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How i can goto pointer in lua?



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1 hour ago, MainC said:

Hi! Since goto pointer = goto address. Might use:

local baselib = gg.getRangesList("libUnreal.so:")[3].start
local value = {{address = baselib + 0x2561df0 + 0x0 + 0x100, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}
value = gg.getValues(value)


I don't think this is "go to pointer". You added + 0x100 on the original offset. Basically baselib + 0x2561EF0. In the screenshot you see that he only added this offset "baselib + 0x2561df0. Then the value on that address is a pointer which he wants to go to and add 0x100 to the new address. --( @segamfleplease correct me if wrong) so i think you have to adjust the script example @MainC

8 hours ago, segamfle said:

Hello. I need any example code for goto pointer function in lua script. 


MySelfPosition = ('libUnreal.so')[3] - > 0x2561df0 - > 0x0 -> 0x100

(P.s. " - > " it's mean go-to pointer)



Store the value of key ["value"] on the key ["address"] and then use gg.loadResults() or gg.getValues() Here is the concept if i use print befor and after storing value at address:

Script ended: --example using print
-- before
{ -- table(f74be5a)
	['address'] = 0x73dc0c83d8,
	['flags'] = 32, -- gg.TYPE_QWORD
	['value'] = 497613141024, -- value
-- after
{ -- table(f74be5a)
	['address'] = 0x73dc0df420, -- value becomes address(add 0x100)
	['flags'] = 4, -- gg.TYPE_DWORD
	['value'] = 60,


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Hi! Since goto pointer = goto address. Might use:

local baselib = gg.getRangesList("libUnreal.so:")[3].start
local value = {{address = baselib + 0x2561df0 + 0x0 + 0x100, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}
value = gg.getValues(value)

Here's some similar Issue with Answer that might Useful:

Thanks @Platonic for mentioning the problem, I though it was similar to CE where You can just do:( base > point > point ). Turns out it's a little bit different. Here's the Updated one with better clearance:

addr = gg.getValues({{address = gg.getRangesList("libUnreal.so:")[3].start + 0x2561df0, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}) --Getting Offset Result for Base Address
print(addr) --First Query
addr[1].address = addr[1].value + 0x100 --Add Pointer here
addr = gg.getValues(addr)  --Refresh Result
print(addr) --Second Query: Changes Happen
converti2 = string.format('%08X', addr[1].address):sub(-8) --Patch Pointer Address
print(converti2) --The Literal Pointer Address
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Thanks everyone for help.

If anyone need code:

local ranges = gg.getRangesList("libUnreal.so")
local libStart = ranges[3].start
local value = {{address = libStart + 0x2561df0, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD}}
value = gg.getValues(value)
value[1].address = value[1].value + 0x0
value = gg.getValues(value)
value[1].address = value[1].value + 0x100
value = gg.getValues(value)
value[1].address = value[1].value + 0x0
value[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DOUBLE
value = gg.getValues(value) 
print("Current address is: " .. string.format("%08X", value[1].address):sub(-10) ..
      " and current X coordinate position is: " .. value[1].value)


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16 hours ago, MainC said:


addr = gg.getValues({{address = gg.getRangesList("libUnreal.so:")[3].start + 0x2561df0, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}) --Getting Offset Result for Base Address


Noticed just some thing, if you do "libUnreal.so:" you will start at the Cb memory range of that executable (if there is a part of that executable in that memory range). I believe there is either one part or no part of a executable in Cb range. So [3].start will give error as it won't exist. It will be "libUnreal.so". And [3].start will then be in Cd range like in the screenshot.

Data type is qword.

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