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  1. Why cars: 29 Ferrari 458 Italia 141 Ferrari 458 Italia are the same?
  2. Are (141) Ferrari 458 Italia & (29) Ferrari 458 Italia the same? And if so, why is there two of them
  3. Ferrari 458 Italia has two ID: 29 and 141, why? Thank you!
  4. why Ferrari 458 Italia have 2 code (29&141)? sorry I can't delete this
  5. Id 141 not used. it is stab for not released car. If you set it it shows as Ferrari 458 Italia but it is not Italia. Italia have id 29.
  6. Nobody knows. Mаybe search can help you. Do not be so helpless: https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?q=Ferrari 458 29 141
  7. Hi!!! I have found an error on your car ID txt.... like u can see with your eye there is 2 ID for one car!!!! at number 29 there is Ferrari 458 Italia but also at number 141 there is Ferrari 458 Italia!!! so now im scared because i went online and i want to know What number does ID 141 correspond to? because i dont think so there is 2 ID for one car....pls help ASAP >,<
  8. on the list there is 170 car Merc AMG-C 63 Couple id is: 156 BMW Hommage id is: 144 Id 141 is for: Ferrari 458 Italia I think its clear and I like it just like that
  9. Hello Enyby ... my old version my 218 car i have update latest version v3.6.0 get One car hidden missing my total car 217 i do not know were is my car _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Enyby ... I have one question in this v3.6.0 total car v225 Ferrari 458 Italia have 2 code (29&141)? Same car code.
  10. Because Gameloft not released car with id 141. It has redirect to id 29.
  11. 141 is not exists car. Not released. Model pointed to data of 29 as temp stub.
  12. @anu7donco Because Gameloft not release car with id 141. It pointed to same model as 29.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Phantom Combat Venue Lua Script Template v0.0.0 - No Recoil Camera Hack and Utility Functions Introduction: Hello, GameGuardian community! Today, I'm excited to share the Phantom Combat Venue Lua Script Template v0.0.0, an open-source script under the MIT license. This template serves as a foundation for patching memory addresses in the libil2cpp library for any game. I used "Sniper Warrior: PvP Sniper" as an example. In this post, we'll focus on the No Recoil Camera Hack as an example, and we'll also explore some utility functions and other Lua code provided in the template. License: This script is open-source under the MIT license, giving you the freedom to modify and adapt it for your needs. Global Variables: - `__ON` and `__OFF`: Emoji indicators for ON and OFF states. - `VISIBILITY_FLAG`: A flag to manage script visibility. Utility Functions: 1. libBase(lib, offsets, vals, type): - Purpose: Finds and modifies memory addresses in the specified library. - Parameters: - `lib`: Library name. - `offsets`: List of offsets. - `vals`: List of values. - `type`: Data type. - Functionality: Iterates through memory ranges, identifies the library, and modifies addresses. function libBase(lib, offsets, vals, type) local rangeList = gg.getRangesList(lib) local addresses = {} for i, v in ipairs(rangeList) do if v.state == "Xa" then for j, offset in ipairs(offsets) do table.insert(addresses, { address = v.start + offset, flags = type, value = vals[j] .. "h" }) end break end end if #addresses == 0 then print("Not found lib") else gg.setValues(addresses) end end 2. convertToHexString(number, digits): - Purpose: Converts a number to a hexadecimal string with a specified number of digits. - Parameters: - `number`: Number to convert. - `digits`: Number of hexadecimal digits. - Functionality: Applies a bitmask and formats the number as a hexadecimal string. function convertToHexString(number, digits) local mask = (1 << (digits * 4)) - 1 return string.format("%X", number & mask) end 3. getHexValueByOffset(offset): - Purpose: Retrieves the hexadecimal value at a specific offset in libil2cpp. - Parameters: - `offset`: Offset to read. - Functionality: Uses `gg.getValues` to obtain the hexadecimal value at the specified offset. function getHexValueByOffset(offset) local responseVal = gg.getValues({{ address = gg.getRangesList("libil2cpp.so")[1].start + offset, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD }}) return convertToHexString(responseVal[1].value, 8) end Main Function: - Main(): - Purpose: Entry point for script execution. - Functionality: Displays a menu with options, including the No Recoil Camera, and handles user input. function Main() VISIBILITY_FLAG = -1 gg.setVisible(false) menu = gg.choice({ no_recoil_camera_state .. "No Recoil Camera.", " EXIT " }, nil, "Sniper Warrior v 0.0.3 b19 - MOD") if menu == nil then gg.toast(" MINIMIZED ") gg.setVisible(false) elseif menu == 1 then no_recoil_camera_fn() else os.exit() end end No Recoil Camera: 1. Initialization: - `no_recoil_camera_offset`: Offset for the No Recoil Camera hack. - `no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code`: Hex code for the active state. no_recoil_camera_offset = 0x115DA58 no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code = "D65F03C0" -- "~A8 RET" 2. State Check: - Checks the current state of the No Recoil Camera and sets the corresponding state indicator (`__ON` or `__OFF`). if getHexValueByOffset(no_recoil_camera_offset) == no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code then no_recoil_camera_state = __ON else no_recoil_camera_state = __OFF end 3. Function: no_recoil_camera_fn(): - Purpose: Activates or deactivates the No Recoil Camera. - Functionality: Utilizes `libBase` to modify the necessary memory addresses based on the current state. function no_recoil_camera_fn() local offsets = {0x115DA58, 0x115DA5C, 0x115DA60, 0x115DA64, 0x115DA68, 0x115DA6C, 0x115DA70} local values_on = {no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code} local values_off = {"6DBD23E9", "F9000BF3", "A9027BFD", "910083FD", "4EA01C08", "AA0003F3", "9400000E"} if no_recoil_camera_state == __OFF then libBase("libil2cpp.so", offsets, values_on, gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.toast("No Recoil Camera activated") no_recoil_camera_state = __ON elseif no_recoil_camera_state == __ON then libBase("libil2cpp.so", offsets, values_off, gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.toast("No Recoil Camera deactivated") no_recoil_camera_state = __OFF end end Entrypoint: - While Loop: - Purpose: Keeps the script running in the background. - Functionality: Checks for script visibility and calls the `Main()` function accordingly. while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then VISIBILITY_FLAG = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if VISIBILITY_FLAG == 1 then Main() end end Happy scripting! Your friend, Phantom Combat Venue.
