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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2022 in all areas

  1. Im very sorry for errors bro. I now upload new version 1.16
    1 point
  2. Hello, I am very new to GG and lua script. Here is the lua script I made to change Cash or Golden Eggs from delivery box (With Ad or direct gift). For Cash: Type the value proposed by the delivery box, with comma and magnitude (see script), for example: 23,069qd For eggs: Type the value proposed by the delivery box, choose box that offers eggs >100 (less results) Changed values are hard coded, it can be changed in script or new value could be asked in prompt. -- Script generated by GameGuardian 101.1 (16142) at 2022-03-08 12:02:16 for Egg, Inc. [com.auxbrain.egginc 1.22.5 (111186)] -- Lua help: http://gameguardian.net/help/ -- options local scriptName = [=====[Script for Egg, Inc. 1.22.5]=====] local scriptVersion = '1.0.0' local scriptAuthor = 'FluidZ' local startToast = '' -- 0 - no check; 1 - check package only, 2 - check package and build local checkTarget = 0 local targetName = [=====[Egg, Inc.]=====] local targetPkg = 'com.auxbrain.egginc' local targetVersion = [=====[1.22.5]=====] local targetBuild = 111186 -- functions local function isempty(s) return s == nil or s == '' end -- init gg.require('101.1', 16142) if startToast ~= '' then startToast = '\n'..startToast end gg.toast(scriptName..' v'..scriptVersion..' by '..scriptAuthor..startToast) if checkTarget ~= 0 then local info = gg.getTargetInfo() local check = false local current = false if checkTarget >= 1 then check = targetPkg current = info.packageName end if checkTarget >= 2 then check = check..' '..targetVersion..' ('..targetBuild..')' current = current..' '..info.versionName..' ('..info.versionCode..')' end if check ~= current then gg.alert('This script for "'..targetName..'" ['..check..'].\nYou select "'..info.label..'" ['..current..'].\nNow script exit.') os.exit() end end local revert = nil local magnitudes = { ['M'] = 6, ['B'] = 9, ['T'] = 12; ['q'] = 15, ['Q'] = 18, ['s'] = 21, ['S'] = 24, ['o'] = 27, ['N'] = 30, ['d'] = 33, ['U'] = 36, ['D'] = 39, ['Td'] = 42, ['qd'] = 45, ['Qd'] = 48, ['sd'] = 51, ['Sd'] = 54, ['Od'] = 57, ['Nd'] = 60, ['V'] = 63, ['uV'] = 66, ['dV'] = 69, ['tV'] = 72, ['qV'] = 75, ['QV'] = 78, ['sV'] = 81, ['SV'] = 84, ['OV'] = 87, ['NV'] = 90, ['tT'] = 93 } -- main code local pData = gg.prompt({[1] = 'Type value to search for'}, nil, {"text"}) local new_v = 0 local sch = '' if pData == nil then gg.alert('Canceled') else local v, m = string.match(pData[1], "([0-9%.,]+)(%a*)") if isempty(m) then sch = ''..v new_v = ''..v..'e6' else local va = v:gsub(",", "") local ma = magnitudes[m]-3 local v_before = va-1 local v_after = va+1 local start = tostring(v_before)..'e'..tostring(ma) local zend = tostring(v_after)..'e'..tostring(ma) sch = ''..start..'~'..zend new_v = '1.0e78' end gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber(sch, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) revert = gg.getResults(100, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) gg.editAll(''..new_v, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) gg.processResume() print('Searched for ', sch) print('Found: ', gg.getResultsCount()) print('Edited to ', new_v) print('Hack done!') end Feel free to improve code and post it here ! Thx
    1 point
  3. HACK UPDATE - GAME GUARDIAN ONLY + WORKS ON LATEST 1.3 VERSION EDIT INVENTORY MATERIALS AMMOUNT EDIT MISSION MATERIAL AMMOUNT EDIT BOTPACK ENERGY AMMOUNT So, after some research, I finally found XOR keys/ranges related to energy and materials values... Now we can quickly hack values without any fuzzy search ! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Inventory + Mission materials (same xor) : Type : Dword (D) Range : Anonymous (A) XOR key : 39021 Botpack Energy : Type : Word (W) Range : Anonymous (A) XOR key : -26515 Bonus - Hack COINS + GEMS : Lucky Patcher In-App billing service patch works well (at least for latest 1.3.0 version) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HOW TO USE XOR KEY ? 1 - Set the key : 1.1 - Open Game Guardian value search pannel 1.2 - Type any number in the search bar then press the down arrow circle 1.3 - On the new popup window, press the [ XOR...=??? ] button 1.4 - Enter the XOR key and press OK 2 - Search for your value : 2.1 - Set the right TYPE/RANGE 2.2 - Open the search pannel then type the in-game value you want to edit - DONT SEARCH FOR IT YET 2.3 - Press the down arrow circle then press [ XOR number1 = number2 ] button 2.4 - The value you entered first is now changed because the XOR operation 2.5 - Search for new value you get, 2.6 - Repeat this process when refining 3 - Edit your value : 3.1 - When there is only one xor encoded value left, open the value search pannel 3.2 - Enter the ammount you want for your value editing (for example 9999999) then press the down arrow circle 3.3 - Apply XOR key on it 3.4 - Copy the new value you get 3.5 - Edit your saved XOR encoded value with the one you just copied /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// And there you go, Happy Hacking
