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gotoAddress usage



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Is there a way to calculate offset from script?


Here is my process I'm trying to replicate in Lua

  • Press Goto
  • Press Xa
  • Select il2cpp.dll
  • Select the top line 
  • Click Offset calculator
  • Put in the method offset
  • Edit the value at the offset


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As an example my base address is 08000000 if I do goto and select il2cpp.so and my offset is 0x74C368

In code I've tried doing 

local result = gg.getRangesList('libil2pp.so')
local addr = result[1].start + 0x74C368

But this doesn't give me the final address of the correct one to modify

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You print result in decimal. You view address in memory editor in hex. So you decide it is not match. Firstly convert to hex, before compare and make decision.

Also you make typo: libil2cpp.so i think.

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-- Scrit edited ( Bymeto ) 

-- example Script


-- we enter our dong
if gg.isVisible(true) then

-- memory select

-- Hex code enter ( Byte) 
-- I use bytes because it scans the fastest --byte values
gg.searchNumber("h 00 2A 9D ED 0D 1A 94 ED 00 0A 22 EE 01 8A 9D ED 01 9A 20 EE 52 C3 00 EB", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)

z = gg.getResults(1,20)
-- we determine what value to consider in the -- scan

 -- we record the value we choose

-- we delete the values we scanned

on = 'ON'
off = 'OFF'
aim = on
--We specify the switch button

while (true) do
if gg.isVisible(true) then

-- we enter our dong

menu = gg.multiChoice({
aim.." Aim Lock",
[[Test Menu]])
-- We create our table

if menu == nil then else
--Pressing a blank screen or cancel key --prevents it from failing

if menu [1] then  -- If the menu clicks 1

if aim == on then -- Set the Aim button on

aim = off -- If Aim is off

gg.getListItems(z)  --the value in the
 -- z variable we recorded

z[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD --Go to Dword

z[1].value = 'E3A0043Fh' --replace value with this

gg.toast('Aimlock Activated') --write bla bla -- because the goal was activated

-- You guess the rest
aim = on  
z[1].value = 'EB00C352h'
gg.toast('AimLock  Deactivated')
if menu [2] then break end end
end end

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