  14. View File Lua script template v0.0.0: Patching memory addresses in the libil2cpp library | by Phantom Combat Venue | example game :: Sniper Warrior: PvP Sniper v0.0.3 build 19 Last updated on Aug 29, 2023 Phantom Combat Venue Lua Script Template v0.0.0 - No Recoil Camera Hack and Utility Functions Introduction: Hello, GameGuardian community! Today, I'm excited to share the Phantom Combat Venue Lua Script Template v0.0.0, an open-source script under the MIT license. This template serves as a foundation for patching memory addresses in the libil2cpp library for any game. I used "Sniper Warrior: PvP Sniper" as an example. In this post, we'll focus on the No Recoil Camera Hack as an example, and we'll also explore some utility functions and other Lua code provided in the template. License: This script is open-source under the MIT license, giving you the freedom to modify and adapt it for your needs. Global Variables: - `__ON` and `__OFF`: Emoji indicators for ON and OFF states. - `VISIBILITY_FLAG`: A flag to manage script visibility. Utility Functions: 1. libBase(lib, offsets, vals, type): - Purpose: Finds and modifies memory addresses in the specified library. - Parameters: - `lib`: Library name. - `offsets`: List of offsets. - `vals`: List of values. - `type`: Data type. - Functionality: Iterates through memory ranges, identifies the library, and modifies addresses. function libBase(lib, offsets, vals, type) local rangeList = gg.getRangesList(lib) local addresses = {} for i, v in ipairs(rangeList) do if v.state == "Xa" then for j, offset in ipairs(offsets) do table.insert(addresses, { address = v.start + offset, flags = type, value = vals[j] .. "h" }) end break end end if #addresses == 0 then print("Not found lib") else gg.setValues(addresses) end end 2. convertToHexString(number, digits): - Purpose: Converts a number to a hexadecimal string with a specified number of digits. - Parameters: - `number`: Number to convert. - `digits`: Number of hexadecimal digits. - Functionality: Applies a bitmask and formats the number as a hexadecimal string. function convertToHexString(number, digits) local mask = (1 << (digits * 4)) - 1 return string.format("%X", number & mask) end 3. getHexValueByOffset(offset): - Purpose: Retrieves the hexadecimal value at a specific offset in libil2cpp. - Parameters: - `offset`: Offset to read. - Functionality: Uses `gg.getValues` to obtain the hexadecimal value at the specified offset. function getHexValueByOffset(offset) local responseVal = gg.getValues({{ address = gg.getRangesList("libil2cpp.so")[1].start + offset, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD }}) return convertToHexString(responseVal[1].value, 8) end Main Function: - Main(): - Purpose: Entry point for script execution. - Functionality: Displays a menu with options, including the No Recoil Camera, and handles user input. function Main() VISIBILITY_FLAG = -1 gg.setVisible(false) menu = gg.choice({ no_recoil_camera_state .. "No Recoil Camera.", " EXIT " }, nil, "Sniper Warrior v 0.0.3 b19 - MOD") if menu == nil then gg.toast(" MINIMIZED ") gg.setVisible(false) elseif menu == 1 then no_recoil_camera_fn() else os.exit() end end No Recoil Camera: 1. Initialization: - `no_recoil_camera_offset`: Offset for the No Recoil Camera hack. - `no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code`: Hex code for the active state. no_recoil_camera_offset = 0x115DA58 no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code = "D65F03C0" -- "~A8 RET" 2. State Check: - Checks the current state of the No Recoil Camera and sets the corresponding state indicator (`__ON` or `__OFF`). if getHexValueByOffset(no_recoil_camera_offset) == no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code then no_recoil_camera_state = __ON else no_recoil_camera_state = __OFF end 3. Function: no_recoil_camera_fn(): - Purpose: Activates or deactivates the No Recoil Camera. - Functionality: Utilizes `libBase` to modify the necessary memory addresses based on the current state. function no_recoil_camera_fn() local offsets = {0x115DA58, 0x115DA5C, 0x115DA60, 0x115DA64, 0x115DA68, 0x115DA6C, 0x115DA70} local values_on = {no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code, no_recoil_camera_active_hack_hex_code} local values_off = {"6DBD23E9", "F9000BF3", "A9027BFD", "910083FD", "4EA01C08", "AA0003F3", "9400000E"} if no_recoil_camera_state == __OFF then libBase("libil2cpp.so", offsets, values_on, gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.toast("No Recoil Camera activated") no_recoil_camera_state = __ON elseif no_recoil_camera_state == __ON then libBase("libil2cpp.so", offsets, values_off, gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.toast("No Recoil Camera deactivated") no_recoil_camera_state = __OFF end end Entrypoint: - While Loop: - Purpose: Keeps the script running in the background. - Functionality: Checks for script visibility and calls the `Main()` function accordingly. while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then VISIBILITY_FLAG = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if VISIBILITY_FLAG == 1 then Main() end end Happy scripting! Your friend, Phantom Combat Venue. Submitter Phantom_Combat_Venue Submitted 12/01/2023 Category Templates  
  15. Hey, I have a profile where the cars like Ferraris have very low ride height and in the game, we are not allowed to change the ride height for the Ferraris. Please help me how can I do that
  16. Car id Ferrari F60 and Zeus please
