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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2012 in all areas

  1. I've got something too Since I can't use picture extension here's a preview: http://imagerz.com/QEATX0tvAwMAVwpORAVR and here's the pack: GG.rar'>http://speedy.sh/QfK65/GG.rar
    2 points
  2. Name of Game: Plants Vs. Zombies Game Version if known: Varies with device Name of Cheat: Sun cheat Steps: Open both Plants Vs. Zombies, and GameGuardian. Start the game. Search your current amount of sun. Gain some sun, or spend some, and search the new value. Repeat until you get 1 value. Change it to whatever you want/save it.
    1 point
  3. First and foremost much love to Lohan over at Android Cracking for making antilvl. I am not going to go in depth and talk about dalvik java, vm machines, smali/baksmali, and all that jazz. It DOES help to know what these things are and how they work... but I find that it would go beyond the scope of our aim... which is to hack games!!! Ok, so here is what we are faced with. A new breed of games that block us from launching the game because we have GameCIH installed. We're going to need some tools.... well, actually, just one. I like AntiLVL for many reason, but in this context I like it because it decompiles the files and then compiles and Signs them! Any apk needs to be signed in order to install. Ever seen "There is a problem parsing the package" error? There are a few reasons why you would see this error, but one of the main reasons is that someone forgot to sign the package. You MUST have a signed apk file in order for it to install. The second you change the apk, it is no longer signed (well it is, but it's not valid) and it needs to be signed again. AntiLVL does a lot more than just that.. but for right now, let's just stick with the basics. Download the files from below. Unzip AntiLVL and place all the files in an easy to get to place. We will have to navigate there by way of command prompt. Let us suppose I place the files in a folder off my M drive called APK. Now grab "HvyGnnr3D1.0.6 Broke.apk". It's not broken, it works; however, if you have GameCIH installed it will not launch so for us we can consider it broken. Place the HvyGnnr3D1.0.6 Broke.apk into the same directory as you did all the AntiLVL files - and because I'm lazy, rename it to HvyGnnr3D.apk. Now open a command prompt as admin and let's make sure Java is working. Type: java -version When you press enter it should tell you the version of Java you have installed. If you get "Java" is a unrecognized command you will need to add Java to your enviromental variables. Please google this or if it is a huge issue I will add the steps at a later date. But let us assume that you get told you have Java installed. Next navigate to your folder. For me I would type the following: M: cd apk I'm now in the APK folder. So type the following command: java -jar antilvl.jar -d --skip-cleanup HvyGnnr3D.apk Wait for it to finish. When it is done you will have a new folder in the APK folder called "HvyGnnr-dump". RENAME THE FOLDER TO HvyGnnr3D!!! (You don't have to do this, but I'm lazy and prefer simple names) This is the decompiled apk. Poke around and see what you can discover. Most of the files are smali files. You can launch them in notepad (I do), but some people think Notepad++ is better. Navigate to HvyGnnr3D\smali\com\com2us\wrapper and locate the file called WrapperUtility.smali Open it in notepad. I have smali files associated with notpad cause it makes it easier. Press Ctrl+F and do a search for the word game The first line you will find reads as follows: const-string v6, "com.cih.gamecih" What it means is moot. I do not even know, but what I do know is that there is no reason for this game to refer to gamecih. I make a small change here and change gamecih to tamecih. So the line should read const-string v6, "com.cih.tamecih" If you scroll two more lines down you will see the game also looking for Gamekiller. Feel free to edit this line as well. It is not a good idea to remove the line completely. It MIGHT work, but why test fate? Save your change and back out of the directory until you are in the APK folder. Go back to the command line and type the following: java -jar antilvl.jar --assemble-only -f HvyGnnr3D HvyGnnr3D.apk Allow it to finish. Once it is done take the apk file and throw it on your phone's SD card. Install it, launch it, and hack it with gamecih till you're happy. Game still looks for GameCIH but it does so in the wrong file location, so it will not find it. http://www.mediafire...2jvoq48jokqs4do AntiLVL http://www.mediafire...o1m3syk5sq3wwjx HeavyGunner 3D that will not launch http://www.mediafire...adiat59do1fa9n8 HeavyGunner that will launch http://www.mediafire...y71d9053g7ciufw Inotia 3 that will launch
    1 point
  4. here you are: http://speedy.sh/axNWR/GG2.rar
    1 point
  5. I like them! Sent from my MB855
    1 point
  6. LIKE IF YOU WANT TO VOTE -LINK(With CLEAR BACKGROUND)(and 110x110 pixels) - http://images.gamegu...0/ggTEAMMP.html modified- MORE SUITABLE AND ATTRACTIVE AND UNIQUE
    1 point
  7. FOR GAMEGUARDIAN TEAM 110X110 PXIELS LINK- http://images.gameguardian.net/pm/WA7N/ggTEAM.html
    1 point
  8. Here's the problems: 1: I don't want to copy GameCIH; 2: I don't have the time to keep something like that up to date.
    1 point
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