    1 point
  4. Titanium Backup, is really an excellent app. What this guide will focus on, is how we here at GameGuardian, use TiBkp as gamesaves. To start, TiBkp are what Titanium Backup calls "Easy Backup" files. In this tutorial, we will be using the game, "Temple Run: Brave", as an example. Below is how to use them: Backing Up and sharing a TiBkp file. To do anything, you need to have Titanium Backup Installed. Go to the "Backup and Restore" Tab, as pictured: Tap the entry that you would want to backup/share. In this example, I will press "Temple Run 2", and get the following pop-up: Press "Backup!", and you're all set Now, to share the TiBkp file you just backed up, either long press (Tap and hold) the entry, or swipe to the right. You will receive this prompt/window: Press "Send latest backup ...". Which will then give you the following pop-up: Press "Data only (easy import)". Share using whatever cloud service you would like Restoring a Gamesave (TiBkp file) Download the Game, which you have downloaded/ will download a gamesave for. Open Titanium Backup (duh). Press the 'menu' button on your phone, and you will get this pop-up: Press "Import backup (.TiBkp) ...". Choose what service you would like to use, to retrieve your TiBkp file from your storage, such as below: Find where you put your TiBkp file, and 'open' it. You will then receive the following prompt: Press "Data only". Note: You may have a prompt, only with the option "Data only".
    1 point
  5. Hey guys, Just thought I'd let you all know, that Aqua has informed me that Google has removed GameGuardian from the Play Store While this is very bad news, there is a bright side. We will more than likely get many more visitors/users, as we will have the updates for the app. Also, Aqua has changed the package name, to remove most detection. If you haven't already, grab the update:
    1 point
  6. Name of Game: Killer Bean Unleashed Game Version if known: 2.0.0 Name of Cheat: Health (Hearts) Steps: Open both Killer Bean Unleashed, and GameGuardian. Search The amount of your health (eg. 100), in GG, then return to game. Get shot, then search your new amount into GG. Repeat steps 2-3 until you get 1 result. Lock at anything you want, but it will show 100 no matter what number you put in. __________ Name of Cheat: Life Steps: Open both Killer Bean Unleashed, and GameGuardian. Search your current amount of lifes (eg. 2), then return to game. Lose a life, then search the new number. Or Gain a life, and search the new number. Repeat steps 2-4 until you get 1 result. Lock that result at whatever you want. Note: This cheat isn't really needed if you are using the health cheat. ___________ Name of Cheat: Ammo Steps: Open both Killer Bean Unleashed, and GameGuardian. Switch to whatever ammo you want, that is limited (not your standard bullets), then search the amount of those bullets. Shoot a round, then search the new number of bullets (ammo) you have. Repeat steps 2-3 until you get 1 result. Lock that result at whatever you want.
    1 point
  7. Name of Game: Max Payne Game Version if known: 1.0 Name of Cheat: Ammo cheat Steps: Open both Max Payne, and GameGuardian. Look at how many bullets you have and enter them in GameGuardian Fire some rounds, then enter the new number of bullets you now have into GG. Repeat step 3 until you will end up with about 3 results. Change them to as many bullets as you would like to have and save the value for unlimited bullets. _____ Name of Cheat: Health Cheat Steps: Open both Max Payne, and GameGuardian. Look for the following number with GameGuardian: 1133576192 Lock the value.. play Alternate method Get shot, click lesser... get shot again, click lesser.. get shot again, click lesser... if you die, then re-spawn with full health and click greater , then get shot click lesser , get shot click lesser. More cheats to come
    1 point
  8. Name of Game: Strikefleet Omega Game Version if known: 1.1.1g Name of Cheat: Alloy cheat Steps: Open both Strikefleet Omega, and GameGuardian. Start a fuzzy search. Once the fuzzy search is done, return to the game. Beat a level, earning credits. Click fuzzy again, and press "larger". Spend some money, and click "smaller". Also, if you lose a level, and don't earn any money (alloy), press "equal". Repeat steps 4-7 accordingly. You should finish with around 3 results. Change the only 4-byte value, to some big number (20000000000). __________
    1 point
  9. There are two things you should know. 1: we cannot tell you how, as any smart developer would use the opposite code. 2: you can try using fuzzy search to find your code.