  17. I can get maybe ?? 1 Dodge Dart GT 2 Audi R8 e-tron 3 Tesla Model S 4 Cadillac ATS 5 Cadillac XTS 6 Scion FR-S 7 Mini Cooper S Roadster 8 Alfa Romeo MiTo GTA 9 Audi S4 10 Nissan 370Z 11 Audi RS 3 Sportback 12 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive 13 Audi TTS Coupe 14 Chevrolet Camaro GS 15 Ford Focus RS 16 Lamborghini Urus 17 Infiniti FX50 18 Lotus Exige S Coupe 19 Audi RS 4 Avant 20 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione 21 DS Survolt 22 Aston Martin DB9 Coupe 23 Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary 24 Maserati GranTurismo Sport 25 Bentley Continental GT V8 26 Aston Martin V12 Zagato 27 Aston Martin V12 Vantage 28 Nissan GT-R (R35) 29 Ferrari 458 Italia 30 Ford Shelby GT500 31 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe Race Car 32 Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series 33 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR-X 34 Chevrolet Corvette C7 35 McLaren 12C Spider 36 Pagani Zonda R 37 Ferrari F12berlinetta 38 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento 39 Marussia B2 40 RUF RT 12 S 41 Lamborghini Veneno 42 GTA Spano 43 RUF CTR 3 44 Ferrari FXX Evoluzione 45 Bugatti 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse 46 Mercedes-Benz Silver Lightning 47 Koenigsegg Agera R 48 Ferrari 599XX 49 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 2013 50 Renault CLIO R.S. 200 EDC 51 BMW M6 52 Ferrari F430 53 Lotus Evora Enduro GT 54 Ferrari LaFerrari 55 W Motors Lykan HyperSport 56 Pagani Huayra 57 McLaren P1 58 SSC Tuatara 59 Ferrari Testarossa 60 SRT 2013 Dodge Challenger SRT8 61 Ford F-150 62 Hennessey Venom GT 63 Chrysler ME412 64 Ferrari FF 65 Ford 2006 GT 66 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT Coupé Final Edition 67 2015 Ford Mustang 68 Jaguar C-X75 69 Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR AMG 70 Mercedes-Benz Biome 71 Peugeot Onyx 72 Jaguar F-Type R 73 Savage Rivale Roadyacht GTS 74 Mazda Furai 75 Nissan GT-R NISMO 76 SSC Ultimate Aero XT 77 Rimac Consept One 78 Savage Rivale GTR 79 Maserati MC12 80 Volkswagen W12 81 Koenigsegg One:1 82 9FF GT9 VMAX 83 Tramontana XTR 84 Felino cB7 85 Spada Codatronca 86 Arrinera Hussarya 87 Lucra L148 88 Acura NSX 2005 89 Renault DeZir 90 Ferrari F40 91 Ferrari Enzo Ferrari 92 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti 93 Ferrari F50 94 Ferrari 308 GTS 95 Ferrari 330 P4 96 Volkswagen Golf Design Vision GTI 97 BMW M3 Sedan 98 Audi R8 LMS Ultra 99 BMW M1 100 HTT Plethore LC 750 101 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 102 Geely GC9 103 ONUK Sazan LM 104 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X 105 Chevrolet SS 106 AC 378 GT Z 107 Kepler Motion 108 McLaren 675LT 109 Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 110 McLaren P1 GTR 111 Camaro Z/28 112 Datsun 280Z 113 Shelby Cobra 427 114 SUBARU IMPREZA WRX STI 115 McLaren 570S 116 Lamborghini Huracan 117 Cadillac 16 Consept 118 McLaren F1 XP-5 119 DS 3 Racing 120 Honda S2000 121 Range Rover Evoque Coupe HSE Dynamic 122 Mercedes-Benz SLK 55 AMG 123 Toyota Supra RZ (Mark IV) 124 Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34) 125 Peugeot SR1 126 Lamgorghini Asterion 127 Mazzanti Evantra 128 Mosler GT3 129 Lamborghini Egoista 130 Renault Sport R.S. 01 131 TRION NEMESIS 132 ED Design Torq 133 Alfa Romeo 4C 134 Lamborghini Estoque 135 Rinspeed zaZen 136 Sbarro Alcador 137 Holden Coupe 60 138 Volkswagen Beetle Turbo 139 Lamborghini Miura 140 Cheverolet 2016 Camaro SS 141 Ferrari 458 Italia 142 Mosler Super GT 143 Mazda RX8 144 BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage 145 Honda Integra Type-R 146 Devel Sixteen Prototype 147 Mazda 6 148 Mitsubishi Eclipse 149 nanoFlowcell QUANT FE 150 Fenyr SuperSport 151 nanoFlowcell QUANTINO 152 Weber Faster One 153 Mercedes-AMG GT3 154 Nissan Juke Nismo 155 Jaguar XJ220S TWR Motorsport 156 Mercedes-AMG C 63 Couple 157 Jaguar F-TYPE Project 7 158 Aston Martin One-77 159 Donkervoort D8 GTO 160 Caddilac ATS-V Coupe 161 BXR Blade 162 MB GLC Coupe 163 2015 GTA Spano 164 Falcon F7 165 TVR Sagaris 166 Citroen GT 167 Icona Vulcano 168 Chevrolet Corvette C3 169 AlfaRomeo Giulietta 2016 Veloce 170 Mercedes Benz CLA 45 AMG Racing Series 171 McLaren M14A 172McLaren Mercedes MP4-25 173 Arash AF10 174 Aston Martin Vulcan 175 impala 176 bently 2010 177 Mosler land sark 178 bmw m2 179 Mclaren mp4-8 180 renault alpine 181 Lamborghini aventor sv 182 buick avista consept 183 mercedes 55 special 184 mclaren mp4-31 185 Sbarro sparta 186 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 187 SIN R1 188 Ferrari GTC4Lusso 189 Lotus Evora Sport 410 190 Porshe cayman gt4 191 Porshe 718 192 Porshe 959 193 Porshe 911 194 Porshe 918
  18. IDs of all the Halloween stuff I could find : Zombie Brain - 22;6,357,096;7,077,996;7,798,895;6,619,237;6,226,030;7,274,618;6,422,637::29 Witch Hat - 19;6,357,096;7,077,996;7,798,895;6,619,237;6,226,030;6,881,399;6,488,180::29 Pumpkin Helmet - 13;6,357,096;7,077,996;7,798,895;6,619,237;6,226,030;6,357,096;116::29 Broom - 15;6,357,096;7,077,996;7,798,895;6,619,237;6,226,030;7,471,202;7,274,607::29 Halloween Bike Pattern - 21;6,881,378;6,619,243;6,357,104;7,602,292;7,471,205;6,226,030;6,357,096::29 Zombie Collar - 22;7,274,618;6,422,637;6,619,241;7,340,127;7,602,277;7,536,735;7,143,541::29 Here's Candy for you all , Halloween Candy - 15;6,357,096;7,077,996;7,798,895;6,619,237;6,226,030;6,357,091;6,553,710::29 All the codes are shortened to 8 groups so there won't be any problem.
