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Need help with frida installing and usage

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you need both python and javascript ( node ) installed.
1. Install from prebuilt binaries
pip install frida-tools # CLI tools
pip install frida # Python bindings
npm install frida # Node.js bindings

2. after that go to : GitHub and install the binary corresponded to your android system
decompress it and rename it to frida-server and push it to the /data/local/tmp/  directory.
change the permession :  chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/frida-server

or go to playstore and download Frida server app this will allow you to download and start the frida server on your device

3. create a js file and write your Agent using Frida API and from the termux you execute the Agent,
using this cmd : frida -f com.packagename -l (the agent directory) --no-pause -> -f : force / -l: specify the operation mode ( a file ) / --no-pause : frida pause the proccess by default this will set it to false
or to make sure everything working fine use : frida-ps <-- this will give you all the proccess currently running with the pid

Edited by XEKEX
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