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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello all, It's been a while. I've been incredibly busy IRL. I am however trying to be more purposeful in spending time working with this site. Now, I need your help! I've begun cleaning up the site as best I can. The way this is made easier on my part is when you guys use the 'Report' function, to report a post that needs to be removed or a file is missing. I have closed about half of the reports in the queue, but keep them coming! It's much harder for me to sift through all the posts myself, then to have others' who help by alerting us to trouble areas. Appreciate any help you guys can give. Thanks!
    1 point
  2. I am not sure I got it, but the write region always performed after application selection, just before the search. 1st attempt freezed at 7.71%, 2nd at 6.28% and 3rd at 8.53%. logs. zip
    1 point
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