  19. BP: Ariel Atom V8 Buick Riviera Vanda Electrics Dendrobium Yamaha YZF-R6 Audi R8 e-tron Special Edition Arrinera Hussarya GT BMW S 1000 RR Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 Edition Lucra L148 Ferrari Enzo Ferrari
  20. This needs an update, just did this but now the points fir division 1 are 160 not 141
  21. 1 Dodge Dart GT 2 Audi R8 e-tron 3 Tesla Model S 4 Cadillac ATS 5 Cadillac XTS 6 Scion FR-S 7 Mini Cooper S Roadster 8 Alfa Romeo MiTo GTA 9 Audi S4 10 Nissan 370Z 11 Audi RS 3 Sportback 12 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive 13 Audi TTS Coupe 14 Chevrolet Camaro GS 15 Ford Focus RS 16 Lamborghini Urus 17 Infiniti FX50 18 Lotus Exige S Coupe 19 Audi RS 4 Avant 20 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione 21 DS Survolt 22 Aston Martin DB9 Coupe 23 Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary 24 Maserati GranTurismo Sport 25 Bentley Continental GT V8 26 Aston Martin V12 Zagato 27 Aston Martin V12 Vantage 28 Nissan GT-R (R35) 29 Ferrari 458 Italia 30 Ford Shelby GT500 31 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe Race Car 32 Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series 33 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR-X 34 Chevrolet Corvette C7 35 McLaren 12C Spider 36 Pagani Zonda R 37 Ferrari F12berlinetta 38 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento 39 Marussia B2 40 RUF RT 12 S 41 Lamborghini Veneno 42 GTA Spano 43 RUF CTR 3 44 Ferrari FXX Evoluzione 45 Bugatti 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse 46 Mercedes-Benz Silver Lightning 47 Koenigsegg Agera R 48 Ferrari 599XX 49 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 2013 50 Renault CLIO R.S. 200 EDC 51 BMW M6 52 Ferrari F430 53 Lotus Evora Enduro GT 54 Ferrari LaFerrari 55 W Motors Lykan HyperSport 56 Pagani Huayra 57 McLaren P1 58 SSC Tuatara 59 Ferrari Testarossa 60 SRT 2013 Dodge Challenger SRT8 61 Ford F-150 62 Hennessey Venom GT 63 Chrysler ME412 64 Ferrari FF 65 Ford 2006 GT 66 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT Coupé Final Edition 67 2015 Ford Mustang 68 Jaguar C-X75 69 Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR AMG 70 Mercedes-Benz Biome 71 Peugeot Onyx 72 Jaguar F-Type R 73 Savage Rivale Roadyacht GTS 74 Mazda Furai 75 Nissan GT-R NISMO 76 SSC Ultimate Aero XT 77 Rimac Consept One 78 Savage Rivale GTR 79 Maserati MC12 80 Volkswagen W12 81 Koenigsegg One:1 82 9FF GT9 VMAX 83 Tramontana XTR 84 Felino cB7 85 Spada Codatronca 86 Arrinera Hussarya 87 Lucra L148 88 Acura NSX 2005 89 Renault DeZir 90 Ferrari F40 91 Ferrari Enzo Ferrari 92 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti 93 Ferrari F50 94 Ferrari 308 GTS 95 Ferrari 330 P4 96 Volkswagen Golf Design Vision GTI 97 BMW M3 Sedan 98 Audi R8 LMS Ultra 99 BMW M1 100 HTT Plethore LC 750 101 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 102 Geely GC9 103 ONUK Sazan LM 104 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X 105 Chevrolet SS 106 AC 378 GT Z 107 Kepler Motion 108 McLaren 675LT 109 Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 110 McLaren P1 GTR 111 Camaro Z/28 112 Datsun 280Z 113 Shelby Cobra 427 114 SUBARU IMPREZA WRX STI 115 McLaren 570S 116 Lamborghini Huracan 117 Cadillac 16 Consept 118 McLaren F1 XP-5 119 DS 3 Racing 120 Honda S2000 121 Range Rover Evoque Coupe HSE Dynamic 122 Mercedes-Benz SLK 55 AMG 123 Toyota Supra RZ (Mark IV) 124 Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34) 125 Peugeot SR1 126 Lamgorghini Asterion 127 Mazzanti Evantra 128 Mosler GT3 129 Lamborghini Egoista 130 Renault Sport R.S. 01 131 TRION NEMESIS 132 ED Design Torq 133 Alfa Romeo 4C 134 Lamborghini Estoque 135 Rinspeed zaZen 136 Sbarro Alcador 137 Holden Coupe 60 138 Volkswagen Beetle Turbo 139 Lamborghini Miura 140 Cheverolet 2016 Camaro SS 141 Ferrari 458 Italia 142 Mosler Super GT 143 Mazda RX8 144 BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage 145 Honda Integra Type-R 146 Devel Sixteen Prototype 147 Mazda 6 148 Mitsubishi Eclipse 149 nanoFlowcell QUANT FE 150 Fenyr SuperSport 151 nanoFlowcell QUANTINO 152 Weber Faster One 153 Mercedes-AMG GT3 154 Nissan Juke Nismo 155 Jaguar XJ220S TWR Motorsport 156 Mercedes-AMG C 63 Couple 157 Jaguar F-TYPE Project 7 158 Aston Martin One-77 159 Donkervoort D8 GTO 160 Caddilac ATS-V Coupe 161 BXR Blade 162 MB GLC Coupe 163 2015 GTA Spano 164 Falcon F7 165 TVR Sagaris 166 Citroen GT 167 Icona Vulcano 168 Chevrolet Corvette C3 169 AlfaRomeo Quadrifoglio (Giulietta 2016 Veloce) 170 Mercedes CLA Racing 34 (CLA 45 AMG Rcaing Series)
  22. Thanks for the info and cause accidentally screwed hack it by myself using vip got the Ferrari LaFerrari broken 150000/9..
  23. Weapon Mod Blueptints Codes Spear Mod: Spiked Pointer 15;7.340.147;6.226.034;7.209.072;7.471.220;7.536.735;6.881.392;6.619.243;100::33 Metal Pointer 15;7.340.147;6.226.034;7.209.072;7.471.220;7.536.735;6.226.024;7.602.285;108::33 Bone Pointer 13;7.340.147;6.226.034;7.209.072;7.471.220;6.422.623;7.209.071;101::29 Bloodspiller 14;7.340.147;6.226.034;7.209.072;7.471.220;7.012.447;6.881.390;6.619.238::29 Sharpenede Metal Sidearm 15;7.340.147;6.226.034;6.553.715;7.143.538;7.536.735;6.226.024;7.602.285;108::33 Bone Sidearm 13;7.340.147;6.226.034;6.553.715;7.143.538;6.422.623;7.209.071;101::29 Barbed Wire Sidearm 17;7.340.147;6.226.034;6.553.715;7.143.538;6.422.623;6.422.642;7.798.879;7.471.209;101::37 Sidearm Knife 12;7.340.147;6.226.034;6.553.715;7.143.538;7.012.447;6.684.782::25 Rope Handle 12;7.340.147;6.226.034;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.274.610;6.619.248::25 Duck Taped Handle 14;7.340.147;6.226.034;7.209.064;6.226.020;6.226.020;6.357.108;6.619.248::29 Rag Handle 11;7.340.147;6.226.034;7.209.064;6.226.020;6.357.106;103::25 Rubber Handle 11;7.340.147;6.226.034;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.667.826;98::25 Makeshift Bat Mod: Plank With Nails 12;6.357.090;6.226.036;6.619.240;6.553.697;7.209.055;7.536.748::25 Plank With Barbed Wire 17;6.357.090;6.226.036;6.619.240;6.553.697;6.422.623;6.422.642;7.798.879;7.471.209;101::37 Reinforced Plank 13;6.357.090;6.226.036;6.619.240;6.553.697;7.471.199;6.684.782;114::29 Facebreaker 11;6.357.090;6.226.036;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.798.896;114::25 Handle With Tape 14;6.357.090;6.226.036;7.209.064;6.226.020;6.226.020;6.357.108;6.619.248::29 Reinforced Handle 12;6.357.090;6.226.036;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.209.074;7.471.206::25 Heavy Handle 13;6.357.090;6.226.036;7.209.064;6.226.020;6.619.240;7.733.345;121::29 