    1 point
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  11. There is a GG version in VIP that will not be detected.
    1 point
  12. Blur on my Photon wasn't that bad. I am uses to ICS though, so I switched .
    1 point
  13. Hey guys, Thought I'd make this public... As most of you probably know (unless you've only been here through Tapatalk), we have a jquery slider on the main page, with slides. Now, two of those slides are: Downloads: Mods, Gamesaves, Apps. This slide can have two icons. New Cheats: Cheats to the newest (po*****r) games. Now, I will make this public. If you believe a cheat, gamesave, or mod is worthy of being put on one of those slides (the Play Store icon that is), Then let us know below.
    1 point
  14. Welcome! My mom has a Evo 3D.... Personally, I don't care for HTC though. Sense is to slow for me.
    1 point
  15. Welcome to the forums! I am also glad that your here
    1 point
  16. Yeah, it will be going for 2 more weeks, as I will be gone all this next week.
    1 point
  17. Welcome Uzephi! I missed a big conversation... . Yeah, chat.... It's thrown a bunch of SQL errors, so, we are working on modding it (yes, we now mod forums too!), so as to MAKE it compatible.
    1 point
  18. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  20. Yes. That is why setting a temp path, is such an important tool. If will use storage, instead of ram.
    1 point
  21. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  22. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  23. I don't think it's possible. There are browser add-ons though. However, I will look into it.
    1 point
  24. Refresh rate of the site itself, or the recent topics ticker?
    1 point
  25. Also, Glary utilities is an excellent tool.
    1 point
  26. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  27. Name of Game: Assaulter and Metal Slugs Game Version if known: 1 Name of Cheat: Money Cheat Steps: Open both Assaulter And Metal Slugs, and GameGuardian. Start the game. Search your current amount of money. Kill some guys, thus earning more money. Search your new amount of money. Repeat steps 3-5, until you get one address. Save the value to whatever you want. _________ Name of Cheat: Shield Cheat Steps: Open both Assaulter and Metal Slugs, and GameGuardian. Start the game. Search your current amount of shield (blue bar). Lose some, then search the new amount. Repeat steps 3-4 until you get 1 address. Save the value as whatever you want. _______________ Name of Cheat: Grenade Cheat Steps: Open both Assaulter and Metal Slugs, and GameGuardian. Start the game. Search your current amount of grenades. Throw a grenade, then search the new amount of grenades. Repeat steps 3-4 until you get 1 address. Save that address as whatever you want. ________________ Name of Cheat: Energy Cheat Steps: Open both Assaulter and Metal Slugs, and GameGuardian. Go into the store. Search your current amount of energy. Set speed to 10. Wait until you get more energy, then search the new amount. Repeat steps 3 and 5 until you get 1 address. Save as whatever you want. _____________
    1 point
  28. Yes. The app itself just wouldn't work.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I installed it, but it would not work. I will try on my tablet later.
    1 point
  32. Working on it
    1 point
  33. Long story....It's from vBulletin...
    1 point
  34. Welcome! Glad to see you here
    1 point
  35. Name of Game: Temple Run: Brave Game Version if known: 1.0 Name of Cheat: Coins cheat Steps: Open both Temple Run: Brave, and GameGuardian. Search your current amount of coins. Purchase an item from the store. Input you new amount of coins. Repeat step 2-3, until you find the 1 address. Change it to whatever you want. No locking/saving required. __________ Name of Cheat: Score cheat Steps: Open both Temple Run: Brave, and GameGuardian. Start a level. Pause the game, and search your amount of score, that you see while paused. Resume the game, then pause it. Repeat steps 3-4 until you get 2 addresses. Save them both, and change them to whatever you want.
    1 point
  36. They look good :-D I'll check them out.
    1 point
  37. Fixed. No more ads ;-)
    1 point
  38. Ok, we can disable ads, as long as we have enough donaters, which we have...
    1 point
  39. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  40. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  41. Also, try setting a temp path.
    1 point
  42. PM problem fixed by the guys over at Tapatalk :-D
    1 point
  43. Hey Guys, We have upgraded the forum! This is great news. However, wit all upgrades, problems occur. So, please report ANY bugs you encounter, and we will work on fixing it
    1 point
  44. Will you be willing to keep it up? Because personally I don't have the time.
    1 point
  45. Welcome! Enjoy the forum :-D
    1 point
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