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1 point
follow the same steps. 1. find enemy value. We'll say Taco for this example. 2. find your unit value. I find it easier to find your "shell" units value in the unit page. then when you look for it on the battle its the one that wasn't on the unit page. AKA the one that you'll be changing. you can search for them in cheat engine the same way. 3. Once you have the correct values make sure you're in the info screen for the shell. 4. open the windows calculator switch it to programmer mode (hex mode) and look for the value of the unit you want. it will be something like 1234 5678. 5. subtract 118 from it. in this case its value will be 1234 5560 6. on the value you found for Taco search for 1234 5560 7. copy that line unti the line above 1234 5678. It should be line 1234 5670. * you copy by clicking and dragging the values. they will turn red. copy with ctrl + c 8. now do the same to your shell unit. * find address, subtract 118 in hex mode, select all the values up to but not including the original value, and ctrl + p or right click paste from clip board. once you finish the fight go and unequip the weapon to save the unit to the server and next time you log in you'll be able to fully edit the unit.1 point
It is, you only have to do one copy/paste with CE. Someone here made a video: alphagamers (dot) net/threads/r-fire-emblem-heroes-ver-1-0-2.248478/page-30 The video is using ceserver but that's absolutely redundant, you don't need it at all. When selecting the target process in CE choose NoxHandle.1 point
1 point
There's an Azura in launch celebration map part 4 iirc if you don't want to try your luck in finding one in arena1 point
Tried duping method. I got my unit to turn red, but when I stage cleared, I got error 803. Never lucky. There has to be a faster way to copy over the values. It takes too long.1 point
That has never been a big issue. You only have to check reddit to see how different things are with the new cheats that are now mainstream. IS's hands are being forced now.1 point
Would you mind doing a video of how you dupe an enemy? I really dont get step 8..1 point
1 point
1 point
Here's how to dupe To dupe enemies: In your team you need to have a hero that's going to be replaced with the dupe (your shell hero) Hold-click the enemy to display it's area of danger. Do a search for a byte value of 237 (it may display as -19). Hold-click the enemy again to deselect it. Refine your search for a byte value of 229 (it may display as -27). Repeat until there's only one address left. Hold-click that address and choose Go to Address. Mark that address because we will need to find it later. Open a Hexadecimal calculator. Paste that address into the calculator and subtract -118 from it (still in Hex mode). In GG click the little arrow on the top-right (Go To Address) and paste the result from the calculator to search for it. Mark that value and keep marking every single value below it until you reach that old value that you have previously marked like I told you above. Save (floppy disc at the top) all those values (as Dword) EXCEPT the one you started with (the bottom-most one, the initial one) Go back to the game and select the Hero you're using as a shell for the dupe. At the top-left of the screen, click the (+) icon on the Hero's portrait to bring up the Hero's page. Find the Heart value of that Hero (as I have described in a previous tutorial) but you'll notice that you can't get down to a single address this time; you'll always have 2. So what to do? After you've refined your search to two, write down what those Heart values are. Go back to the game and move your hero so that it ends it's turn and gets greyed out. Now you'll notice that one of those 2 Heart values has changed. The one that's changed is the one we'll use. Repeat steps 5 through 10. Important: Go back into the game and make sure you're in the Stats screen of the hero you're using as shell. You will crash if you're not and you'll crash later if you're in another Hero's Stats screen. Now comes the fun part: You'll have to copy ALL of the values (as Dword) that I told you to save above to these addresses that you just marked from top to bottom (to copy an address you have to click to edit and then copy that value and to past it's the same thing: click to edit and then paste). Yes, every single one (except the bottom-most one of the new addresses because you didn't save the bottom-most one from before, remember?). A macro is highly recommended if you plan on doing this more than once. After messing something up multiple times and having to redo it, testing the limits of your sanity you finish copying all the Dword values, if your shell Hero has turned red that's a good sign. Now finish the battle and FOR GOD'S SAKE SYNC YOUR DAMN HERO BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE. (you can sync by either leveling it up or changing your equipped Skills) Restart the game and pray to your