Bow Mod: Reinforced Bow 14;7.274.594;6.226.039;6.815.859;6.684.769;6.226.036;7.209.074;7.471.206::29 Sport Bow 15;7.274.594;6.226.039;6.815.859;6.684.769;6.226.036;7.340.147;7.471.215;116::33 Composite Bow 14;7.274.594;6.226.039;6.815.859;6.684.769;6.226.036;7.274.595;7.340.141::29 Twisted String 13;7.274.594;6.226.039;7.602.291;6.226.034;7.798.900;7.536.745;116::29 Aramid String 14;7.274.594;6.226.039;7.602.291;6.226.034;7.471.201;7.143.521;6.553.705::29 Polyethylene String 18;7.274.594;6.226.039;7.602.291;6.226.034;6.684.774;7.536.735;6.619.248;7.602.275;6.357.106::37 Composite String 15;7.274.594;6.226.039;7.602.291;6.226.034;6.357.092;7.209.065;7.143.529;97::33 Small Sight 9;7.274.594;6.226.039;6.750.323;6.226.036;115::21 Big Sight 11;7.274.594;6.226.039;6.750.323;6.226.036;6.881.378;103::25 Sight X2 10;7.274.594;6.226.039;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.276.920::21 Laser Sight 11;7.274.594;6.226.039;6.750.323;6.226.036;7.536.748;114::25 Extended Quiver 12;7.274.594;6.226.039;7.667.825;7.733.353;6.619.231;7.602.296::25 Sport Quiver 14;7.274.594;6.226.039;7.667.825;7.733.353;7.536.735;7.274.608;7.602.290::29 Large Quiver 12;7.274.594;6.226.039;7.667.825;7.733.353;7.077.983;6.750.322::25 Cleaver Mod: Light Blade 13;7.077.987;6.226.038;7.077.986;6.226.020;6.881.388;6.815.847;116::29 Sickle 14;7.077.987;6.226.038;7.077.986;6.226.020;6.881.395;7.012.451;6.619.244::29 Slicer 13;7.077.987;6.226.038;7.077.986;6.226.020;6.619.240;7.733.345;121::29 Tactical Butcher Knife 11;7.077.987;6.226.038;7.077.986;6.226.020;6.357.111;114::25 Reinforced Handle 12;7.077.987;6.226.038;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.209.074;7.471.206::25 Plastic Handle 10;7.077.987;6.226.038;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.078.000::21 Metal Handle 11;7.077.987;6.226.038;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.602.285;108::25 Hunter Handle 12;7.077.987;6.226.038;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.667.816;7.602.286::25 Baseball Bat Mod: Bat With Bolts 16;7.536.738;6.422.626;7.602.273;6.422.623;7.078.002;6.422.623;7.077.999;7.536.756::33 Bat With Nails 16;7.536.738;6.422.626;7.602.273;6.422.623;7.078.002;7.209.055;6.881.377;7.536.748::33 Lucille Bat 14;7.536.738;6.422.626;7.602.273;6.422.623;7.078.002;6.422.623;6.422.642::29 Slugger With Thorns 17;7.536.738;6.422.626;7.602.273;6.422.623;7.078.002;7.602.271;7.274.600;7.209.074;115::37 Duct Taped Grip 17;7.536.738;6.422.626;7.602.273;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.553.695;7.602.271;7.340.129;101::37 Leather Grip 15;7.536.738;6.422.626;7.602.273;6.815.839;6.553.710;7.077.983;6.815.860;114::33 Heavy Grip 16;7.536.738;6.422.626;7.602.273;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.815.839;6.357.093;7.929.974::33 Defensive Grip 14;7.536.738;6.422.626;7.602.273;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.553.695;6.684.773::29 Metal Pipe Mod: Tincan With Nails 14;7.340.140;6.815.839;6.357.093;6.226.020;6.881.396;6.488.174;7.209.057::29 Saw Hatchet 15;7.340.140;6.815.839;6.357.093;6.226.020;6.357.096;6.488.180;6.619.240;116::33 The Big One Bone 12;7.340.140;6.815.839;6.357.093;6.226.020;7.274.594;6.619.246::25 Faucet 14;7.340.140;6.815.839;6.357.093;6.226.020;6.357.094;6.488.181;7.602.277::29 Balanced Handle 11;7.340.140;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.422.623;7.209.068;99::25 Reinforced Handle 11;7.340.140;6.815.839;6.553.710;7.471.199;6.684.782;114::25 Spiked Handle 13;7.340.140;6.815.839;6.553.710;7.536.735;6.881.392;6.619.243;100::29 Machete Mod: Billhook Blade 13;6.488.173;7.602.280;6.422.623;6.553.708;6.422.623;6.815.852;107::29 Kukri Blade 14;6.488.173;7.602.280;6.422.623;6.553.708;7.012.447;7.012.469;6.881.394::29 Parang Blade 15;6.488.173;7.602.280;6.422.623;6.553.708;7.340.127;7.471.201;7.209.057;103::33 Bone Cracking Blade 14;6.488.173;7.602.280;6.422.623;6.553.708;6.815.839;6.357.093;7.929.974::29 Ripper Blade 12;6.488.173;7.602.280;6.422.623;6.553.708;7.471.199;7.340.137::25 Gut Hook Blade 13;6.488.173;7.602.280;6.422.623;6.553.708;6.750.303;6.815.860;107::29 Plastic Handle 11;6.488.173;7.602.280;6.815.839;6.553.710;7.340.127;108::25 Carbon Handle 12;6.488.173;7.602.280;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.488.159;6.422.642::25 Bone Handle 13;6.488.173;7.602.280;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.422.623;7.209.071;101::29 Hunter Handle 13;6.488.173;7.602.280;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.815.839;7.209.077;116::29 Skull Crusher Mod: Armature Head 15;7.078.003;6.357.096;6.226.029;6.619.240;6.553.697;6.357.087;7.143.538;116::33 Light Head 16;7.078.003;6.357.096;6.226.029;6.619.240;6.553.697;7.077.983;6.750.313;7.602.280::33 Heavy Head 16;7.078.003;6.357.096;6.226.029;6.619.240;6.553.697;6.815.839;6.357.093;7.929.974::33 Steel Head 14;7.078.003;6.357.096;6.226.029;6.619.240;6.553.697;7.536.735;7.078.004::29 BFH 14;7.078.003;6.357.096;6.226.029;6.619.240;6.553.697;7.536.735;6.815.852::29 Gastank "Cause I Can!" 14;7.078.003;6.357.096;6.226.029;6.619.240;6.553.697;6.750.303;7.536.737::29 Oak Handle 13;7.078.003;6.357.096;6.226.029;7.209.064;6.226.020;6.357.103;107::29 Iron Handle 14;7.078.003;6.357.096;6.226.029;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.471.209;7.209.071::29 Steel Handle 13;7.078.003;6.357.096;6.226.029;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.602.291;108::29 Carbon Handle 13;7.078.003;6.357.096;6.226.029;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.471.203;98::29 Saw Blade Mace Mod: Light Blade 13;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.077.986;6.226.020;6.881.388;6.815.847;116::29 Persuader 13;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.077.986;6.226.020;6.619.240;7.733.345;121::29 Diamond Blade 11;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.077.986;6.226.020;7.143.524;100::25 Diablo 14;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.077.986;6.226.020;6.881.380;6.422.625;7.274.604::29 Improved Holder 12;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.077.992;7.471.204;6.881.375;7.340.141::25 Heavy Holder 14;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.077.992;7.471.204;6.815.839;6.357.093;7.929.974::29 Crane 12;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.077.992;7.471.204;6.488.159;7.209.074::25 Engine 12;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.077.992;7.471.204;6.619.231;6.750.318::25 Oak Handle 11;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.209.064;6.226.020;6.357.103;107::25 Heavy