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  1. Version 1.52


    https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carxtech.driftride just buy the last car after run the script and have unlimited car and money have fin my little modder
  2. Version 2.3.2


    a new script for the game sup opri free chests only penultimate and last free coins if you want unlimited gems I have to dedicate a video specifically for what you write in the comments or on telegram https://t.me/gguardian701
  3. Version 1.0.29


    (unlimited money) a new script for you little modders HAVE FUN AS ALWAYS I keep a youtube channel I will publish new scripts that I create please like it and subscribe to my channel THANK YOU IN ADVANCE https://youtube.com/channel/UC34w6ll5iR0Z1zWTx1H0kLQ
  4. Name of the game: Respawnables Version if known: 1.5.6 Name of cheat: Infinite ammo, infinite gadgets, Computer controlled player Search regions needed: Float, Name search (Use gameCIH) Infinite ammo 1. Open respawnables and gameCIH 2. Tap input name 3. Search word ammo 4. Change gstatID.currentAmmo value to 90 Infinite gadgets 1. Open respawnables and gameCIH 2. Buy a gadget you want to hack 3. Search the amount of gadgets you have 4. Buy/use gadgets 5. Search the new amount of gadgets you have 6. Repeat 4-5 until you have few adresses left 7. Change the value to whatever you want (The gadget value is in float) Computer-controlled player 1. Tap input name 2. Search for word player 3. Find gstatId.useAIforplayer and change it from 201 to 101 NOTE: You cant control the player after doing this, but this is good use for auto-botting with speedhack. Not recommended to use in multiplayer. Happy hacking :-) EDIT: Does NOT work with android 4 or higher. Works only on honeycomb (or maybe lower). Sorry for this.
  5. I have a big problem, I want to hack PUBG mobile on a virtual machine because I don't have root permission and I want am using a shell file .sh on Mt manager and I have used vmos pro, virtual master, f1vm, vphonegaga and PUBG mobile crashs in those virtual machine and in vphonegaga Mt manager fails to grant 777 permission to the shell file it says unable to chmod operation not permitted and when I open PUBG mobile it says com.tencent.ig was killed by tencent game protect, in the other virtual machines I am able to grant 777 permission and when I open PUBG it crashs, I think the game detects root Can someone help me how to fix this problem and what virtual machine should I use?
  6. Version 1.1.1


    hi friends here is a brand new script for four games HILLS OF STEEL AND OCEAN OF STEEL AND SUP AND ZOMBIE HUNTER OPEN FREE TRUNKS BUY FREE COINS and a simple script just open the game you want and run the script with the games you have chosen HAVE FUN TO ALL I HOPE YOU WILL KNOW HOW TO OPEN THIS CONTENT NOTICE IF YOU FIND PROBLEMS DO NOT HESITATE TO WRITE ME IN TELEGRAM OR VIA EMAIL EMAIL [email protected] TELEGRAM https://t.me/gguardian701
  7. View File SCRIPT LUA ConSim2 CREDITS Submitter gguardian701 Submitted 02/09/2021 Category LUA scripts  
  8. Version 1.14

    496 downloads CREDITS
  9. Yummytea

    Root Guide

    Can anyone please tell me how to root my VIVO Y53 I Tried KING ROOT and im stuck at 18-21% I did everything every tutorials and nothing work I Tried KINGO ROOT and it didnt work stuck at 90% I tried using Supersu but it keep saying "Install Failed","Signature Verification failed","Its Risky to download" I Tried IRoot and it didnt work I tried pararell but all my apps needs root Pararel didnt work either I Tried rooting my PHONE FROM PC but my pc cant recognize my phone i tried fixing it and it still said "USB DEVICE unrecognize" And yet i tried every single root app and nothing work Please help me
  10. Name of Game: Star command Game Version: tested on all versions up to 1.1.4(probably works for newer versions too) Name of Cheat: Infinite tokens Steps: 1. Start a new game or resume a save 2. Obtain/have at least one token in your inventory 3. Save game, note the slot number 4. Go to /data/data/com.starcommand.scgame/files 5. Open your save file(In a text editor), which is named in the format game-save-<slot number>.scg(000 Is autosave, 001 is slot 1 and so forth) 6. Find a line that says <key>tks</key> Here, the tokens you own are stored as an array in the format : <key>tks</key> <array> <string>token_sci_1</string> <string>token_tac_1</string> <string>token_eng_1</string> <string>token_sentry</string> <string>token_sentry</string> <string>token_revive</string> </array> 7. You may add new tokens to this array. For example: (I added a few tactical tokens and removed two sentry tokens) <key>tks</key> <array> <string>token_tac_1</string> <string>token_tac_1</string> <string>token_tac_1</string> <string>token_sci_1</string> <string>token_tac_1</string> <string>token_eng_1</string> <string>token_revive</string> </array> 8. After you are done editing the file, save it and open the save inside the game.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Key Benefits: ° Encrypt Lua scripts with ease, safeguarding your intellectual property. ° Customize encryption levels from 1 to 7 iterations, balancing security and performance. ° It Can Encode Already Encoded Binary Script Which will still Executable Encoding Format: Hexadecimal Note: Must Watch This Video Before Using It : https://youtu.be/MiOupMsSEUQ
  12. View File script new last dey defense the script for last dey defense note run the script buy only once in the shop and close the game if I buy more than once the currency becomes negative Submitter gguardian701 Submitted 11/10/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  13. View File Creazy for Speed lua scripy lua for Creazy for Speed buy free cars in exchange they also give you money have fun little modders and friends don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel Submitter gguardian701 Submitted 12/09/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  14. View File Last day defense script lua here is another SCRIPT for last day defense this SCRIPT will crash the game but it will always give diamonds just run it script and game and done have fun friends https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stereo7games.lastdaydefense Submitter gguardian701 Submitted 01/17/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  15. View File Drift ride lua https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carxtech.driftride just buy the last car after run the script and have unlimited car and money have fin my little modder Submitter gguardian701 Submitted 01/17/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  16. Hi everyone, i need help to hack game Random Dice : PvP Defence. I use Magisk Manager : root; magisk hide and GameGuardian and i try hack the game. If i try change any value or use speedhack, game close, or my device reboot permanently. I think it's ptrace.. Video and screenshot add And sorry for bad English, guys, with love ❤
  17. Hi Guys, I need to root my motorola xoom tablet. android ICS 4.04. who can help me to root his? plz i must your help!
  18. Version 1.0.0


