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  1. gggdtfdyhn

    Help needed

    Please how can I get more scripts? Is there a way for me to contact you?
  2. Need hack for : Invincible, High Damage, Open Map Locations, and Coin if possible.
  3. View File Westland survival About this file Telegram: https://t.me/+WYpiAlaR2RU0YTI1 Welcome to our group!!! Attention: Westland Survival Auto Update (32&64) mobizen_20240118_085200.mp4 Submitter ChungTai Submitted 01/05/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  4. View File [ BERRY FACTORY TYCOON ] X64 BERRY FACTORY TYCOON : SCRIPT X64 BIT ONLY MOD FEATURES : HACK ALL CURRENCY Submitter Koolie Submitted 01/05/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  5. Aside from upvoting and hearting your answers and marking the answer containing the script as "best answer", is there anything else I can do to express my sincere gratitude?
  6. sammax71

    Help needed

    Memory Range : Anonymous Value Type : Dword Very simple search, refine and edit. Just search the level number you are on then complete a level and refine and when you have one value left edit to the level you want to jump to. This script will easy complete the level for you. Just make one move and it will finish. I added no ads for you too. BallSort_1_0_670.lua
  7. Your script contains a function call ch1() But there is no such function.
  8. Hello, is it possible to make an infinite XP script? Follow the link with the demonstration video
  9. Some update till now... I kept to learn the basic knowledge for IL2CPP and Unity 3D HOTFIX project. Which leads me to understand more about the hotfix process, especially when we are facing the CLR running mechanism, which exactly what I questioned using the HybridCLR method to hot update. It turns out that we can not dump the injected "hotfix.dll" file (this is the correct one, sy I mistype above) with memory offset. Cos all the function is runing on CLR timely. There is a simple way to figure it out whether it is using CLR by using the reverse lookup lua script to check the namespace: class: field etc. You will find it weird like most offset are the same. One solution (I am on this way now) Get the hotfix.dll out as what I mentioned above. Searching the right class, field, function etc. Which then can be used in GameGuardian hacking and Frida Hook. I am still learning how to reach the next steps.
  10. Version 0.5.1