Handle 13;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.209.064;6.226.020;6.619.240;7.733.345;121::29 Steel Handle 11;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.471.203;110::25 Ergonomic Handle 11;6.357.107;6.226.039;7.209.064;6.226.020;7.471.205;103::25 Zip Gun Mod: Bolt-Action 12;7.340.144;6.422.623;7.536.737;6.226.021;7.274.594;7.602.284::25 Improved Bolt-Action 16;7.340.144;6.422.623;7.536.737;6.226.021;7.143.529;6.226.032;7.274.594;7.602.284::33 Revolver 11;7.340.144;6.422.623;7.536.737;6.226.021;6.619.250;118::25 Improved Revolver 15;7.340.144;6.422.623;7.536.737;6.226.021;7.143.529;6.226.032;6.619.250;118::33 Handmade Muzzle Brake 19;7.340.144;6.422.623;7.078.002;6.815.839;7.143.524;6.226.020;7.667.821;6.226.042;7.471.202;107::41 Handmade Silencer 15;7.340.144;6.422.623;7.078.002;6.815.839;7.143.524;6.226.020;6.881.395;108::33 Reinforced Grip 11;7.340.144;7.143.519;7.995.495;7.471.199;6.684.782;114::25 Comfortable Grip 11;7.340.144;7.143.519;7.995.495;6.488.159;7.143.535;102::25 Glock17 Mod: Lightweight Magazine 13;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.750.317;6.226.042;6.881.388;6.815.847;116::29 Comfortable Magazine 12;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.750.317;6.226.042;7.274.595;6.684.781::25 Extended Magazine 11;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.750.317;6.226.042;6.881.378;103::25 Night Sight 12;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.750.323;6.226.036;6.619.234;6.553.697::25 Red Dot Sight 11;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.750.323;6.226.036;7.274.595;108::25 Red Dot on Mount 15;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.750.323;6.226.036;7.667.827;6.226.032;7.274.595;108::33 Close Red Dot Sight 22;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.750.323;6.226.036;7.667.827;6.226.032;7.274.595;6.226.028;7.077.987;7.536.751;6.553.701::45 Muzzle Brake 12;7.077.991;6.226.027;7.471.202;6.226.028;7.274.595;7.340.141::25 Double Muzzle Brake 16;7.077.991;6.226.027;7.471.202;6.226.028;7.274.595;7.340.141;6.553.695;7.077.986::33 Long Muzzle Brake 17;7.077.991;6.226.027;7.471.202;6.226.028;7.274.595;7.340.141;7.077.983;7.209.071;103::37 Silencer 11;7.077.991;6.226.027;7.471.202;6.226.028;6.881.395;108::25 Improved Shutter 12;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.815.859;7.471.220;6.881.375;7.340.141::25 Lightweight Shutter 14;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.815.859;7.471.220;7.077.983;6.750.313;7.602.280::29 Modified Shutter 12;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.815.859;7.471.220;7.143.519;6.553.711::25 Elite Shutter 14;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.815.859;7.471.220;6.619.231;6.881.388;6.619.252::29 Red Laser 15;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.536.748;6.226.034;6.619.250;100::33 Green Laser 15;7.077.991;6.226.027;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.536.748;6.226.034;7.471.207;110::33 Mini Uzi Mod: Extended Magazine 13;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.750.317;6.226.042;7.864.421;116::29 Double Magazine 13;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.750.317;6.226.042;6.422.628;108::29 Drum Magazine 13;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.750.317;6.226.042;7.471.202;108::29 Double Drum 17;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.750.317;6.226.042;6.422.628;6.226.028;7.471.202;108::37 Collimator Sight 17;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.750.323;6.226.036;6.619.250;6.226.020;7.274.596;116::37 Improved Sight 21;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.750.323;6.226.036;6.619.250;6.226.020;7.274.596;6.226.036;7.143.529;112::45 Sight X2 16;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.276.920;6.881.375;7.340.141::33 Sight X4 12;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.407.992::25 Wooden Stock 13;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;7.602.291;6.226.027;6.553.719;110::29 Light Stock 15;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;7.602.291;6.226.027;6.881.388;6.815.847;116::33 Reinforced Stock 13;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;7.602.291;6.226.027;7.209.074;102::29 Tactical Stock 14;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;7.602.291;6.226.027;6.357.108;7.602.275::29 Muzzle Brake 14;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;7.471.202;6.226.028;7.274.595;7.340.141::29 Long Barrel 14;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;7.471.202;6.226.028;7.274.604;6.750.318::29 Silencer 13;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;7.471.202;6.226.028;6.881.395;108::29 Improved Silencer 17;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;7.471.202;6.226.028;6.881.395;6.226.028;7.209.068;103::37 Grip 14;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.209.064;7.077.988::29 Improved Grip 18;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.209.064;7.077.988;6.881.375;7.340.141::37 Ergonomic Grip 18;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.209.064;7.077.988;6.619.231;6.750.322::37 Tactical Upgrade 17;6.226.029;7.995.509;6.226.025;6.488.161;6.226.035;6.488.180;6.226.036;7.340.149;103::37 Winchester Mod: Improved Stock 12;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.536.735;7.012.468;6.881.375;7.340.141::25 Vintage Stock 13;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.536.735;7.012.468;7.733.343;7.602.286;103::29 Reinforced Stock 12;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.536.735;7.012.468;7.471.199;6.684.782::25 Tactical Stock 13;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.536.735;7.012.468;7.602.271;6.488.161;116::29 Improved Receiver 12;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.471.199;7.733.347;6.881.375;7.340.141::25 Vintage Receiver 13;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.471.199;7.733.347;7.733.343;7.602.286;103::29 Reinforced Receiver 12;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.471.199;7.733.347;7.471.199;6.684.782::25 Tactical Receiver 13;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.471.199;7.733.347;7.602.271;6.488.161;116::29 Improved Barrel 12;7.209.079;6.815.843;6.422.623;7.078.002;6.881.375;7.340.141::25 Vintage Barrel 13;7.209.079;6.815.843;6.422.623;7.078.002;7.733.343;7.602.286;103::29 Muzzle Brake 16;7.209.079;6.815.843;6.422.623;7.078.002;7.143.519;7.995.509;6.422.623;7.012.466::33 Silencer 12;7.209.079;6.815.843;6.422.623;7.078.002;7.536.735;7.077.993::25 Improved Handguard 