    scripy lua for Creazy for Speed buy free cars in exchange they also give you money have fun little modders and friends don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel
  19. Version 2.0.362


    here is another SCRIPT for last day defense this SCRIPT will crash the game but it will always give diamonds just run it script and game and done have fun friends https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stereo7games.lastdaydefense
  20. Version 10


    Script Free, Script Vip, Anti Banned 100% Test In Rank Ace, Kill 30+, Its Real Bro. Its Fiture Simple.. Get Full Fitures Script In My Channel Telegram 99% Anti Banned + Materials needed: - New Script Free And VIP [ Anti Banned ] - New Antiban Hosts Free And VIP [ Anti Banned ] - New Lib Free And VIP [ Anti Banned ] - Virtual For No Root [ Anti Banned ] + Everything You Need Here : Here + My Channel Telegram : Here + Recomended Gameguardian v80 Translate aja bro jika kagak paham Thank you bro.
  21. View File Multi Script Game hi friends here is a brand new script for four games HILLS OF STEEL AND OCEAN OF STEEL AND SUP AND ZOMBIE HUNTER OPEN FREE TRUNKS BUY FREE COINS and a simple script just open the game you want and run the script with the games you have chosen HAVE FUN TO ALL I HOPE YOU WILL KNOW HOW TO OPEN THIS CONTENT NOTICE IF YOU FIND PROBLEMS DO NOT HESITATE TO WRITE ME IN TELEGRAM OR VIA EMAIL EMAIL [email protected] TELEGRAM https://t.me/gguardian701 Submitter gguardian701 Submitted 03/28/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  22. View File Eron to die script.lua (unlimited money) a new script for you little modders HAVE FUN AS ALWAYS I keep a youtube channel I will publish new scripts that I create please like it and subscribe to my channel THANK YOU IN ADVANCE https://youtube.com/channel/UC34w6ll5iR0Z1zWTx1H0kLQ Submitter gguardian701 Submitted 02/10/2021 Category LUA scripts  
  23. I'm looking to root my galaxy s4 without using a computer or laptop. Searched the threads but couldn't find a clear cut definitive tutorial. After root is achieved is it better to use titanium, superSU, or freedom?
  24. Name of Game: Star command Game Version: tested on all versions up to 1.1.4(probably works for newer versions too) Name of Cheat: Infinite tokens Steps: 1. Start a new game or resume a save 2. Obtain/have at least one token in your inventory 3. Save game, note the slot number 4. Go to /data/data/com.starcommand.scgame/files 5. Open your save file(In a text editor), which is named in the format game-save-<slot number>.scg(000 Is autosave, 001 is slot 1 and so forth) 6. Find a line that says <key>tks</key> Here, the tokens you own are stored as an array in the format : <key>tks</key> <array> <string>token_sci_1</string> <string>token_tac_1</string> <string>token_eng_1</string> <string>token_sentry</string> <string>token_sentry</string> <string>token_revive</string> </array> 7. You may add new tokens to this array. For example: (I added a few tactical tokens and removed two sentry tokens) <key>tks</key> <array> <string>token_tac_1</string> <string>token_tac_1</string> <string>token_tac_1</string> <string>token_sci_1</string> <string>token_tac_1</string> <string>token_eng_1</string> <string>token_revive</string> </array> 8. After you are done editing the file, save it and open the save inside the game.
  25. View File [TK]_LuaEncoder Script Key Benefits: ° Encrypt Lua scripts with ease, safeguarding your intellectual property. ° Customize encryption levels from 1 to 7 iterations, balancing security and performance. ° It Can Encode Already Encoded Binary Script Which will still Executable Encoding Format: Hexadecimal Note: Must Watch This Video Before Using It : https://youtu.be/MiOupMsSEUQ Submitter Hamzabbas Submitted 07/15/2024 Category Tools  
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