favorite deity that everything worked perfectly and you won't ever have to copy a single memory value in GG again. I've noticed that memory addresses change after a while when you're in a battle so do not take your sweet time doing this as if you do the address values will change and you'll have to start from 0. Needless to say you can dupe any unit in the game like this, even arena enemies. (If anybody knows of a faster way to copy the addresses this community would greatly appreciate if you could share it) Edit: Do this at your own risk, I'm not responsible if you copied all the addresses 100 times and it still doesn't work. Edit 2: HEADS UP! I have just confirmed that there is an IV difference between units on Normal and Lunatic. So when you go dupe a unit, do it on Lunatic as it will have better stats. Edit 3: If you're crashing while copying the values try first going into the Detailed Hero Stats screen and only exiting after you're done editing. Edit: added this step to the tutorial. Edit 4: Don't dupe Veronica. You'll lose her/your hero after a restart. Learned that the hard way. Edit 5: I discovered it's possible to dupe without needing to have your shell unit in the team at the battle. Instead of finding out the enemy addresses first and saving them just find the shell unit's addresses first and save them, out of battle, and then when you're in battle copy the enemy's addresses to the saved ones.1 point
That is perfect. Thank you! Edit: If you allow me I'd like to elaborate on your tutorial for the people with less knowledge. All credits to @RandomBot On the Hero page. Check that Hero's Heart (to favorite it). Open GG and do a byte search for 100 with the Heart checked. Uncheck the heart so its gray, then refine the GG search to 101. (if you have or ever had more than one of the same unit the values can be 228/229 instead of 100/101). Repeat until you're left with 1 address. If you get 2 the one ending in 0 should be the correct one. (some units can't be found, idk why). Write down that memory address (the letters/numbers code before the 100/101 in GG). Hold click that address/value and choose "Go to address: XXXXXXXX". You'll be taken to a page with a lot of addresses. We'll need to find the right one. You'll need a Hex calculator. Windows's build in calculator in programmer mode has that. Note the Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin modes it can be changed to and change it to Hex. Don't touch anything else yet. Paste or write that memory address value (the one I told you to write down) into the calculator. Subtract -64 from it (like you would a normal calculator) and write down that value. Now repeat this step but instead of -64 subtract -60 and also save that value. Edit the value that you found with -64 (the one on the top) as a Dword to: 10. Edit the value that you found with -60 (the one on the bottom) as a Dword to: 0. Everything is done! All you need to do now is to level up your character before closing the game so that your new +10 Hero will sync with the server and be saved forever. (Those two new values you've found are the values that hold the "+x level" of the hero. You can change one value to A and another to 0 in order to get +10 but i feel like that might be more risky, so instead we'll use the calculator to xor one of the values to A.) In GG, on the list of addresses that's open, find those 2 new values in there (they should be next to each other and also about one screen of space above the initial value). Of the 2 address we are going to edit the one on the top. Click the address on the top to edit it and choose Dword. Write down that Dword value but don't change anything yet. In the calculator change the mode from Hex to Dec and then paste that Dword value there. Now change the calculator back to Hex and the value should now be in Hex. In the calculator press the button "Xor" then the button "A" and then the button "=", it will give you a new value. Change the calculator to Dec again (that will convert the new value) and then write down that value. In GG paste that new value in the place of the old one. Click yes to modify it. All credits to @RandomBot edit: I've found the previous way of doing it (xor calculation) wasn't totally accurate so I'm explaining how to do it directly instead.1 point
Thankyou very much but when I change the value and play the game in r and d after the test complete it shows convection error and I have to restart the game and I don't receive any thing please tell me And what is 1375,455,200 Can I hack prokeys and promote boxes And how _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later Thankyou very much but when I change the value and play the game in r and d after the test complete it shows connection error and I have to restart the game and I don't receive any thing please tell me And what is 1375,455,200 Can I hack prokeys and promote boxes And how as I have try to hack prokeys boxes it it's not permanently changes please help me-1 points