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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2013 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Everyone starts off as a newbie But dont worry about it. Welcome to the forums
    1 point
  3. Hi to you as well. And sadly, no we cannot let you see that due to.complications with game creators. But i can guarantee that you will find great and VIP only material there.
    1 point
  4. I can't seem to find any values in 1.0.46. My experience with ce on pc. This is my first ever attempt at gg. And I can't seems to location even one value. Nvm I didn't have it scanning the whole range. And it was looking for 2 but values. Hacked it like this. First I found the don't and then I changed to 4mill right at the end of a race. That unlocked all the cars that unlock by sp. Then I found my money and set that to 9 mill. Bought all the cars. Then I turned off gg and won a race. My sp is back to normal and I changed my money back to a little less then I won so far. Thanks guys this is truly a great project. When I get some cash I'll have to donate some.
    1 point
  5. how to do it? lock the 2 adresses u ll find on whichever u want
    1 point
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