offset?
  13. first, thanks for sharing ur knowledge i really appreciate this! second, u use telegram or any other social platforms? plz let me know i play callOfDutyMobile. its have some esp but all are private so, theres no chance to dig & learn.. but i badly wanted to learn these stuffs! i hav dec cSharp... already made some basic hacks from lib(recoil, aimTime) but i want to do more... but i cant find any resources! so, i m tied
  14. bro u ever made unity esp? i just want to learn how to get basic offset from libil2cpp for esp
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