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Darkrise Pixel Game RPG


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Hey! I can change quantity values easily, but i cant seem to be able to find/edit certain values. 

You can craft items, and they come with random stats. Wanna know if its possible to identify/change them with GG.

There is also items with a durability value, like the one in the image. I can change or freeze the numbers used, but cant change durability (numbers after the /).


This is game link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Roika.Darkrise 

Screenshot 2024-10-07 171701.png

Screenshot 2024-10-07 171748.png

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Just a reply from myself, i was able to identify the values they where like 1 144 475 790 and they had a pair, but i dont what this pair stands for. Anyway, i was able to change it by changing the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th numbers (example, lets say +178 haste is 1 130 000 000 and i wanted to get it to 200, i would change 1 131 200 000) anyway., even when freezing the values, they would change once exit the game and come back, so i think they cant be really changed, but something with this ''pair value'' looks suspect, as if it was the base for something, like if i wanted to really change the first value, i would need to change it too. About the durability, still nothing.

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1 minute ago, MonkeySAN said:

values are Float type.

search in range and refine by equip and un-equip.

for example if Damage stat is 150,

you search = 140~160

then refine to increased or decreased value simply by equip and un-equip item that gave you Damage stat.

unfortunately though, it didnt stay after restart.

so there's no even point in trying. The game is totally offline, ididnt expect for it to have values stored somewhere. Another thing i've been trying to do change the % of drop quality on the maps, but they say 100% of base value, and this base value probably doesnt change unless you press ''enter'' so is another thing i cant find. I dont want to break the game, but sometimes it takes lots of hours to drop an item and this takes away the pleasure of playing.

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30 minutes ago, MonkeySAN said:

something like this?


exactly, but again, needs to be functional. About that other thing that you did, with the stats, were you able to test them? I mean, restarting game made them change back to normal, but when you were still playing, could you deal that much damage? Tell me how you did that with Location Features please

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1 hour ago, jotajotajota said:

exactly, but again, needs to be functional..

..Tell me how you did that with Location Features please

hmmm..im not 100% sure but that percentage values are very easy to search.

Float type and the number are exactly as it is.

100% = 100 in Float

can do an ordered group search starting from value at the top to bottom.

the edited values stay even you change to another location but not after restart.

need to search it again.

1 hour ago, jotajotajota said:

About that other thing that you did, with the stats, were you able to test them? I mean, restarting game made them change back to normal, but when you were still playing, could you deal that much damage?

i did tested it and it worked.

Edited by MonkeySAN
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2 hours ago, MonkeySAN said:

hmmm..im not 100% sure but that percentage values are very easy to search.

Float type and the number are exactly as it is.

100% = 100 in Float

can do an ordered group search starting from value at the top to bottom.

the edited values stay even you change to another location but not after restart.

need to search it again.

i did tested it and it worked.

Can you tell me step by step how to do the process? Im sorry, im a little dumb. You mean, by ordered group search,  that i can search like 100;100;100;100;100;100 in float type? Six values of 100 that express the first difficulty of the map. If im wrong, please tell me how to do it. It takes too long for the mods to approve my message here, if you'd like we can talk via discord. Thanks for your help!

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Hey man, i was able to find the way  you said, thank you very much! There is another thing i want to try. Everytime you craft an item, it comes with different stats and values, so i want to know if there is anyway to hack into that, like, change the ''luck'' and always comes with good stats, yellow ones. I told you i can change the stats after the item is done, but values goes back to normal later. Thanks man!

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