13;7.209.079;6.815.843;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.226.023;7.143.529;112::29 Handguard With Cartridge Pouch 14;7.209.079;6.815.843;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.226.023;7.209.078;6.750.324::29 Reinforced Handguard 13;7.209.079;6.815.843;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.226.023;7.209.074;102::29 Tactical Handguard 14;7.209.079;6.815.843;6.815.839;6.553.710;6.226.023;6.357.108;7.602.275::29 Mechanical Sight 13;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.536.735;7.602.279;7.143.519;6.488.165;104::29 Vintage Sight 17;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.536.735;7.602.279;7.274.591;7.602.288;7.733.343;7.602.286;103::37 Collimator Sight 16;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.536.735;7.602.279;7.471.199;6.553.701;6.553.695;7.602.287::33 Sight X8 15;7.209.079;6.815.843;7.536.735;7.602.279;7.274.591;7.602.288;7.864.415;56::33 Shotgun Mod: Reloader 13;6.815.859;7.602.287;7.143.519;7.995.495;7.471.199;6.553.708;114::29 Small Ammo 15;6.815.859;7.602.287;7.143.519;7.995.495;6.357.087;7.143.533;6.226.031;115::33 Big Ammo 17;6.815.859;7.602.287;7.143.519;7.995.495;6.357.087;7.143.533;6.226.031;6.881.378;103::37 Muzzle Brake 13;6.815.859;7.602.287;6.422.623;7.078.002;6.488.159;7.143.535;112::29 Silencer 12;6.815.859;7.602.287;6.422.623;7.078.002;7.536.735;7.077.993::25 Long Silencer 17;6.815.859;7.602.287;6.422.623;7.078.002;7.536.735;7.077.993;7.077.983;7.209.071;103::37 Heavy Barrel 14;6.815.859;7.602.287;6.422.623;7.078.002;6.815.839;6.357.093;7.929.974::29 Tactical Reloader 14;6.815.859;7.602.287;7.471.199;6.553.708;6.226.034;6.357.108;7.602.275::29 Handled Reloader 17;6.815.859;7.602.287;7.471.199;6.553.708;6.226.034;6.357.096;6.553.710;6.619.244;100::37 Light Handguard 15;6.815.859;7.602.287;7.471.199;6.553.708;6.226.034;6.881.388;6.815.847;116::33 Bead 13;6.815.859;7.602.287;7.536.735;7.602.279;6.422.623;6.357.093;100::29 Mechanical Sight 13;6.815.859;7.602.287;7.536.735;7.602.279;7.143.519;6.488.165;104::29 Aperture Sight 17;6.815.859;7.602.287;7.536.735;7.602.279;6.357.087;6.619.248;7.602.290;7.471.221;101::37 Red Dot Sight 16;6.815.859;7.602.287;7.536.735;7.602.279;7.471.199;6.553.701;6.553.695;7.602.287::33 M16 Mod: Extended Magazine 11;3.211.373;6.225.974;6.750.317;6.226.042;7.864.421;116::25 Grip 14;3.211.373;6.225.974;6.750.317;6.226.042;6.357.096;6.553.710;6.619.244::29 Double Magazine 11;3.211.373;6.225.974;6.750.317;6.226.042;6.422.628;108::25 Drum Magazine 11;3.211.373;6.225.974;6.750.317;6.226.042;7.471.202;108::25 Red Dot 15;3.211.373;6.225.974;6.750.323;6.226.036;6.619.250;6.226.020;7.274.596;116::33 Sight X2 10;3.211.373;6.225.974;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.276.920::21 Sight X4 10;3.211.373;6.225.974;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.407.992::21 Sight X8 10;3.211.373;6.225.974;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.670.136::21 Flash Hider 19;3.211.373;6.225.974;7.471.202;6.226.028;7.077.990;7.536.737;6.226.024;6.881.384;6.619.236;114::41 Muzzle Brake 15;3.211.373;6.225.974;7.471.202;6.226.028;7.667.821;6.226.042;7.471.202;107::33 Handmade Silencer 16;3.211.373;6.225.974;7.471.202;6.226.028;6.881.395;6.226.028;6.553.704;6.553.709::33 Silencer 11;3.211.373;6.225.974;7.471.202;6.226.028;6.881.395;108::25 Red Laser 15;3.211.373;6.225.974;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.536.748;6.226.034;6.619.250;100::33 Green Laser 15;3.211.373;6.225.974;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.536.748;6.226.034;7.471.207;110::33 AK-47 Mod: Double Magazine 12;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.143.519;7.995.495;6.553.695;7.077.986::25 Extended Magazine 12;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.143.519;7.995.495;6.619.231;7.602.296::25 Large Magazine 12;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.143.519;7.995.495;7.077.983;6.750.322::25 Mechanical Sight 13;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.536.735;7.602.279;7.143.519;6.488.165;104::29 Red Dot Sight 16;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.536.735;7.602.279;7.471.199;6.553.701;6.553.695;7.602.287::33 Sight X2 11;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.536.735;7.602.279;7.864.415;50::25 Sight X4 11;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.536.735;7.602.279;7.864.415;52::25 Double Muzzle Brake 13;7.012.449;3.604.532;6.422.623;7.078.002;6.488.159;7.143.535;112::29 Muzzle Brake Modified 17;7.012.449;3.604.532;6.422.623;7.078.002;6.488.159;7.143.535;6.226.032;7.274.605;100::37 Flash Hider 20;7.012.449;3.604.532;6.422.623;7.078.002;6.684.767;6.357.100;6.815.859;6.815.839;6.553.705;7.471.205::41 Handmade Silencer 12;7.012.449;3.604.532;6.422.623;7.078.002;7.536.735;7.077.993::25 No Stock 14;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.536.735;7.012.468;6.619.231;7.340.141;7.929.972::29 Reinforced Stock 13;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.536.735;7.012.468;7.471.199;6.684.782;114::29 Light Stock 14;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.536.735;7.012.468;7.077.983;6.750.313;7.602.280::29 Tactical Stock 13;7.012.449;3.604.532;7.536.735;7.012.468;7.602.271;6.488.161;116::29 Red Laser 16;7.012.449;3.604.532;6.357.087;7.536.739;7.077.983;7.471.219;7.471.199;6.553.701::33 Green Laser 16;7.012.449;3.604.532;6.357.087;7.536.739;7.077.983;7.471.219;6.750.303;7.209.074::33 Knife 14;7.012.449;3.604.532;6.357.087;7.536.739;7.012.447;6.881.390;6.619.238::29 Grenade Launcher 16;7.012.449;3.604.532;6.357.087;7.536.739;6.750.303;6.619.250;6.357.102;6.619.236::33 FN Scar Mod: Light Magazine 13;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.750.317;6.226.042;6.881.388;6.815.847;116::29 Extended Magazine 11;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.750.317;6.226.042;7.864.421;116::25 Drum Magazine 11;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.750.317;6.226.042;7.471.202;108::25 Double Drum 11;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.750.317;6.226.042;6.422.628;108::25 Red Dot 15;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.750.323;6.226.036;6.619.250;6.226.020;7.274.596;116::33 Sight X2 10;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.276.920::21 Sight X4 10;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.407.992::21 Sight X8 10;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.670.136::21 Short Barrel 13;6.488.179;6.226.034;7.471.202;6.226.028;6.815.859;7.471.215;116::29 Long Barrel 12;6.488.179;6.226.034;7.471.202;6.226.028;7.274.604;6.750.318::25 Triple