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  1. Dosent work. And its updates to 1.1.2a.. but is it an iap mod or.. nothing seems to work for me...
  2. Name of Requested File: Money/Tokens etc.. Link To Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftKIHM Comments: It's another game of gameloft, which is close to Clash of Clans gameplay.. It would be nice if you can mod this baby, and make some money and tokens... Dunno if its possible, can just hope for the best...
  3. So many says the same.. maybe you could work another payment option out dyno.. if people wanne donate but cant because of gg, i think it would be some to consider maybe..
  4. Name of Game: Monster Blade Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nubee.monsterslayer Version: 1.3.3 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Diamond apk Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: There is already an apk mod, which gives you gold Comments: It would be nice, if you somehow could make a mod, which also have diamond included, i think it's possible.
  5. Now let me explain this.. The reason why i posted this thread was, to make people aware of the good job the GG staff is doing.. I think it would be okay to support them by signing a vip+ membership, while all of you who are none VIP expect the same thing of them like we do, but VIP+ is paying for that service.. I pay for games aswell like everyone else, but i want to support a good service i'm getting here.. Ofc its up to the individual to sign a membership, but honestly, i think its a low amount of money for that big work they put into it..
  6. Thanks for the tip man... Always usefull learning some new stuff
  7. Btw.. You get banned .. I just got banned from the game.. so its pointless
  8. Got it to work.. Changed search region to all.. thanks again Dyno.
  9. I have tried everything, it dosent seems to work :/... I go 4byte then fuzzy, spend oil in store screen, but when i find something which looks like, it dosent change value... Can you help?
  10. Good job as ususal.. You da man... Thanks..
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  12. The game detect GG in offline/Online mode, so you cant do much about it before they look into it.. Maybe a mod would be better... I already posted to Dyno..
  13. Dyno when you try to open the game, it detects GG, Maybe the game has been updated and the cheat is Broken..
  14. Im going to try... I'll be back...
  15. Would you be so kind to see if you can find it? It would be awesome, as i think there are a lot of people who is playing this game.. Thanks man
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