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I need a good encryption



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20 hours ago, MANDO01 said:

I need a good encryption 😕

can someone help me i did found alot

But i think i can decrypt all of them 😕  


First of all, what kind source that you're going to apply encryption, lua files?. If you're willing to use some Advanced way, you can use JWT or SHA hashing but for LUA Files; i think you should also obfuscate your script and then encrypting it. Yes, most of LUA encryption are decryptable so you need to atleast make it more harder to read. For example; you can calling another LUA Files from the first Lua, etc.

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56 minutes ago, MainC said:

First of all, what kind source that you're going to apply encryption, lua files?. If you're willing to use some Advanced way, you can use JWT or SHA hashing but for LUA Files; i think you should also obfuscate your script and then encrypting it. Yes, most of LUA encryption are decryptable so you need to atleast make it more harder to read. For example; you can calling another LUA Files from the first Lua, etc.

I want to encrypt lua

I not sure i understand what you saying

But is there a easy way to encrypt but good one no one can decrypt it

Bc idk JWT or SHA

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2 hours ago, MANDO01 said:

I did decrypt it 😕

and it's easy to decrypt it 

It would be usefull if you share the method here, as the Author can patch the script to avoid that. GG Lua Encryption mostly based on Client side and GG itself. It's a good practice if you're not trust the Client-Sided process, you might combine Good Encryption with several ways to make it more harder to read:

  • 1) Migrate your script into Online Reserver (Pastebin, etc) 
  • 2) Splits your Script into several mini-script: Import Extra GG Code
  • 3) Obfuscate your LUA / Encrypt LUA to make it more harder to poke.

It would be good if you have write your own Cheats manually (not GG based), as you can implement more things without restriction. 

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Hi folks, I doubt you guys are looking for 'encryption', but instead, are looking for 'obfuscation'.

To know the difference between the two, let me explain what they mean:
- Encryption: "the process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access."
- Obfuscation: "the action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible."

The problem is that Encryption is what you want as it's the best at 'securing' your code from unauthorized access, however the receiver of your code will most likely 'decrypt' the code to use it, making it completely obsolete.

The solution is Obfuscation as the Lua script will be transformed into something that still has the same functionality, however it has been "transformed' in the worst possible way so that humans will have a very hard time understanding what it does. Good obfuscation means it is simply to hard/difficult to understand what the script does for a human.

So where do you get obfuscation? you can use free online tools such as https://luaobfuscator.com/, I have no experience with other tools as most of them are pay to use.

Example use of LuaObfuscator.com:

-- sample snippet to calculate prime numbers: 
   function sieve_of_eratosthenes(n)
   local is_prime = { }
       for i = 1, n do
           is_prime[i] = 1 ~= i
       for i = 2, math.floor(math.sqrt(n)) do
           if is_prime[i] then
               for j = i* i, n, i do
                   is_prime[j] = false
       return is_prime
   local primes = sieve_of_eratosthenes(420)
   for key, value in pairs(primes) do
       if (value) then
           print("Prime found: " .. key)

Obfuscated output (CFFv1, Strings, Minifiy )

local v0 = string.char;
local v1 = string.byte;
local v2 = string.sub;
local v3 = bit32 or bit;
local v4 = v3.bxor or v3.bxor;
local v5 = table.concat;
local v6 = table.insert;
local function v7(v8, v9)
	local v12 = {};
	for i = 1, #v8 do
		v6(v12, v0(v4(v1(v2(v8, i, i + 1)), v1(v2(v9, 1 + ((i - 1) % #v9), 1 + ((i - 1) % #v9) + 1))) % 256));
	return v5(v12);
	local v10 = 0;
	local v11;
	while true do
		if (v10 == 1) then
			for key, value in pairs(v11) do
				if value then
					print(v7("\3\43\133\37\54\121\138\39\38\55\136\114\115", "\83\89\236\72") .. key);
		if (v10 == 0) then
			function sieve_of_eratosthenes(v13)
				local v14 = 0;
				local v15;
				while true do
					if (v14 == 0) then
						v15 = {};
						for i = 1, v13 do
							v15[i] = 1 ~= i;
						v14 = 1;
					if (v14 == 1) then
						for i = 2, math[v7("\205\90\58\188\217", "\171\54\85\211")](math[v7("\7\152\255\8", "\116\233\141\124\175\201\74\192")](v13)) do
							if v15[i] then
								for j = i * i, v13, i do
									v15[j] = false;
						return v15;
			v11 = sieve_of_eratosthenes(420);
			v10 = 1;


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23 hours ago, HEROGAMEOfficial said:

Can share video decrypt?


22 hours ago, MainC said:

It would be usefull if you share the method here, as the Author can patch the script to avoid that. GG Lua Encryption mostly based on Client side and GG itself. It's a good practice if you're not trust the Client-Sided process, you might combine Good Encryption with several ways to make it more harder to read:

  • 1) Migrate your script into Online Reserver (Pastebin, etc) 
  • 2) Splits your Script into several mini-script: Import Extra GG Code
  • 3) Obfuscate your LUA / Encrypt LUA to make it more harder to poke.

It would be good if you have write your own Cheats manually (not GG based), as you can implement more things without restriction. 


