GameGuardian APK 101.1
Overview: Play games your way!
“GameGuardian” is a game cheat / hack / alteration tool. With it, you can modify money, HP, SP, and much more. You can enjoy the fun part of a game without suffering from its unseasonable design.
Requires Android: 2.3.3+
GameGuardian Features Summary
Runs on ARM, x64 and x86 devices, including x86 emulators (LDPlayer, Droid4X, MOMO, KOPlayer, Andy, Memu, Leapdroid, AMIDuOS, Windroye, RemixOS, PhoenixOS, AVD, Genymotion, Nox, BlueStacks etc.) Supports Android 2.3.3+ (Gingerbread) through Lollipop (5+), Marshmallow (6+), Nougat (7+), Oreo (8+), Pie (9+), 10+. Support work without root via different virtual spaces. Support different emulators like PPSSPP, ePSXe, GameBoy etc. Game deceleration and acceleration (speedhack) for ARM and x86 devices, including x86 emulators. Also supports both 32-bit and 64-bit applications on 64-bit devices using speedhack. Search feature: encrypted values. Search of unknown values when specifying the difference between values. Search addresses by mask. Explicit and "fuzzy" numeric searches. Text (String, Hex, AoB) search. Supports: Double, Float, Qword, Dword, XOR, Word, Byte, or Auto data-type searches. Lua scripting support. Modify all search results at once. Filtering of search results (address greater than and less than, value greater than and less than). Search in the background feature. 'The fill' feature. Time jump feature. Dump memory. Copy memory. Customizable UI. App locale for over 50 languages. And, much, much more. Notes:
This tool only works on rooted devices or in virtual environment (without root in limited mode)!
GG can work in limited mode without root, through a virtual environment. For example, through Parallel Space, VirtualXposed, Parallel Space Lite, GO multiple, 2Face and many others.
Read the help for more details. You can find more information about rooting your device at XDA Developers. Want to help us improve, or add a translation? Then please visit thread "If you want to add a new translation or improve an existing". If you are having issues with the app, please visit thread "Gathering information about GG errors". Want to donate and help keep the project going? That's awesome! You can donate any amount (anything helps) here: Donate Need help with how to use this application? Please visit "Video tutorials" and forum "Guides". Credit:
@d2dyno - Owner, lead designer, project management. @Enyby - Lead coder, project management. @Trasd - Technical consultant, project management. @Aqua - Creator (retired).
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Miscellaneous files/tools.
8 files
Cheat Engine server
By Enyby
A simple utility that allows you to run ceserver binaries for different architectures. Both with root and without.
Theoretically, you can use the Cheat Engine in virtual space without root.
All binaries are taken from the official Cheat Engine website:
Unfortunately, they contain errors in processing the command line, so command line options will not work. Although the application itself has their support.
DBG server
By Enyby
A simple utility that allows you to run debugger server binaries (GDB, LLDB, Frida, IDA) for different architectures. Both with root and without.
GG Fixer 64-bit Virtual Space
By Enyby
A utility to fix the work of GG in a virtual 64-bit space.
At the moment, it is precisely confirmed that corrects the work of GG in Paralell Space 64-bit.
How to use:
1. Install.
2. Add to virtual space.
3. Run in virtual space.
4. Uninstall.
After that, GG should work normally in 64-bit virtual space.
96.0: Fixed work in some 64-bit virtual spaces - GameGuardian (#4nbtc2mg)
Virtual Backup
By Enyby
A simple utility for moving application data from one virtual space to another.
The application needs to be installed in both virtual spaces. Make "Backup" in source virtual space, after that "Restore" in destination virtual space.
For example, in the video showed the transfer of the Dungeon Village game data from Parallel Space to VirtualXposed.
Moving application data between virtual spaces - Virtual Backup (#4b4lznni)
Source code: https://github.com/Enyby/VirtualBackup
Download: https://github.com/Enyby/VirtualBackup/releases/latest
UnLuac (decompile binary scripts)
By Enyby
Lua in GG is based on LuaJ 3.0.1, so you can try to decompile the script from a binary form for show its code.
However, GG is developing. Also, Lua is being modified in it, so that such scripts can not always work, or not work at all.
If you experience problems with binary scripts, use the text form of the script.
There is no support for the binary form of scripts and will never be. You do everything at your own peril and risk.
java -jar unluac_2015_06_13.jar script_compiled.lua Examples are provided for the Windows command line. If you have Linux or Android, then this is your problem how to run a .jar file there. Do not ask me about it.
You must have java installed. It should also be available on the command line. In general, this is also your problem how to run the .jar file.
Mono Toolkitten
By Ruit
Mode: Rooted & Non rooted
Current version: 0.9 - Beta
Mono Toolkitten is an advanced external injector for mono backend games.
This project aims for runtime injection on the fly, such as dumping and injecting & invoking dlls without to modify the apk.
The injector is currently in beta phase.
- Dumping dlls, best for dumping encrypted dlls.