  11. View File Garden Affairs Only arm64_v8a All functions are activated during the game. After activation, remove one obstacle. Submitter Artem_Nikiforov Submitted 01/04/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  12. It finds all pointers pointing to your address. To use it you need to load the address(es) you want to perform the pointer search on in the result list. gg.loadResults({{address = grp[1].address + 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}) Adds 4 bytes to the address, 0x9865E5B0 + 0x4 = 0x9865E5B4 and then loads it in the result list in data type dword. gg.searchPointer(0) Does the pointer search in the given ranges. Basically it's like doing: gg.searchNumber(9865E5B4h, gg.TYPE_DWORD) You get a few results. I dunno how gameguardian does it behind the hood but now i use gg.searchPointer(0) again because i want to perform pointer search on each of those addresses...that's why a second time. I have now more results because there are a lot of pointers pointing to those few addresses from previous screenshot. Now i need to filter them out because the health value was one more pointer search away, and the address to pointer search is in this result list. One of those addresses had 4 bytes above it a value 1.0F. That's the same value i asked you to search using 256F;1.0F::16. Sadly it returned no results for you. But the 1.0F value is located 4 bytes above one of those addresses in the result list. So i used that for filter out all these values and to get only 1 address left. local t = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) local sensitivity = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do sensitivity[i] = {address = v.address - 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} end sensitivity = gg.getValues(sensitivity) subtracted 0x4 from all the addresses in the result list and stored it in a new table(sensitivity) with data type float. local healthPointer = {} for i = 1, #sensitivity do if sensitivity[i].value == 1.0 then healthPointer[i] = {address = t[i].address, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD} end end Checked which address of the table sensitivity contained the value 1.0F using iteration and if it found it should store the address that is 4 bytes under it in the table healthPointer and then load it in the result list using: gg.loadResults(healthPointer) It found a match and loaded the address in result list: Script performs pointer search again. local res = gg.getResults(1) local health = {[1] = {address = res[1].address + 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT, name = "Health"}} Will get 1 result, the health value is 4 bytes under that address...so i add 4 bytes to the address and store in the table health and gave it a name. gg.addListItems(health) gg.loadResults(health) Add the table health in the saved list. And loads it as well in the result list. Adviced to check out the Lua scripting documentation.
  13. I got it first try! Got a group search that gives me 5 pointer results every time and one of them always works. But I'm a bit hazy on the "gg.searchPointer(0)" part. What exactly do I need to do? I am looking at your script and you executed 3 pointer searches. But where does the script show what it's doing to grab that single health value? Like what is the syntax or command that is performing this function? Is it this? address = v.address - 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT
  14. Got it. Glad to hear. Thank you to for continuing with it instead of dropping out halfway. Finding group searches for other members through communication of a forum takes time. Requires a bit of Forward and Back communication. People can get demotivated. You pulled through. Group search was possible to find using my emulator and phone. When searching group search for other person or for your self you need to at least have the game on 2 different devices or virtuals to have some confirmation that your group search is possibly a static one. As far i know in gameguardian a pointer is a value that points to an address in the virtual memory of the process. I don't want to tell you wrong info so i keep it with this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointer_(computer_programming)#:~:text=Pointers are used to store,which objects are dynamically allocated. GameGuardian highlights possible pointers with a colour: https://gameguardian.net/help/help.html#help_hex_colors Pointers are more clear in 64bit games. On 32bit games to many values are highlighted but they aren't all pointers...after some practise you can quickly filter out the none pointers from actual pointers. The pointer represents some object. If you can't find a group search around the value of interest you can follow the pointers which usually will lead to some static values. In lot's of cases the game needs to uses pointer references from an object in order to update for example your health value when you take damage. In GG i used the nearest pointer that had the same distance from the health value on both devices. And kept using "go to pointer" till i saw a block of values that is the same on both devices so i could use it to make a group search. Then what you have to do in the script is use "gg.searchPointer(0)" and this will do the opposite. Instead of going to pointer you will be get all addresses that have a pointer that points to your address. I advice you to check some scripts that uses pointer search and combine it with your manual knowledge on how to use the GG pointer feature. Use the print() feature in the script to slowly debug the script. And use --[[ ]] to ignore code so that you can see line by line what happens.
  15. You are a genius man. It worked! But the sad part is that I have no idea how you did it and I would've loved to be able to learn how to do it myself. Looking at your script nothing makes sense to me as to how you came up with that group search or even how the pointer search is working FYI I've reached my maximum posts for today. So if you reply to me and I can't reply until tomorrow you know why lol
  16. View File Script Days After By : Zetsu Script Days After ARM 64 BYTE VERSION : 10.7.1 Submitter Scodoonk Submitted 01/04/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  17. Could be wrong but it says that there is a character that isn't supposed to be there at line 1. I think you pasted the code in a file and typed some character in it by accident which then caused the error. Please recheck the script. Delete all and past again. If still same error it's odd. Should not be scripts mistake. Perhaps a character got added while copy pasting it. Upload script here if still not work. You can download this one, it's the same script. pointerTest.lua
  18. Execute the script i gave you, and send screenshot of the prompt.
  19. Oke and what about the group search 327,684D;22D;28D;0D;33,554,931D? When you enable all regions and go in match and search. No result? The thing is, the group search and script i have tried on emulator and mobile phone and on both worked. And the values remain same even after restart of the game. So perhaps you have to find your health value and then you have to execute a script i can give you. And then we perhaps find out what for values are at the location of which your supposed to have: 327,684D;22D;28D;0D;33,554,931D. Possible it will be static for you as well. But first check if this group search works when enabling all regions.
  20. Version 10.7.1


    Script Days After ARM 64 BYTE VERSION : 10.7.1
  21. If works test out the script: gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS | gg.REGION_C_BSS | gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber("327,684D;22D;28D;0D;33,554,931D::65", gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.refineNumber("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD) print("Group search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) local grp = gg.getResults(1) gg.loadResults({{address = grp[1].address + 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}) gg.searchPointer(0) print("First Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) gg.searchPointer(0) print("Second Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) local t = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) local sensitivity = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do sensitivity[i] = {address = v.address - 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} end sensitivity = gg.getValues(sensitivity) local healthPointer = {} for i = 1, #sensitivity do if sensitivity[i].value == 1.0 then healthPointer[i] = {address = t[i].address, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD} end end gg.loadResults(healthPointer) print("Results healthPointer: ", gg.getResultsCount()) gg.searchPointer(0) print("Third Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) local res = gg.getResults(1) local health = {[1] = {address = res[1].address + 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT, name = "Health"}} gg.addListItems(health) gg.loadResults(health)
  22. There is no API function for that. If you need it for values that were changed by your script, that can be implemented in the script itself.

    Smash Karts

    This is not a script brother this is the Dump to the game , Which you can easily do with a Lib2cpp Dumper Tool
  24. Hey so i checked the script before trying to update and everything seems to be working well , here are some steps to take to maybe help with crashing or just not working , Make sure your running X64 Bit version of the game Make sure your using the most up to date version of the game Make sure your using the updates version of game guardian and not a custom game guardian (Alot of people using custom GG and this is always sometimes the issue ) If you did all these steps and still nothing take the time to join my telegram and shoot me a DM with video footage of the issue i will help you resolve the issue [ CLICK ME TO JOIN THE TELEGRAM ]
  25. View File Script Game : Archero 1 HIT GOD MODE Submitter Scodoonk Submitted 01/03/2024 Category LUA scripts  
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