Bro i don't want something hard to read


I want something they can't find anything in it bc gg decryption can decrypt anything 😕

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And the (Import Extra GG Code)

I don't understand

How i can put my codes 

I will use io.write or what???

16 hours ago, Ferib said:

Hi folks, I doubt you guys are looking for 'encryption', but instead, are looking for 'obfuscation'.

To know the difference between the two, let me explain what they mean:
- Encryption: "the process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access."
- Obfuscation: "the action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible."

The problem is that Encryption is what you want as it's the best at 'securing' your code from unauthorized access, however the receiver of your code will most likely 'decrypt' the code to use it, making it completely obsolete.

The solution is Obfuscation as the Lua script will be transformed into something that still has the same functionality, however it has been "transformed' in the worst possible way so that humans will have a very hard time understanding what it does. Good obfuscation means it is simply to hard/difficult to understand what the script does for a human.

So where do you get obfuscation? you can use free online tools such as https://luaobfuscator.com/, I have no experience with other tools as most of them are pay to use.

Example use of LuaObfuscator.com:

-- sample snippet to calculate prime numbers: 
   function sieve_of_eratosthenes(n)
   local is_prime = { }
       for i = 1, n do
           is_prime[i] = 1 ~= i
       for i = 2, math.floor(math.sqrt(n)) do
           if is_prime[i] then
               for j = i* i, n, i do
                   is_prime[j] = false
       return is_prime
   local primes = sieve_of_eratosthenes(420)
   for key, value in pairs(primes) do
       if (value) then
           print("Prime found: " .. key)

Obfuscated output (CFFv1, Strings, Minifiy )

local v0 = string.char;
local v1 = string.byte;
local v2 = string.sub;
local v3 = bit32 or bit;
local v4 = v3.bxor or v3.bxor;
local v5 = table.concat;
local v6 = table.insert;
local function v7(v8, v9)
	local v12 = {};
	for i = 1, #v8 do
		v6(v12, v0(v4(v1(v2(v8, i, i + 1)), v1(v2(v9, 1 + ((i - 1) % #v9), 1 + ((i - 1) % #v9) + 1))) % 256));
	return v5(v12);
	local v10 = 0;
	local v11;
	while true do
		if (v10 == 1) then
			for key, value in pairs(v11) do
				if value then
					print(v7("\3\43\133\37\54\121\138\39\38\55\136\114\115", "\83\89\236\72") .. key);
		if (v10 == 0) then
			function sieve_of_eratosthenes(v13)
				local v14 = 0;
				local v15;
				while true do
					if (v14 == 0) then
						v15 = {};
						for i = 1, v13 do
							v15[i] = 1 ~= i;
						v14 = 1;
					if (v14 == 1) then
						for i = 2, math[v7("\205\90\58\188\217", "\171\54\85\211")](math[v7("\7\152\255\8", "\116\233\141\124\175\201\74\192")](v13)) do
							if v15[i] then
								for j = i * i, v13, i do
									v15[j] = false;
						return v15;
			v11 = sieve_of_eratosthenes(420);
			v10 = 1;


I'm confused now 🙃

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1 hour ago, MANDO01 said:


Bro i don't want something hard to read


I want something they can't find anything in it bc gg decryption can decrypt anything 😕

We have backup your video, if you want watch:

This Video part 1 and This part 2, your video uploading use (decrypt) or i say send video decrypt.

Ok we finish it now:

1. You send video log not decrypt.
2. Log ~= Decrypt.
3. Easy decrypt.


1. True.
2. True.
3. What is a decrypt?

Log its can get anything you want, but you can't get all value use this methode, Well assume we can get the code from the logs, try get value this script (cheat perfect shoot all weapon) from log or your GG decrypt (We don't accept any of your excuses) If it fails.


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26 minutes ago, HEROGAMEOfficial said:

We have backup your video, if you want watch:

This Video part 1 and This part 2, your video uploading use (decrypt) or i say send video decrypt.

Ok we finish it now:

1. You send video log not decrypt.
2. Log ~= Decrypt.
3. Easy decrypt.


1. True.
2. True.
3. What is a decrypt?

Log its can get anything you want, but you can't get all value use this methode, Well assume we can get the code from the logs, try get value this script (cheat perfect shoot all weapon) from log or your GG decrypt (We don't accept any of your excuses) If it fails.


Well for me anything can get the value from its decrypt 🤣


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4 hours ago, MANDO01 said:

And the (Import Extra GG Code)

I don't understand

How i can put my codes 

I will use io.write or what???

I'm confused now 🙃

You take your lua code, obfuscate your lua code, then use THAT obfuscated lua code. (it will run just fine)

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4 hours ago, Ferib said:

You take your lua code, obfuscate your lua code, then use THAT obfuscated lua code. (it will run just fine)

Okay but how to obfuscateion ?

4 hours ago, HEROGAMEOfficial said:



Bro I'm not taster and idk Lots about encryption

I just want a encrypt or block log gg

Or anything like that i don't want to anyone decrypt or log my script

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3 hours ago, MANDO01 said:

Okay but how to obfuscateion ?

Bro I'm not taster and idk Lots about encryption

I just want a encrypt or block log gg

Or anything like that i don't want to anyone decrypt or log my script

You paste your code in the window, then click either 'obfuscate' for 1-click solution or click on 'All Actions' to get more individual obfuscations

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