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Infamous "failed to run daemon"



Hi there! I've used GG on all sorts of devices over quite a few years, and now I'm getting the above error. In other threads, Enyby mentioned having to show log file and error, so I'll attach both. I open PS, then GG, and it immediately says "Unable to run daemon" and says something about waiting for root, but I have the "root in parallel space" option set to "no".

I'm running a Galaxy Note20 Ultra on Android 11, and Parallel Space just updated! I pulled GG and PS off this site just today, so I don't think it's a version issue.

Parallel Space because no root on such a new phone. I feel like I'm missing something, so please let me know.




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4 answers to this question

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On 16/02/2021 at 09:02, AKidWithMidgetFriend said:

Já ouvi falar de um problema de incompatibilidade com o Android 11 que retorna o daemon com falha ao carregar, mas eu executo o Android 8, então não tive nenhum incentivo para investigar. Pesquise andriod 11 nos fóruns e veja o que você pode encontrar sobre esse assunto. Tente entender se ainda não há uma solução desenvolvida para isso, pois também é do meu conhecimento que a versão do sistema operacional é relativamente nova ou pelo menos este problema que ocorre com ela é

My phone is a J7 prime with Android 8.0, and this is happening to me!

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4 hours ago, ySainT_ said:

My phone is a J7 prime with Android 8.0, and this is happening to me!

I use android 8. So it isn't that. I heard brands like samsung and motorola (and various other mainstream brands) have this problem because of a Kernel confliction. Enyby has posted some things about this but I don't there is a solution rather than an alternative phone

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I've heard about some android 11 incompatibility issue that returns the failed to load daemon but I run on Android 8 so I didn't have any incentive to look into it. Search andriod 11 in the forums and see what you can find on this topic. Try to understand if there has yet to be a solution developed for this as it's also to my understanding that the operating system version is fairly new or atleast this problem occuring with it is

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