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Bypassing Anti Cheat


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I know this is a long shot but here goes.

I've been playing Westland Survival and in a recent update they've introduced an Anti Cheat system.

I know nothing about coding but I've been trying to find ways to bypass it without success. From what I can see its Codestage Anticheat which from what I've read in various posts online is quite a basic Anticheat and fairly easy to bypass.

What I was hoping for was if somebody who has knowledge about this kind of thing and has the time on their hands could take a look at it. I can tell anyone that might try exactly what I've tried and if they have any success maybe they could explain what I was doing wrong.

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  • 10 months later...
18 minutes ago, CYBORG-WARRIOR said:

Firs you search class anticheat or code state or injection dected 

And find offset ondetected or start or etc and patch 00000000 or used arm opcode 

Arm 64 



Bx lr 

I try the game and boom ITS work 




Thanks for the reply. You make it sound so easy 😂

My next question then would be can I achieve this using GG or is it something I need to do with DNSpy or IDA Pro?

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3 hours ago, sammax71 said:

Terima kasih balasannya. Anda membuatnya terdengar sangat mudah😂

Pertanyaan saya selanjutnya adalah dapatkah saya mencapai ini menggunakan GG atau apakah itu sesuatu yang perlu saya lakukan dengan DNSpy atau IDA Pro?

Can used GG 

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