Muzzle Brake 17;6.488.179;6.226.034;7.471.202;6.226.028;7.274.595;7.340.141;7.602.271;7.340.146;108::37 Silencer 17;6.488.179;6.226.034;7.471.202;6.226.028;6.881.395;6.226.028;6.357.090;6.881.395;99::37 Red Laser 15;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.536.748;6.226.034;6.619.250;100::33 Green Laser 15;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.536.748;6.226.034;7.471.207;110::33 Atpial 1 13;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.602.273;6.226.032;49::29 Atpial 2 13;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.602.273;6.226.032;50::29 Handle 14;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.488.161;6.226.035;6.357.096;6.553.710;6.619.244::29 Bipod 14;6.488.179;6.226.034;6.488.161;6.226.035;6.881.378;7.274.608;7.536.740::29 VSS Vintorez Mod: Extended Magazine 11;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.750.317;6.226.042;7.864.421;116::25 Double Magazine 11;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.750.317;6.226.042;6.422.628;108::25 Red Dot 15;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.750.323;6.226.036;6.619.250;6.226.020;7.274.596;116::33 Sight X2 10;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.276.920::21 Sight X4 10;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.407.992::21 Sight X4 With Collimator 14;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.407.992;6.488.159;7.077.999::29 Sight X5 10;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.473.528::21 Sight X8 10;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.750.323;6.226.036;3.670.136::21 Light Stock 13;7.536.758;6.226.035;7.602.291;6.226.027;6.881.388;6.815.847;116::29 Stock With Cheek Pad 16;7.536.758;6.226.035;7.602.291;6.226.027;6.815.843;6.619.237;7.340.139;6.553.697::33 Tactical Stock 12;7.536.758;6.226.035;7.602.291;6.226.027;6.357.108;7.602.275::25 Red Laser 15;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.536.748;6.226.034;6.619.250;100::33 Green Laser 15;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.536.748;6.226.034;7.471.207;110::33 Atpial 1 13;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.602.273;6.226.032;49::29 Atpial 2 13;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.488.161;6.226.035;7.602.273;6.226.032;50::29 Handle 14;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.488.161;6.226.035;6.357.096;6.553.710;6.619.244::29 Bipod 14;7.536.758;6.226.035;6.488.161;6.226.035;6.881.378;7.274.608;7.536.740::29 The Dragunov Mod: Extended Magazine 22;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.357.101;6.357.095;6.881.402;6.619.246;6.422.623;6.750.313::45 Red Dot 23;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.881.395;6.815.847;6.226.036;6.619.250;6.226.020;7.274.596;116::49 Sight X2 18;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.881.395;6.815.847;6.226.036;3.276.920::37 Sight X3 18;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.881.395;6.815.847;6.226.036;3.342.456::37 Sight X4 18;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.881.395;6.815.847;6.226.036;3.407.992::37 Sight X5 18;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.881.395;6.815.847;6.226.036;3.473.528::37 Sight X6 18;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.881.395;6.815.847;6.226.036;3.539.064::37 Sight X8 18;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.881.395;6.815.847;6.226.036;3.670.136::37 Sight X10 19;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.881.395;6.815.847;6.226.036;3.211.384;48::41 Sight X17 Muzzle Brake 34;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.357.090;7.471.218;7.077.989;6.488.159;7.143.535;6.619.248;7.536.750;7.602.273;7.471.215;7.536.735;7.274.600;7.602.290::69 Muzzle Brake 33;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.357.090;7.471.218;7.077.989;6.488.159;7.143.535;6.619.248;7.536.750;7.602.273;7.471.215;7.077.983;7.209.071;103::69 Double Muzzle Brake 35;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.357.090;7.471.218;7.077.989;6.488.159;7.143.535;6.619.248;7.536.750;7.602.273;7.471.215;7.143.519;6.553.711;6.684.777;121::73 Elite Muzzle Brake 34;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.357.090;7.471.218;7.077.989;6.488.159;7.143.535;6.619.248;7.536.750;7.602.273;7.471.215;6.619.231;6.881.388;6.619.252::69 Flash Hider 35;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.357.090;7.471.218;7.077.989;6.684.767;6.357.100;6.619.245;7.471.201;7.536.741;7.274.612;6.226.034;6.815.859;7.471.215;116::73 Improved Flash Hider 34;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.357.090;7.471.218;7.077.989;6.684.767;6.357.100;6.619.245;7.471.201;7.536.741;7.274.612;6.226.034;7.274.604;6.750.318::69 Silencer 27;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.881.395;6.619.244;6.488.174;7.471.205;7.536.735;6.357.108;6.553.710;7.471.201;116::57 Red Laser 29;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.488.161;6.619.235;7.536.755;7.471.215;6.226.041;6.357.100;6.619.251;6.226.034;6.619.250;100::61 Green Laser 31;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.488.161;6.619.235;7.536.755;7.471.215;6.226.041;6.357.100;6.619.251;6.226.034;7.471.207;6.619.237;110::65 Atpial 1 28;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.488.161;6.619.235;7.536.755;7.471.215;6.226.041;7.602.273;6.881.392;7.077.985;3.211.359::57 Atpial 2 28;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.488.161;6.619.235;7.536.755;7.471.215;6.226.041;7.602.273;6.881.392;7.077.985;3.276.895::57 Handle 26;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.488.161;6.619.235;7.536.755;7.471.215;6.226.041;6.357.096;6.553.710;6.619.244::53 Bipod 26;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;6.488.161;6.619.235;7.536.755;7.471.215;6.226.041;6.881.378;7.274.608;7.536.740::53 Aluminium Handguard 26;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;7.471.206;7.143.521;6.226.021;7.077.985;7.667.820;6.881.389;6.881.390;7.143.541::53 Tactical Handguard 24;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;7.471.206;7.143.521;6.226.021;6.357.108;7.602.275;6.488.169;7.077.985::49 Light Stock 21;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;7.602.291;6.488.175;6.226.027;6.881.388;6.815.847;116::45 Polymer Stock 25;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;7.602.291;6.488.175;6.226.027;7.274.608;7.929.964;6.619.245;6.881.394;99::53 Tactical Stock 24;6.881.394;7.077.990;6.226.021;7.733.363;6.226.020;7.602.291;6.488.175;6.226.027;6.357.108;7.602.275;6.488.169;7.077.985::49
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