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Crisis Action Anticheat


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Fine, will try few things. In the meantime you can fix your floatbuttonbug....if you can remember, you said it was the firmware if my phone. It wasnt, its a bug in your testbuild. Here you can see i used the standardversion of gg, no problems, i installed the testversion and the invisible icon size became laaarge ;)



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I dont want to doubt you, i only try do understand that. Its not logical for me. Every gg version still works without this bug. Only the testversion has this issue. I hope you understand that this made no sense for me (noob).


But if you say its a firmware bug, so i believe that!

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Whatever i disabled gametuner, same s***. Only with the testversion. 


But its no problem, the normal version still works.


Tell me if you need other catlogs from anticheat. So long i reinstall the normaly version.


Hope this log show you a little bit more. I switched between both gameprocesses and did some searches


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The first process is unsearchable, got errors, i switch to the second process and search for values works


So here comes the problem, the game is running but it dont react of the touchscreen, like it runs on the background but it's in front.


I saw they have a second csharp.dll,  i looked into it and found a lot strings from anticheat for what they ban e.g. playerspeed, highjump, unlimited ammo, forbitten processes ....



Is there a way to open this dll without a pc. My pc has the cops since few weeks

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Let me guess. The second process always sync with the first one. If this not answer it start a new one?


Do the second (main?) Process only looking for the first one or do they sync data together?




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Enyby, i realized you change regularly the package/process name to prevent gg for anticheatdetection. Im happy to see that you try to protect your customers. There a are devs they called there processes like com.imacheatbanme.fast


I have no coding skills, but i said you i work for artificialaiming.net. We fight since years against all big gamedevs like (ea, valve, crytec, epic) and their own or third party anticheatsolution.


You wrote in another thread. GG is undetectable. 


That made me laugh. We lost thousands of paying customers because they find ever a way to ***** us and you can belive me our coder helios is the biggest player on these marked. 


We are evertime on step faster than them but they catch us from time to time.


What you make (renaming processes, changing md5 and so on) will still work because they gameproviders have no experience with cheats on mobile, but you will remember on my words. This market will changing in near future because cheaters (mostly mod users) are a major problem. The gamepublishers lost a lot of money and Google is working on a client<> server anticheatsolution you cant disable. Its standard on pc since years.


Our hacks and hack loader are autopolymorph. If its not possible on android that code change and rename itself, you can thinking about a serversolution.


For example: if a vip from us start his loader, the client connects to our server and download a new crypted version of the loader. Everytime a customer starts our cheatloader, the server create a unique version of this file and sent this to client. After update, the loader clearing all traces from it so its nearly impossible for anticheatprozesses to find our client.exe


I said nearly impossible. Evenbalance the dev of punkbuster (client running on over 40 000 000 pc) scanned for ip connections to our website and servers.


They banned thousand of players for having browser cookies or pc who connected to our ip.


The same ac has banned for simple textstrings contained in our hackfiles like "enemy is aiming at you"


You dont belive what anticheats devs made for unbelievable s*** because they failed to detect our hack. 


If you interested i write here a "small" list what they did, what they trie and that they dont care about privacy or colerteraldamage. And i can give you some help if there starting to bust your app ;)


O go to bed now, its 2.30 am here



Good night

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