- Plugin system (Inject external dlls) [coming soon]
- Neat self logcat
- Cute user interface (-:
-ARM & x86 (Works for emulators too, tested on memu & nox)
-Android 5.0 and above
How to use (Root):
1- Launch Mono Toolkitten, grant permissions and then the overlay kitten icon will appear.
2- Now return to home screen and lunch your target game.
3- Click on kitten icon and you should see running mono processes, choose your target game and pick any function you want.
How to use (No Root):
1- Download your favorite virtual space from gameguardian > Link <
2- Launch your virtual space app then add Mono Toolkitten and your target game to it.
3- Launch Mono Toolkitten within your virtual space app, then the overlay kitten icon will appear just like gameguardian.
4- Now return to virtual space app and lunch your target game.
5- Click on kitten icon and you should see running mono processes, choose your target game and pick any function you want.
-Inside Mono Toolkitten app there is 3 sections:
1- Home (Welcoming page)
2- Logcat (Shows logs of the application, mostly for injections)
3- About (blah
-For virtual space users, the dump files will be generated inside the virtual app storage.
-For dumping encrypted dlls, I have noticed some developers also remove or mess up the dll header, so if the dumped dll still can't be opened then check the header and fix it yourself.
-The dlls dumper is open source on [Github], if ptrace failed then you can simply compile the lib and make necessary changes to the apk to load the lib.
-If you are on emulator and your target game doesn't appear in injections page, then check if the game has arm or x86 libs, it must be x86 if you are on emulator.
Future plans:
-Finishing dll injecting method
-Package name randomization
LuaJ (Compiling scripts in binary form)
By Enyby
Lua in GG is based on LuaJ 3.0.1, so you can try to compile the script into a binary form to hide its code.
However, GG is developing. Also, Lua is being modified in it, so that such scripts can not always work, or not work at all.
If you experience problems with binary scripts, use the text form of the script.
There is no support for the binary form of scripts and will never be. You do everything at your own peril and risk.
The binary form does not mean that your script can not be restored. It just makes things a little more complicated. But if you have the necessary skills, the code can be restored.
In a binary form, there is no integrity check, so that strings can be modified by the HEX editor. For example, copyright.
But you can encrypt the lines so that it is not so easy.
LuaJ allows you to both compile the script into a binary form, and print the contents of the script in the form of listing the commands of the virtual machine.
The source code of the script is not saved during compilation. So if you lose it, then it will be problematic to restore it.
Examples of using:
1. Compilation
java -cp luaj-jse-3.0.1.jar luac script_text.lua -o script_compiled.lua
2. Printing script commands
java -cp luaj-jse-3.0.1.jar lua -p script_compiled.lua
Examples are provided for the Windows command line. If you have Linux or Android, then this is your problem how to run a .jar file there. Do not ask me about it.
You must have java installed. It should also be available on the command line. In general, this is also your problem how to run the .jar file.
You can see the options available by running .jar with the -h option:
java -cp luaj-jse-3.0.1.jar luaс -h java -cp luaj-jse-3.0.1.jar lua -h
Utility for extracting .dll files from various dumps
By Enyby
Description: extracts PE-files (.exe, .dll, etc.) from .bin files.
For example, memory dumps. For example, from the one that can be obtained through GameGuardian.
Use cases:
1. .exe file to be placed in one folder with a .bin file (s) and run.
2. On the .exe file, drag the folder with the .bin file (s).
3. Write in the command line:
> get_dll_from_bin.exe path/to/your/.bin/files Result: In the same folder where there were .bin files there will appear .dll files if something was found. Example of output: Usage: drag dir with .bin files to .exe. Tool scan its and extract pe files as .dll files in same folder. Author: Enyby. Used dir: dump dump/com.raongames.growcastle-00008000-0000a000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-04000000-1c106000.bin: Not valid PE header: 2e746578 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-1c179000-1c17c000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-94ebb000-95161000.bin: Make 0.dll with size 2737152 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-95169000-951ae000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-951c6000-95321000.bin: Make 1.dll with size 359424 Make 2.dll with size 878592 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-95325000-95335000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-9533d000-95583000.bin: Make 3.dll with size 309248 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-95783000-96fe2000.bin: Make 4.dll with size 1684480 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-96fe5000-97371000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-976f5000-b7756000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-b7942000-bac40000.bin: Make 5.dll with size 3072 Make 6.dll with size 9728 Make 7.dll with size 171520 Make 8.dll with size 103936 Make 9.dll with size 6656 Make 10.dll with size 10240 Make 11.dll with size 13824 Make 12.dll with size 24576 Make 13.dll with size 65536 Make 14.dll with size 47104 Make 15.dll with size 9216 Make 16.dll with size 41472 Make 17.dll with size 66560 Make 18.dll with size 44032 Make 19.dll with size 18432 Make 20.dll with size 29184 Make 21.dll with size 33280 Make 22.dll with size 175616 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-bf810000-bf831000.bin: Topic: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/16999-utility-for-extracting-dll-files-from-various-dumps/
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